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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Preety_India I like this. To add further on what you said: yes in Mexico things are rough. Very little opportunities. Little education. Most people are very poor and underdeveloped . It's definitely a systemic issue. When you have the option between being a poor farmer or making tons of money selling drugs to America then.. The outcome is pretty understandable.
  2. @Apparition of Jack They produce the majority of gore videos in the world right now. They are the most prolific. Isis doesn't even comes close. Most gore sites would go out of business without all the content they get from Mexico. Go to any gore site and you'll see what I mean. It's not insensitive. It's just is what it is. We can't deny this. Mexico has this bad reputation and its a good thing. Because maybe this will change things.
  3. @Windappreciator With so many Billions of dollars to be made there is a LOT of corruption in Mexico. Funny fact is that the Mexican army captured El Chapos son and then had to let him leave. Lol. This would never happen in America. Imagine the army capturing Al Capone and then letting him leave because of some threats. That's how much power they have.
  4. @Windappreciator The situation in Mexico is tragic to say the least. Only solution I see is legalisation of all drugs. And let these scums out of business. If drugs were legal this shit would not be happening. Well done idiots who promote the war on drugs. You are making the most ruthless criminals billionaires and causing untold pain and suffering to hundreds of thousands of people. Future generations will laugh at us and think of us as mentally retarded.
  5. @Derek White No. Are you sure you wanna know? This stuff can really damage your psychological well being but hey.. It's part of reality. Check the link. It only has audio. Don't search for the actual video if you are mentally unstable.
  6. @Mada_ It's on the low side but not too low. It depends on how fast you wanna lose the weight. I was taking 1500 calories at one point and I was a lot heavier than you. Counting calories is not silly because it can teach how many calories each food has. I was shocked when I discovered how many calories are found in fats for example. But it's not sustainable to be counting calories forever. It is only worth it for couple of months until you get a good sense how many calories are in each meal. After that you should understand when you are over eating or not.
  7. You are an inspiration man. Keep it up. I am jealous now.
  8. @Nahm I disagree. In actuality there is time. I define time as the movement of the universe. Time is not just a thought. Also many thoughts represent actual things.
  9. Will i ever live this particular life again?? Or is it just once? Or is it an infinite number of times?? I have heard that everything exists simultaneously. Past,present and future. But this is not my experience. My experience is that times flows only in one direction. Only forward. Shunyamurti has said that the reason we get dejavu is because we have lived the same life an infinite number of times.
  10. I remember Leo saying years ago that every person has actually Zero worth or something along those lines. It's pretty evident that we are not all the same. But do these differences make a person superior to other? The ego can justify whatever atrocities by using this superiority rationalisation. You see inhuman behavior being done to people who are considered less intelligent and etc. It's this twisted logic that because i am superior and way more intelligent or whatever else then i should be able to do whatever I want to you because you are beneath me. I would like if Leo elaborated more on this topic in the future.
  11. @Yarco It's not something to brag about and that's not a matter of debate if you realise the truth of no personal agency, no free will. Nobody would say that i am proud to be 6 feet tall because you didn't do that. It just happened for you. Same goes for everything. If you work 10 hours a day, you don't really do anything. You are just witnessing a movie. If you are born with ridiculous levels of consciousness like Ramana Maharshis, that just happened for you. In this sense we all have the same value. Despite the differences which some are superior than others for survival. There are superior differences relatively but a person or an entity can never claim to be superior than another entity since they both did nothing to have what they have. In other words I can claim to be smarter or taller than you but I can't claim to be a better human being than you. That would be delusional.
  12. @peanutspathtotruth Yes i agree with you. The brutality and the ridiculous levels of pain and suffering can make you appreciate life even more. Personally i don't take ANYTHING for granted anymore because i have lived through some tragedies the last couple of years. In the back of my mind i am always ready for the worst. I expect calamities and things going terribly wrong because that's life. Otherwise I am fooling myself. When we make plans, God is laughing at us. Life on this planet ain't a walk in the park. It has a seriousness to it that you can't ignore.
  13. Life can go wrong for everybody. Being wise and knowledgeable helps. But it is not a guarantee. Life is really a challenge and you can destroy the average person very easily. A health scare Or an illness can derails anyones life. It's easy to be happy when things go your way. When you have your Internet connection, money in the bank account etc. Take all of that and many will commit suicide even if they are conscious. Most people I know are super privileged. They have no idea how terrifying life can become. And the challenges they have faced are childs play. Tomorrow you may get a cancer diagnosis or become paralysed . That can completely destroy your life or not. Some people can't endure too much suffering. Only the strong make it.
