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Everything posted by Serhii

  1. I have been using iSmartLife application and I have gathered the information about what I have been doing, when, how, with whom. It’s a very simple application, you can make notes, set goals, initiate projects and tasks in it, etc. Demo: Info: Here are some articles that I wrote during use: Efficient work. In search of the ideal process. Step by step I follow my goal. Planning of personal goals, projects, tasks. Dream, plan, act. Yes, the app is completely free and in the demo, you can see all the functionality and understand whether it suits or not... Hope this will be helpful...
  2. In the article "Efficient work. In search of the ideal process.", I describe my process used to achieve my personal goals, planning, performing tasks and projects not related to my work. What is your process? How do you monitor and improve it?