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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @NoSelfSelf Strong sits are great man. I used to do 1 to 2 hours for a period. After strong sits, your focus would be ridiculously elevated. I felt like i lifted 500 pounds using my brain. I strongly believe that if I was to keep doing strong sits consistently for more time,, something remarkable would happen. It definitely elevates your consciousness better than any other sober method. Only problem I found is that I would get these huge ego backslashes that were very unpleasant. I would want to binge on junk food and engage in other low consciousness activity. You can't push yourself to the absolute limit every day unless maybe you are a madman like David Goggins. Or maybe I am just creating excuses for myself.
  2. @Leo Gura But I want to watch that video. Now that it is deleted I just want to watch it even more Ahahaha ?
  3. @Inliytened1 You made some pretty good points that I have to consider.
  4. Those who have had 'normal' parents can't appreciate the fine line between mental health and mental illness. Nor can you ever truly understand a mental illness if you haven't personally lived through it. When I tell people that I grew up with a father who suffered from OCD, most people's reactions are like its not big deal. This just shows the depth of ignorance and misunderstanding. I could go on details how my father's mental illness eroded my self esteem and caused me to develop OCD also.(Now I have recovered from OCD through years of CBT and I am better at handling uncertainty than the average Joe). Or I could tell stories to show the severity of the illness, such as when he would cut my nails, he wanted to make sure he cut the the nails perfectly.(As a result he would cut them so much that I would be in pain for 2 days afterwards). Now I visited my father in another country to make some papers and I currently live with him for a few days. Today he wasted at least 4 hours of my day doing compulsions. He no longer can trust himself and has to check multiple times everything. Imagine being so uncertain that you don't trust anymore that 5 plus 5 equals 10. Imagine getting an answer and having to make sure again and again that you heard the answer correctly. I feel bad for my dad but I can't do much for him. Today I really wanted to sleep so bad but he kept wasting my time on compulsions. The time and energy he expends on these compulsions is just remarkable. I am at awe that after decades of living like that he hasn't committed suicide yet. I lived through ocd for just 6years and I wanted to kill myself at the end because it was constant misery and anxiety. Blessed are those who have had healthy parents. My parents are both dysfunctional. And this has affected me enormously. I feel anger for the card I have been dealt but maybe in the next incarnation things will be much different ?
  5. @PepperBlossoms @PepperBlossoms No amount of shrooms can treat OCD. Shrooms can definitely help by bringing awareness to the problem. But after that you have to stop doing the compulsions which is one of the hardest things to ever do. Ιt took me at least 2 years to fully recover from OCD and rewire my brain. It's very tricky monster to slay. Very very deceptive. I was super lucky that I stumbled across Mark Freeman on yt. A guy who has overcome OCD and now helps others. These OCD specialists, most of them are garbage. They don't fully understand the illness. My dad is 56 years old and has no understanding about OCD. That's basically the problem. I tried mentioning it to him but he ignored me. He will have to go through the depths of hell to recover if he ever chooses to. I just feel sad that people's life become so incredibly miserable because of stuff like that. Whole generation of families get affected. The quality of life drops significantly and You are a prisoner of you mind. Thank you for the advice.
  6. Man.. Everytime i watch a video on YouTube about the sexual marketplace I always regret it. Because I am alwaying listening bad bad news lol. This guy in this video says that women are basically hypergamous and they are going after the 10% of men in terms of money, square jaw, abs, etc. And that they will not settle for anything else. I was thinking about starting pickup but everytime I listen stuff like that I get super discouraged/disheartened and I begin to despise and hate all women. How am I even supposed to approach women when I receive these bad news about women Everywhere on the Internet?? You even hear it from Jordan Peterson and many many others. Basically almost everyone tells you how bad things are for the average man. It seems the 10% of men have all the women. And the rest are left with none. Also I believe Leo is wrong when claiming that most women don't care about money. The stats seem to contradict that. I think I will stick to prostitutes. They are legal in my country. https://youtu.be/Jxgf2YWH8ck
  7. @Leo Gura Be aware of your mindset. Maybe you just want to be truthful to yourself which I understand. After watching this video I really began being more careful what I say to myself. I don't know what your opinion is about this video It seems that mindset can affect more than it seems our Biology.
