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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Thought Art I don't think God's mind is free of all biases. I think God prefers that we are in a state of ease most of the time. That's why he created pain and suffering as signals to help us navigate this maze towards a more fulfilling life. When Leo says God has no biases maybe he means something I am not understanding right now. What I am interpreting when I hear that God has no biases is that God doesn't care at all about our well being which is very threatening and scary. If that's the case then we are dealing with a God that is stupid. I believe God has bias towards creating the most magnificent dream possible.
  2. @Thought Art God designed it so we dislike pain and enjoy pleasure. We cannot override this system. Nor do I see a reason to override it.
  3. I have only read 2 books by Paulo Coelho. He mentions how everything is written by The Same Hand and how everything is inside us already. A lot of stuff about Oneness and non duality it seems to me. Also he mentions the power of being present. Is he into non duality or not? This dude is a genius. I am really impressed by his writings. Some claim he must be using psychedelics to write so well.
  4. Let's say that i want to master something, or build a new habit like reading every morning. Should i do that every day with no breaks or is it ok to take every week some rest days? And how long should the rest be ? 1 day? 2 days? 3 days? When you 1st begin doing something you can do it for 1-2 weeks straight, but after a while you feel burned out. This video @20:20 said that you shouldn't break the chain of your good habits otherwise this is the start of a bad habit... I think it is not sustainable to do something every day without breaks. For example i can't eat ''clean'' all the time. Sometimes i have the need to eat some sh*tty junk food & It restarts my passion for eating ''clean''. Otherwise massive ego-backlass will happen and i'll binge like a madman for days in a row. Any thoughts and advice?
  5. This is one of the most important videos I've ever watched in my entire life. Everyone should know about system 1 and system 2. Really eye opening. With this knowledge meditation becomes effortless also because you finally understand which system you are using. I wish I knew this when I was 6 years old. I've had many aha moments watching this multiple times over the last few months.
  6. This is real. I have experienced this. It goes hand in hand with denial too. Psychologists are full of crap. Trust your experience. These morons gaslight you. Scientists make all sorts of stupid unscientific claims all the time. 20 - 30 years ago all neuroscientists believed that your brain cannot change after a certain age. It was even written in books if I am not wrong. Now we know better. Aka neuroplasticity. It reminds me of those scientists who claim that you can't remember anything before you were 4 years old or something like that. Total crap. (Although it has some truth to it). Few years ago I had the craziest trip of my life with 2 tabs of LSD. I completelty lost touch with reality after a certain point and did something very inappropriate and embarrassing. Then I went to sleep. The next day I had some memories of the event but because what I did was so embarrassing I convinced myself that it was just a dream. I really believed that it was just a dream. And pushed it aside. Didn't think about it twice. Then few weeks later when I took mushrooms the repressed memory came into the surface and I began crying. It was too painful.. Definitely many things can 'hide' from your conscious mind for years even. It's a trick of the mind. A deception so you don't end up killing yourself. Your mind is constantly blocking and putting aside things you can't handle.
  7. @Kksd74628 There are many things to think about that can greatly improve your life. Thinking is important for survival. There is no one to think.
  8. @Kksd74628 I don't know about that. What i am striving for is a Perfect Balance. You don't wanna be engaging with thinking all the time and get stuck at system 1. It becomes dysfunctional and you end up a conceptual zombie. But also you don't wanna stop using your mind. Its rare to find an individual who has the skill to go back and forth between thinking and not thinking.
  9. @Gesundheit2 Very concise & explanatory. ?
  10. @Preety_India I wouldn't call someone dumb for any mistake. I would only call someone dumb if they keep making the same mistake over and over again. (Have done that too lol). An Ancient Greek philosopher had a saying that basically if you make the same mistake twice you are not wise. Of course when you get burned by a mistake you really want to learn from it and avoid repeating it. So it's very normal to rethink what went wrong. I've made some pretty stupid mistakes also. You are not alone. You are brave for admitting. The other people aren't a lot smarter than you. They just hide their bs better than you.
