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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Inliytened1 I am not awake and my ego is not clinging to some awake status expressing how awake it is to everyone. My humility overrides any narcissistic tendencies I have. Leo's narcissism is just getting stronger after his last awakening. I can tell by his face expressions. I could be wrong. But it is suspicious to claim how woke you are. As for the God part, I think that the dream doesn't change physically either you awaken from it or not. Sure there is a recontextualization though and you could be happier than ever.
  2. @Leo Gura Usually I would get offended by this post but clearly you do not have a subjective experience and you do Not exist. Right? Clearly you did not write this because you do not exist. And you are talking to me who I do not exist from your pov. My experience in Greece right now you are denying. Maybe if you could answer some questions I would be mature enough to understand. But you are contradicting yourself. Just answer this, do you exist? Yes or not? This ends your solipsism if you answer yes (my opinion).
  3. How can Leo say others do not exist? If I don't exist then who is typing this message. If Leo doesn't exist then how come he has answered my messages many times before?? How can I have a conversation with Leo then???? If you who is reading this message do not exist then how are you typing an answer right now? If Others do not exist then how Leo's videos are getting views and comments? If you were to murder someone, you would also have the experience of the person you murdered.. Right now I have my experience. This is undeniable. And Leo is having his own experience. Everything else simply does not make any sense whatsoever. Therefore others exist. That's the logical conclusion. Or at worst case scenario we could say that it's impossible to to know for sure.
  4. @Kksd74628 OK so what you are suggesting is that you are not having an experience right now and I am just talkng to a fantasy. Makes perfect sense. You clearly do not exist and you are not having an experience right now. I think you exist but you clearly don't. These answers are just responses from my fantasy and not from you. If I video Call you, and see your room, you clearly don't exist. It's all my imagination. lol
  5. @Nahm @Nahm Nonsense it is not. On one hand you say that it would be non sense to confront my fear of gore and on the other hand you say that i am running from my shoes... ?
  6. @Explorer_42 I don't know who exists per say. I know that there is an experience happening for me at this very moment. And so is for you. Are you having an experience right now? Yes or no? I could go on denying your answer but I am not gonna do that.
  7. @Snader Easier said than done. It's not easy to ignore stuff he says when you take his content seriously. It will affect you.
  8. @John Paul He does not exist. Who are you even typing this message to? Your experience is the absolute. Mine experience right now doesn't exist either. I must be deluding myself into thinking that I am typing this atm ?
  9. @Yarco When I say 'you' or 'i' I mean God, One Being who has multiple experiences simultaneously. Of course you could deny my experiences but I wouldn't go that far. This isn't computer code. Personally I believe you are having an experience right now and therefore you typed this message. Thats what makes sense to me.
  10. @SgtPepper Yes there is One Being. You are God. I am God also. But I cannot deny your experiences. We are one but clearly we are having different experiences right now. I am typing this from Greece. And you are reading this from somewhere else. Tomorrow I will be eating X food and you will be eating Y food. Hope this makes sense. Leo denies others experiences from what I understand. But as I said before. If he can say that he does not have an experience right now then his solipsism holds water otherwise it does not. Because I am having an experience right now for sure.
  11. @RMQualtrough I think God is aware of everything simultaneously right now . And that my experience is not absolute. I think God is aware of your experience and mine right now at this very second. You are not imaginary. And if you are then you are not any more Imaginary than I am. Imaginary or not makes no difference when everything is imaginary. We could also call it real.
  12. @allislove If there is no difference then why am I not conscious of what Leo is doing right now? I am only conscious of me and have only been conscious of me my entire life.
  13. Are you having an experience right now?? Yes. So I am. I doubt that someone would deny that right now I typed this message. Solipsism makes no sense. I dare someone to tell me that they do not have an experience right now.
  14. @Nahm Few days ago, I felt a pain in my teeth so terrible that I was scared of pain in general afterwards. There are levels to pain and suffering. Just imagining some stuff I can see how worse it can get.
  15. @allislove This is different. If I am aware of Leo and mine experience right now, then this makes sense. But Leo is even denying my experience which I do not understand at all and makes no sense.
