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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Ananta What would happen if the liberation variable was true. What would be the actual difference between a liberated person dying and an asleep person dying?? It seems to me there would be no difference at all.
  2. If you take life too seriously you will suffer enormously because many many things won't go your way. If you don't take life seriously at all then again you will be having problems stemming from your lack of commitment and involvement. Personally I don't take my life too seriously. Its very short. Full of things I cannot control. I know it's ending soon so I put it in proper context. I take my life seriously enough to care for it but not too much that I freak out about it. I am always ready for cancer and whatever else bs because that's life. You may have to deal with many unpleasant things no matter what. I can't take the brutality of life too seriously otherwise I start losing my mind.
  3. Right now I am 'having' my own bubble of Perception. How can i possibly know if Leo for example is having his own personal bubble of experience simultaneously? Personally i assume that at this moment there are billions of people each one of them having their own experiences. Leo denies the bubbles of others and claims his experience as the only one and Absolute (from what I have understood ) . But how can you ever find out if others are having their own independent experiences or not? This all seems like something you can never find out.
  4. @Nahm If I were to say that there are no elephants in my room that would not be a belief if there are no actual elephants in my room. But it is different if I were to say that there are no elephants in the entire universe. That would be a belief. Either you believe others exist or not is a belief. How could you possibly ever verify it and know such a thing? It seems like an impossibility.
  5. @The Lucid Dreamer ''My own'' bubble of experience exists though and i assume that ''you'' are having your own bubble of experience at this moment.
  6. @Nahm Others bubbles not existing is also a belief then.
  7. @Terell Kirby I am not referring to any ''I'' in particular. Just to the experience of existence itself.
  8. Why Reality has to be so brutal and scary at times? Couldn't the design be different? What is the point of getting tortured in the most horrific way possible by some Mexican drug cartel or what is the point of getting abducted and raped in your way back home as a 9 year old schoolgirl. This is all senseless suffering. Pure misery. Horror movies with a sad end. Personally i am a very sensitive person and have been deeply affected by the senseless brutality around me. Also i have watched gore content which can make you despise God. This brutality , this harshness of life maybe shows that God doesnt really give a damn about our well being which is scary. Reality is so brutal that its not even funny.
  9. @Seraphim If God is allowing this epic levels of torture and pure misery then thats bad news. I don't care if God loves or not torture, epic misery and etc. I don't like it. Nor anyone else. Thats the problem right there. Life on this planet is not a walk in the park. Just the opposite.
  10. Leo has made some contradictory claims on his videos. On instances he has said 'you think you are a human' and on other occasions he has stated how we are so limited by this body and can't love like God. From my experience I am a limited human being or it would be better to say that I have always been aware of a limited human body is with me wherever I go. (deep sleep would be an exception). Any Opinions about this?
  11. @peanutspathtotruth What do you mean by saying that there is nothing substantial in the feeling of the body? By saying that the body is constant i mean that its more constant than pretty much any other object in my perception. I always have felt and seen my body. Its always with me unlike a chair or something else.
  12. @Gili Trawangan When meditating i have tasted this sense of emptiness. Felt like i was an empty canvas. It's really freeing to be nothing in particular for a while.
  13. @peanutspathtotruth Saying that you're a human makes a lot of sense since your body is always with you. The toilet sink, houses, bridges and other people are not. Your body is the only constant thing that you can't get rid of and always stays with you. This is why materialists believes that they are a human body & I can't blame them for that. It's the logical conclusion to make (I'm not saying its right necessarily).
  14. I just read Leo's last post. Personally I take turmeric powder and I live in Greece. Should I keep taking it? I'm confused...
  15. This video suggests that dairy is actually 'pretty darn healthy for you'. But i've heard all sorts of things on the internet. There have been many ridiculous claims made about dairy. The guy in the video has a PhD in Nutrional Sciences so i give him a lot more authority than other fools on the internet.
  16. Schopenhauer says that life is inherently without worth. Is that true?
  17. @iboughtleosbooklist I have recorded videos of myself every day for 10 months straight. It's definitely worth it. You notice certain patterns that you wouldn't notice otherwise and you gain life changing insights. Recording your self is a form of self observation.
  18. Interesting post. I've had some paranormal experiences myself in the past which have left me puzzled and confused. I think there is definitely something to this.
  19. I have little fear of death in general. Even when my heart hurts I don't get terrified of dying. I am very afraid of illness though bc of all the suffering and discomfort associated. The moment when you realise that you are indeed definitely gonna die, that will be the true test of how much you fear it or not. To me death is a liberating thing. I like my life but I don't freak about losing it. I don't view this incarnation as something that should never end. Just the opposite. Death will free me from this life into the unknown which is kinda scary and cool.
  20. @JayFueel A serial killer is a product of environment and circumstances. Its hard to say that anyone chooses to be evil. The truth is that some people have had a really really really shitt* life with abuse and neglect which turns them into monsters. There are no evil people There are only miserable people that can't help themselves spreading that misery everywhere. Imagine that serial killer and how his innocence was stolen from abuse when he was younger.
  21. @JayFueel @JayFueel Many of the things Leo talks about can be confirmed. Take a strong psychedelic and see.