  8. Besides genetics, I believe also Mindset helps. For example if you believe that what you are eating isn't negatively affecting your health then that Maybe helps to a certain extent. Check out this recent video about Mindset for more information https://youtu.be/dFR_wFN23ZY
  9. @Federico del pueblo Thank you for the encouraging advice man.
  10. @Leo Gura Prostitutes are a lot way cheaper here in Greece but it's not fulfilling. Sometimes there might be connection but when your time ends the prostitute leaves your room. Overall It's a sad solution. She only stays with you as long as you keep on paying - _- lol.
  11. @Petals This is quality advice. Thank you. I have tried picking up girls a few times in my early 20s and got rejected. This made me stop pursuing women and I resorted to prostitutes which do not fulfill me. Now I am 29 and I want to handle this part of my life because time flies. I need to work some things out but I am already preparing to do something. I don't know if I will have the balls to start pick up or not. I know I can do it though. My fears hold me back. I need to work more on myself.
  12. @Leo Gura How do you know that?? How can you even 'prove' something like that to your own self? The logical thing seems to be that you Cannot know if other people are having their own personal experiences or not. Personally i don't know if you are having your own experience right now. But I believe you do. We all share the same Consciousness while having multitude of experiences simultaneously. Are you saying God is having one experience per time?? And not all at once?
  13. Martin Ball said in one video that "God doesn't really care what happens to one individual or another". Thats sounds very depressing to me. Is it actually true? Does God care about us or not? I assume "it" does because of Infinite Love but i don't really know...
  14. I've watched Leo's video about Bias and it left me confused completely. Some things I understood. Some others don't make sense to me yet... For example I see the point in becoming less biased against people of different race. But I don't see the point of even discussing bias about things like sexual aversion or attraction. It's just built into the biological system. Let's make a distinction between Bias towards Mental positions and Bias of The Body. Bias of the body cannot be changed. Your body does not like pain or a knife slicing through your fingers like butter. This is Biology. Not bias. The reason I don't want my moms vagina is because it won't produce the same pleasure and dopamine for me. That's just biology. It's not logic. It's not philosophy. Its not a simple mater of preference. When I prefer normal temperature vs being frozen to death it is simply because the pain of being frozen motivates me to avoid it. My body forces me to like and dislike certain things. Your mind cannot ever like or love getting tortured to death. It's a bodily system you cannot change. How can I ever choose to prefer dying a horrible death by cancer when it feels so gaddamn awful? Even if I choose it still it doesn't change much. Our bodies motivate and force us to like pleasure and dislike pain. Biased or not it makes absolutely no difference. I would like to love everything. Our bodies are not designed this way. God made us biased and we cannot be unbiased to things like enjoying sex or disliking torture. Also if you were to be unbiased then why do personal development? Why take supplements? Why be biased towards understanding? Why treat your illnesses? Simply because you like it. You like certain things. And dislike others. Your body prefers eating ice-cream over a piece of turd. This cannot be changed no matter what mental gymnastics you do. Not liking pain is not a bias. It's biology. Or we could say its a bias of the body that cannot be modified. Only mental positions can be modified. Good luck ever preferring turds over ice-cream or torture over sex even if you are as conscious as Ramana Maharshi. Even he had biases because he had a body forcing him to. It doesn't matter if in the absolute sense everything it's the same. Because we only operate from the relative. In our experience differences exist. Our bodies cannot be fooled into liking everything. Bias is a good thing. That's why you have it. It's part of God's design. God doesn't want you to enjoy pain. It's meant to be unpleasant. Therefore it's not a mere matter of a simple bias.