  16. @Leo Gura If I don't exist then who is typing this? And Aren't you having your own experience right now?? You cannot answer no to this question. Therefore others exist. You are sitting in America in front of a computer or phone right now reading this. And I am sitting in Greece right now.
  17. @Ima Freeman I've watched gore content in the past and was left horrified and speechless. It does something to you that nothing else does. Nowadays I avoid watching graphic content but I believe it's worth watching it few times in your life if you are into Truth. If you are just into survival then you can act like these things don't happen and all these videos do not exist.
  18. @Nahm Of course there are nasty parts of God. Imagine getting abducted and tortured by Los Zetas. You will experience a pain so horrific that it's beyond human comprehension. A pain so great that you will regret having been born in this existence.
  19. For the last 1 year I have personally struggled with sleep issues and I have gained some knowledge about this whole sleep thing. I am writing this maybe so I can help a potential insomnia sufferer. First all there is this myth that you should sleep 8 hours per day which is untrue. Secondly there is a LOT of fear mongering. Many people online tell you how you should sleep and that if you don't sleep bad things will happen to you. This just creates more stress and worry and makes people paranoid about sleep. As a result people have a lot harder time falling asleep. When you try to control sleep and check every single detail like an OCD madman it usually backfires on you. People who sleep the best are those who don't give a damn about sleep. If they have a bad night of sleep or few bad nights they pay no attention to it. And it resolves itself. If you have a bad night of sleep and you get paranoid about it, you just stress yourself and end up not sleeping because of all the anxiety. We should not create pressure on people to sleep. It just makes things worse. There is a balance that is missing nowadays among health nuts. Take care of your health but if you an OCD freak about it you will end up miserable and with worst health. It's a paradox that the less you care about something the better your results. Also there are people who suffer with insomnia for decades and are still healthy. Take it easy. Sleep is one part of equation. Your mindset also matters a lot.
  20. Being asleep is the best thing in the entire universe for me. I do not care if other people accuse me of being an escapist. I love sleep more than anything. If I could sleep most of the time I would not mind. The peaceful nature of sleep is better than any drug, sex or food.
  21. I disagree. If you are at the bottom of the pyramid like most of us are then it's very emotional difficult to pay that kind of money. Personally it was emotional difficult for me to even pay the 250eu for the course. I even know people with financial success who would think twice before giving money for a course that it is not guaranteed to deliver. People will pay money for material things very easily. But for digital products they think twice. For the average dude living in my country 1000 eu Is lot of money. People work for 1 to 2 months to make that kind of money.
  22. @Leo GuraCan you define high quality porn please.
  23. God is scary. Infinity includes your worst nightmares. Torture. Decapitations. Rape. Poverty. Disease That's the whole challenge of existence in a nutshell. I am in awe of God when I take psychedelics. I see the radical nature of reality. Its truly Godlike.
  24. I have not watched the video but I would like to. I think Leo is getting corrupted in order to maintain a certain brand. If you create something, it means that you want it. But then after few reactions you delete the video. Leo doesn't go all the way. But I think if you value Truth above everything you would be willing to go all the way like a Gandhi, Jesus, CheGuevera. I see survival concerns overriding Truth and corrupting Leo's work to a severe degree. Now we will be left with content that it's not too distressing to anyone ego. But that's not what attracted me to Leo. What attracted me to Leo is that he would say things that noone else would dare to say. Like the consequences of oneness episode. Now that appeal seems to be disappearing. Maybe Leo was a lot more brave when he was younger. I don't know. They say people become more fearful as they age. Also I noticed some abuses of power by him on this forum. And he calls fear, caution in many cases to justify his fearful behaviour . That's just my observations. Maybe I am wrong in some regards. I expected more from Leo. Obviously he has done an amazing work. But he is not the hero I thought he was. No disrespect to him. I am also not brave enough to die for a noble cause. Actualized is first and foremost a business. That's what I realise more and more. Its not super revolutionary because that would mean bad consequences and bad business. Unfortunately none of us is truly Godlike. It's too much to ask from mortal humans who want to survive.