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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @JayFueel Anything that is not happening in my direct experience right now is a story. It could be a valid story or not. If you were talking about Alexander the great that would also be a story. I believe Jesus and Buddha probably existed. Sometimes myself I pray to Buddha bc it makes me feel good. I don't get too attached to the story though. Because I don't know how accurate it is or not. I think it comes down to a matter of preference. The reason I prefer Buddha is bc his story resonates more with me. I am willingly create the duality between me and Buddha bc I feel like I need the help from someone above me. I don't feel ready to collapse that duality.
  2. @JayFueel I don't know if you are just trolling or not lol. But it would be insane to me that you follow Leo's work and you seem so attached to your stories. This work is about direct experience and not belief.
  3. @JayFueel We could say that Reality embraces rape but not us. We as limited humans can't accept rape and other things which cause staggering levels of suffering.
  4. Will God Punish you if you end up killing yourself? By 'Punish' I mean maybe you'll just be reborn into similar shi**y situations just so you will overcome em in this reincarnation. It seems to me that this life will affect the quality of my next life..
  5. The ego has no control over Reality. I get that. But let's put the ego aside. If I am the creator of the entire universe I would expect to have some insane mind boggling powers and being able to create anything I desire with nobody limiting me. Instead of that I find myself being a human with 0 free will. I find myself being the character of the video game instead of the creator of the video game. Basically it's like I am God and not God at same time. This is how it feels like. Will I ever actually start creating stuff and being more involved into the creative process of God? All of that part seems hidden from us. I want to experience being God proper and not just a character.
  6. @Craigxt22 Ahahaha I can relate. Don't do it man. Your life still has hope otherwise you wouldn't be still alive. Best strategy is improving our lives so we never end up in a terrible situation where we act out from pure desperation. It's tough but hey we are all on the same boat Life is always beautiful despite its super shitt* and uncomfortable aspects.
  7. @lmfao Personally I don't really want to ever kill myself because I love life despite the enormous struggle. Generally I don't have suicidal thoughts But when my life gets really really bad then my mind considers suicide as a viable option. I prefer to outgrow my problems and not give up. Still though there is a breaking point. If you pass it then you can end up killing yourself no matter who you are. People don't understand that those who end up killing themselves are extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely desperate. Your body has this self preservation instinct. It doesn't easily let you end your life. The desperation has to be so severe just so you can override your self preservation instincts.
  8. @Terell Kirby Most times suicide comes from lack of Love but not always. If you end up in a super super extreme shitt* situation with not much hope left then suicide is your only way out. You can end up killing yourself even if you love yourself just bc the suffering is too much to handle and all hope is lost.
  9. Check Thomas Keating centering prayer on YouTube . He was a Christian mystic who recently passed away. Prayer is definitely a spiritual practice helping you connect with God. I usually pray when things get really bad. I just do it to feel better. I don't care if the prayer will manipulate reality.. Prayer shouldn't be so much about scheming to manipulate reality but more about spiritual connection. There are many many different types of prayer. If you find it enjoyable and beneficial keep doing it.
  10. @SelfHelpGuy Basically is Like God is very fair but extremely Brutal. He will give you what you deserve. If you continue being a devil you will suffer enormously just because you will be creating your own misery. And God won't save your a**. He will let you suffer until willingly you change your old ways. It's extremely brutal because God will let you go to the depths of hell if you wish to. He won't stop it. But let's not forget the Goodness. There are always signs from God. And we all know sometimes how to end the suffering but we continue our old ways regardless until we are forced to change by too much pain. Pain is another way Goodness is expressed.
  11. @SelfHelpGuy I think fear can be a really good motivator but it has been associated with negative things. I agree with the idea of positive motivators such as Love. But many times the best motivator, the only motivator that works in certain situations is extreme fear. Tell a cigarette addict that he has a serious health condition and watch him transform instantly. As for the death part, I agree with you on some level. When I awaken though I realise that this righ here is death. We are already dead.
  12. Consciousness. Which is the same Consciousness for all. But I call it individual Consciousness because it has different qualities for all living beings. Ramana Maharshis individual Consciousness was different that Hitlers.
  13. @Tim R Soul I mean the individual Consciousness which is just the Self. Death I mean the end of this dream. It makes sense that each dream can affect the course of your next dream. Maybe the lessons or deep impressions of this life are fundamental to your next step of evolution into the next life.
  14. @Tim R Basically Karma. I think every action has a consequence. There is no free ride. I think that some characteristics of the soul can survive death into the next reincarnation.
  15. @Judy2 I hope I get this chance to be more loving and selfless as a white rich kid in the suburbs and not as a starving kid in Africa.. But that's just my bias...
  16. Sometimes after a strong trip, i begin feeling sad because my ego wants to control God but it can't. And it doesn't want to accept Reality as it is. It prefers Reality was some other fanstastical way where i had more control as God. Even though i know that Reality is already perfect and couldn't be any better, i am still biased against many things and would prefer them otherwise.
  17. I have been watching mma a decade now and i have noticed many different patterns. Conor McGregor is a great example of what happens when you are underdeveloped psychologically and suddenly you get tons of fame, money and power. His huge ego is part of his success but it will also be his demise. He is not gonna have a good end for sure. Unless he changes his old ways. He has attacked a grandpa at a bar for not accepting his drink. And few days ago he apparently punched a DJ in the face. This is a great video of Conor's psychology and his huge narcissism.