  15. @Breakingthewall Finally someone giving me an answer. I find it absurd when i read comments from some other users of this forum that the flowers are not intentionally watered by God and stuff like that. It is like saying that the Sun was created unintentionally and by luck it provides life to billions of creatures. This is nihilism. Not God. God has no preferences over parts of Reality but he CLEARLY has a preference on how he wants the Universe to unfold. If God was not biased nothing could exist. If i was to design something i would be very biased and intelligent about how i go about it.
  16. @lostingenosmaze Yeah that's why you should be careful man. If it's so understandable for you then give me an answer on the question i just asked Leo. I bet you have not understood my point yet.
  17. @Leo Gura I am not sure i am interpreting what you said here correctly. Doesn't it care at all???? Then why am i at ease most of the time. Generally you feel good (at least physically) inside your body. And when you don't you usually die quickly. If thats the case then we are all screwed and should not be able to sleep again because of existential terror. What about Goodness and Infinite Intelligence and Design? You said reality is Good and Paradise. And what you are describing here is Hell. Worse than Hell actually. Is God a Psychopath who does not give a damn about his Creation? Then thats worse than nihilism. At least with the Christian God you can sleep well at night. If God designed this reality then he cares on some level for his creation to be as Good as possible. If I was to design a car I would be biased towards creating an excellent car. This analogy is similar to the creation of the entire Universe. So how can God have no biases and not care? I don't think I understand what you mean when you say that God has no biases. I understand why God would not prefer one part of Reality over another part. But still it's not anything goes. God has a preference in how he wants the Universe to unfold. This video of yours talks about a Biased design of the entire Universe. Is it still true? https://youtu.be/ywHfNSwcCS8
  18. @Kksd74628 Actually it's really hard to kill yourself. Your body won't let you easily do it. It's called self preservation instinct. Therefore our bodies are extremely biased towards Survival. You cannot deny the obvious. Even if you decide to see the body as one system or as a subset of the cosmos it does not matter. Do you think that its an accident that you sit on this planet, inhaling this air and digesting your food right now while surfing on the Internet ? If God had no bias towards that then none of that would occur. As I said before God is not stupid. Nothing is random in this Universe. It's not anything goes. If it was anything goes and the flowers somehow grow then we don't even need a God for that. We have materialism atheism for this. God cares enough for the flowers so that they exist otherwise they would not even exist. Of course that does not mean God cannot destroy them at any time also. Still though it's a Will. Not dumb luck that makes the flowers exist. God has no biases in the sense that he loves us all equally BUT clearly he has a bias towards the Best Dream Ever Possible. And that's why Everything works so perfectly with no glitches.
  19. @Thought Art @Thought Art We are all biased. Thats the point. Even God is biased in some way. Its not anything goes. All possibilities doesnt mean no preferences over the best dream possible. God would be stupid if he designed the universe without a preference. He is not biased in the sense that he treats us all equally. But i am talking about smthing else here. God is biased towards the best dream because 'He' is intelligent.
  20. @Kksd74628 I am not denying my biases. Biases of the body as like not enjoying pain are undeniable. Also there is no 'you' But there is a body that is designed in a very specific way. It needs biases to survive. I am a puppet of the body. So is everyone else. The body is a force of nature and it wants to survive. Good luck changing that.
  21. @ChrisZoZo Yes the video was one of his best. But i find it super confusing. For the last 7 years Leo has been creating Biased content towards living the best life and Understanding. And now with this video it left me completely puzzled. What would it even mean to have no biases? Does that mean its fine to live the worst life possible too? How would you even Choose what to do next if you were to have no biases?? This is very threatening and negates his previous work in a way.
  22. @Leo Gura Could you elaborate some more please? Isn't the point of all this work we are doing to live the best life possible(which is a bias)?? If you were not to prefer one thing over another then how would you even live? What would you even choose or desire? How would you even make a Choice what to do in life?? This is why it makes no sense after a certain point. If you were to love everything the same you would be paralyzed by indecisiveness. You would be a total madman. I know you said that we cannot remove all biases. And thats because it would be pure insanity.
  23. Very good trip report.