  11. Hey I can relate a lot with what you are saying. You've had some bad experiences that negatively affected your self esteem. From my perspective there are no dumb people. There is only intelligence. Like there is only height. Some may have more or less of it. The lack of intelligence is a comparison. So yeah we all lack intelligence too. You are intelligent. The dumb comes when you compare with others. Dont do that. Elon Musk is way more intelligent than me in certain aspects . So what? There is always gonna be someone smarter. What you are doing now is an OCD compulsion. You are seeking reassurance. You want to control and get rid of this fear you have about being dumb. This only teaches the brain to be even more afraid. Stop checking and controlling . It's a compulsion and very bad for your mental health. You won't get the relief you want. You will just freak yourself out more. Accept your limitations and shortcomings. Leo is never gonna bench press 300 pounds. I will never become a math prodigy. And that's OK. Also 'intelligent' people make foolish mistakes all the time. We are all fools to different degrees. What you are going through is very understandable. Who wants to be dumb? Everyone wants to be the intelligent one. But the ego must be put aside. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses. I am terrible at math but I have incredible memory. We can't have it all. Look at Elon Musk. He is more like a robot with autism . Find me someone who has the full package. It doesn't exist. There are certain trade offs.
  12. @IAmAtomical The goal is just to be present and not distracted by your active conscious mind. Meditation is not purely concentration. Meditation is a practice of being.. If that makes any sense.. You can concentrate on an object but you do it so you don't get distracted by thoughts. Once you are an advanced meditator you no longer need an object to focus. You just be and its effortless. At this stage for me meditation is both concentration and being or relaxation. I focus on the breath and then I just relax my attention and I am just being without concentrating anywhere specifically. When I don't focus on the breath my awareness is placed everywhere we might say. Noticing thoughts is OK. Engaging with the thoughts is not OK.
  13. The situation in Mexico is unprecedented and NOONE is really talking about it or doing anything about it. Every single day in Mexico there are heads, limbs, fingers, etc being chopped off in the name of Power and Survival. Mexico has become the number one gore production country in the entire freaking world. Mexico is the bridge between Colombia and USA. Because of its strategic location Mexican drug cartels are earning BILLIONS of dollars every single year. In other counties rival drug cartels don't commit these atrocities to each other. Sure they kill each other but usually by shooting. This is what happens when you have criminals competing for billions of dollars. It's on a whole other scale. Truly Terrifying!! https://youtu.be/qAtAhp3kgjE
  14. Bullshittery everywhere. I didn't expect from robots to be full of shit though...
  15. @Vincent S That's not true. There are levels to this. There are levels to pain. It gets pretty gnarly. I don't think a plant suffers that much. Or at all.
  16. @Scholar I just don't like excruciating pain. I am caught in a bind. I know about other animals suffering a lot but its usually not that prolonged. In the hands of a human you can suffer more than Christ. An animal doesn't enjoy causing pain and is not that intelligent. Whether I want or not I am made to have this aversion to pain. Even if you gave me 10 billion dollars right now I would not accept to go through what Kiki Kamarena went through. So yes I am very much human. But human is part of God.
  17. @roopepa It's just the only possibility. The only way anything could ever exist. It makes absolutely perfect sense. When you experience it you have no doubts left any more. Materialism is seen as pure stupidity. It's infinite because it goes on forever. It contains finite parts like me and you. But you are never gonna end. You have an infinite number of lives still left. There is no contradiction there. Oneness means you are everything. Therefore you find yourself getting tortured or typing this comment. You have infinite experiences ahead of you.
  18. @roopepa No. This is not a philosophy. I have become Infinite. That's what God is. It's the only possibility. It's the only thing that makes sense when you experience it. God is everything. Everything is infinity. When you experience it, it's hard to even believe it but Its undeniable. You can switch from being a human to being absolute everything at once. After that experience you are never the same again. If I hadn't personally experienced this I would never believe Leo. Not even in 10000 years You can't imagine stuff like that. It's the ultimate experience of my life. Nothing can compare. That was the most total awakening of my life.
