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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Michael569 Which whey powders are considered crappy?
  2. @Carl-Richard It is. Same goes for almost every sport on a high level out there. For example running for 5 hours straight like a marathon runner does is not optimal for health either but i guess its definitely less harmful than bodybuilding...
  3. I don't know if Nicocado's story has been studied and been addressed in this forum. His story is a 'truly special case' & very interesting one to study. This guy was a former vegan youtuber but he didn't know to eat properly as a vegan and therefore he was always hungry. This factor and who knows what else lead him to start a mukbang channel where he would be gorging himself with ridiculous amounts of junk food almost every single day for the last 4 years. From a skinny seemingly healthy vegan he turned into an obese non-vegan mukbanger. He is one of the most disgusting figures on youtube has been heavily criticized. Basically he has sold his soul to the devil for money. This is pure devilry right here. Pure ignorance and stupidity at its finest.
  4. @Leo Gura For me its Dairy mostly in the form of yoghurt and kefir. Low calories, low fat , high protein. And super satiating. If i eat a greek yoghurt (i am from Greece) after a regular meal, i never get hungry afterwards. It takes me forever to get hungry. Really helpful for weight loss. And you don't have to waste any time cooking. Its probably the most convenient, most satiating and ''healthy'' food i can eat. Other than oatmeal with takes me 6-7 minutes to prepare.
  5. Mindvalley is probably my favorite company of all time. It really makes me feel optimistic about humanity when i see companies like that. And Vishen Lakhiani is one of my role models. Conscious guy who genuinely wants to improve mankind. I have bough one course called Unlimited Abundance. I haven't finished it yet (3 years now lol) but its really high quality. It really changes the way you perceive reality. Overall i think they are a great company with integrity and with genuine desire to uplift humanity.
  6. Do affirmations work or not?? I read a book from Mark Manson. He basically said that everytime you tell yourself that you are rich, you remind yourself that you are poor. Everytime you said you are intelligent, you remind yourself that you are dumb. Do affirmations work or not? It seems to me that if you are already something, you don't have the need to remind it to yourself...
  7. I get all these conflicting advices from all sorts of different people and ''experts''. Some claim that carbs are the devil. They make you fat. You see some people on high carb diets being fat with diabetes and etc but you also see some of the healthiest and leanest people on high carb diets. Some say that carbs are not the problem. Saturated fats and sugar is problem. You also see people only eating animals products and the other side is saying how they will get cancer and die a painfully slow death.. What is going on? Who is right? I can find contradicting information everywhere. Is heart disease caused by carbs or saturated fats? There is much debate around this topic. Personally i am a believer in plant based diets. They work well on me. No problems whatsoever. But some people can't handle plants so well. I think carbs won't make you fat unless you eat the wrong type of carbs and you can't keep your stomach full or a long period of time. Oatmeal for example will keep me full forever while eating a doughnut won't do nothing for me.
  8. @Leo Gura In the Life Purpose exercise i am doing now, you said to find 3 role models, and then to find the role models of your role models. Thats why i am asking. I think Da Vinci and Walt Disney is definitely on your top list.
  9. You can gains muscles even with a slight caloric surplus. That is whats most optimal actually. The body can't gain too much muscle naturally and it takes 3-5 years to build a considerable muscle mass. So no more than 500 calories surplus is required. Also hitting the gym hard is required. Progressive overload and etc. If you train the same you will remain the same.
  10. @undeather 210*. I think its mostly because of the eggs. I eat meat also but not a ton of it. Other than that i consume some dairy also. I remember that my cholesterol was always kinda high. I think the last time i checked it was 180-200. But i wasn't eating a ton of eggs back then. Now i will cut on my egg consumption and run some more comprehensive tests in the near future.
  11. @undeather That is good info to know the next time i take blood tests!
  12. @Leo Gura Some of these carbs can be helpful for weight loss for many people. As long as you don't overeat them.
  13. @How to be wise By sugar i mean refined carbs. The whole grain carbs and vegetables, fruits are not that big of a problem because they contain fiber and its hard to overeat em. I don't believe that sugar or carbs for that matter make you fat. Calorie surplus will ultimately make someone fat. The problem with eating sugar (table sugar) is that it doesn't fill you. Nobody gets fat by eating apples. Its really hard. But when you add a bunch of sugar and fat into a doughnut , its so easy. You can eat a dozen of doughnuts but good luck eating a dozen of apples.
  14. @undeather I don't know.. I will have to run some more tests. It just says that my cholesterol should be below 170 compared to my LDL. The test i did doesn't show my LDL at all. I think it is a sign of high cholesterol. It's not something i feel constantly. But i've noticed it the last 2 months, especially after days where i have eaten many eggs.
  15. @Michael569 I am more concerned about the prostate cancer thing. Because i eat a lot of yoghurt the last few months because it keeps me full for longer periods of time. Today i had some anxiety over this and didn't consume much dairy lol. But its tough. Because it is a quick, easy , effortless solution for me. You eat a cup of yoghurt and you're done. No more eating needed. Sometimes i find it difficult to remain full without eating some yoghurt at the end of my meals. But maybe this is just a trick my mind plays on me.
  16. @Michael569 Why is that? I like to use whey protein every now and then. Also eating yoghurt vs drinking milk i think is kinda the same thing..
  17. @mandyjw This is why i love Osho's advice that humanity should stop giving birth to children for the next 50 years or something along this line. It would be nice if businesses were not so ruthless and cutthroat as they are. But the society needs to drastically change for that to happen....
  18. @Adodd I have this fear that without dairy and animals products i will be constantly hungry. I know this is not entirely true because i've done some experiements. Its just easier to get your stomach full with animals products.
  19. @Michael569 Solid advice. Thank you. What about dairy? Do you think it poses a health concern or not??
  20. I feel tired sometimes by the lack of love around me. My parents never loved me unconditionally and they rejected some parts of myself. This has created some trauma. Every time that i don't get the love i want, i feel terrible. I feel terrible for not being accepted exactly as i am. The environment around me is not optimal and i am working to change that at the moment. It is really hard to feel unloveable at times. To feel unappreciated. I wish people were more loving in general. The world would me a much better place..
  21. @Adodd I am planning to go vegan or vegetarian in the near future. I already watch some vegan channels on yt. I like the whole movement. Right now i don't have the time, energy and resources to fully commit to it. To be vegan it takes a lot of work and money if you want to buy everything organic. I mostly buy organic stuff but i am not rich. So things like chicken, dairy and eggs make my life easier at the moment.
  22. @Javfly33 I tend to agree with you. This guy in the video has an ideology of scientism. Basically he doesn't see anything wrong with eating burgers or many other junk food. He claims that no food is objectively bad because of some scientific reductionist rationalization. He promotes IIFYM which means you can eat whatever bs food you want as long as it fits your macros and micros lol. I am more open-minded about how nutrition works though. Dairy (yoghurt specifically) is a convenient option for me at the moment. Thats why i am concerned about consuming dairy.. I am worried more about the prostate. I usually buy organic yoghurt but i eat a lot of it.
  23. @Random witch Its brutal. There is not much love circulating around in this jungle.