  14. @Medhansh Yes in the relative sense we can compare and claim that X person is wiser or taller or whatever else. But also you could look everyone as having the same intrinsic value. Meaning that if i am stronger or smarter than you that's not actually something i should brag about. For example the reason Elon Musk is so gifted is because his parents were exceptionally gifted. He did not do anything to earn that. Of course i consider him more gifted than me. That's not the issue. If Elon was born in some other country with different parents he would not be who he is now. Despite the underlying differences we all have the same worth because of no free will and oneness. Nobody really can brag or take ownership of his attributes and skills. Its just a matter of luck. I am more conscious than the average Joe but this is because i was lucky and stumbled upon spirituality and psychedelics. Therefore I don't consider myself intrinsically as better than others.
  15. World Peace is possible in a society where almost everyone is advanced and conscious as Leo, Vishen Lakhiani, Deepak Chopra, Shunyamurti and etc. That's a tall order to fill but in 3. 000 years we could definitely get there. First we would have to identity as global citizens of this Earth. When we start seeing ourselves as Earthlings and not as Americans, Greeks and all this sort of crap this will eventually change everything. We need everyone on this planet Stage Green and above for World Peace.
  16. @Ananta What do you mean that the Self has no perspective? Can you elaborate please? I thought the Self was all possible perspectives..
  17. Leo is bad at meditation and has gotten poor results from it. His mind is super active. Still though he encourages people to keep on meditating. What he is trying to say is that meditation is not super effective for God realisation which is true for most people. Personally i meditate and will forever do so. Also I am very good at it. My mind is not so active. Meditation builds you mindfulness skills and is healthy for you. You can't trip 24/7. And even if you trip 10000 times what are you left with besides memories ? On the other hand meditation builds you skills for life. Psychedelics are a valuable tool. Meditation is a life long spiritual practice. If your sole reason for meditating is enlightenment then I would advise you stop meditating. I just do it because I really enjoy it and it cleans away the garbage of my mind for a lil while. Meditation won't suit everyone on this planet. But it is wise to choose a life long spiritual practice. Psychedelics alone will only get you so far..
  18. @Ananta Yes but that enlightened person would still be reborn. I don't think you can stop rebirth. Some say Buddha achieved the end of all rebirths but i don't buy that.
  19. @happyhappy It depends on how you define what 'perfect' is. You don't see humans as perfect because you are comparing them with a figment of your own mind. Fantasy will always be better than reality. Of course. Because in your fantasy everything is as your ego wants. But you could see also that humans are an expression of Perfection. If you stop judging and comparing...
  20. @Khan 0 Leo has said that that this exact moment has been existing forever. If this is true I can see myself living this life over and over again forever.
  21. @Ananta What would happen if the liberation variable was true. What would be the actual difference between a liberated person dying and an asleep person dying?? It seems to me there would be no difference at all.
  22. If you take life too seriously you will suffer enormously because many many things won't go your way. If you don't take life seriously at all then again you will be having problems stemming from your lack of commitment and involvement. Personally I don't take my life too seriously. Its very short. Full of things I cannot control. I know it's ending soon so I put it in proper context. I take my life seriously enough to care for it but not too much that I freak out about it. I am always ready for cancer and whatever else bs because that's life. You may have to deal with many unpleasant things no matter what. I can't take the brutality of life too seriously otherwise I start losing my mind.
  23. Right now I am 'having' my own bubble of Perception. How can i possibly know if Leo for example is having his own personal bubble of experience simultaneously? Personally i assume that at this moment there are billions of people each one of them having their own experiences. Leo denies the bubbles of others and claims his experience as the only one and Absolute (from what I have understood ) . But how can you ever find out if others are having their own independent experiences or not? This all seems like something you can never find out.
  24. @Nahm If I were to say that there are no elephants in my room that would not be a belief if there are no actual elephants in my room. But it is different if I were to say that there are no elephants in the entire universe. That would be a belief. Either you believe others exist or not is a belief. How could you possibly ever verify it and know such a thing? It seems like an impossibility.