  19. @roopepa Just the mere fact that i will experience these sorts of things one day is enough to make me super interested and curious. Also it's my biggest fear ever. I don't care about death. I actually embrace it. What i am absolutely petrified by is excruciating levels of pain. Pain that is unimaginable. That's what I really fear. After watching Leo's video about the consequences of Oneness I got really really shook. But I got shook way before that. When I took 2 tabs of LSD 4 years ago and I became everything.. Then it hit me.. 'oh shit I am also all the car accidents, all the murders, etc'. That caused me a deep existential terror that I've never felt before. Up until then I was super naive and thought of God only as all the positives. Money, fame, sex, success etc. Lol. That's not the full picture though. I can't say 'oh one day I will get tortured. Now let me return to playing video games and acting like nothing happened'. No!! I can't do that. My mind doesn't work like that. I am really attention to detail focused and kinda ocd. If I am gonna get butchered my mind wants to have an idea how it will feel. I want to come to terms with it. I don't obsess over this anymore. But it's always in the back of my mind. I have this curiosity how bad would it actually be. I don't understand how other people have not paid attention to this and keep living like they're in denial about all of this horrific stuff. I am glad I have faced this. Now it doesn't bother me as much. Still though it is something truly terrifying... Basically my mind is trying to come to terms with it. I feel that this fear is holding me from fully becoming God every time I trip deep. If I conquer this fear then I am no longer a human.
  20. @Windappreciator Maybe with AI, genetic engineering and other technologies this can change. So yes it might not last forever.
  21. @Windappreciator That's impossible to happen. People will always consume drugs, no matter what. That's human nature. Drugs and prostitution should be legalised because they are here to stay forever. We are all drug addicts in a certain sense. When you are in love, you are acting like a drug addict. It's all about chasing certain chemicals if you think about it. Every time I watch a new video, dopamine drips into my brain. This is why Tik tok has exploded. And why youtube has short videos now.
  22. @happyhappy I was careful to provide a link which doesn't show graphic content . Only commentary. Besides not wanting to get banned, I am respectful not to harm anyone by showing them something they are not ready for. The war on drugs will stop soon I believe. If everyone tomorrow was to take 5meo dmt that would change some things I believe. In 100 years I think America will find a a solution to the drug problem. I have faith in future generations. No way they will allow this madness to go on for long. Just wait till we hit stage green. We are getting there in developed countries.
  23. @Knowledge Hoarder There are some Mexican vigilante civilians who have captured and beaten badly drug cartel members. You can look it on VICE. If the people overthrew the government that wouldn't do much I believe. Many politicians in Mexico have tried to fight the cartels but its not working. Its just too much money to be made. You can't easily stop it. Only solution I see is if America was to legalise all drugs tomorrow then that would make the cartels go out of business. Because the main biggest buyer of drugs is America after all. Without America as a client there would be no billions to be made. Imagine if the drug addicts were able to buy crystal meth or fentanyl from the pharmacy instead of shady criminals. Basically American drug addicts fuel the whole gnarly predicament in Mexico.. As far as the motivation for Truth is my love for Truth. My appreciation of what is. Sometimes happiness and Truth conflict. But I also believe they converge after a certain point. The more aligned with Truth the better your life becomes.
  24. @happyhappy We are talking about a very serious societal issue here that affects thousands of lives every single year. No graphic content has been uploaded here. The title was pretty self explanatory from the beginning. Yes it's disgusting. But even more disgusting is acting like it doesn't even exist. That just perpetuates the problem. If we are only here to discuss sugary things then I am very disappointed. This thread ties in nicely with Leo's most emotionally difficult video: The radical consequences of oneness. That video is potentially a lot scarier and more mentally harmful than this thread. Truth has nothing to do with you being happy all the time.