Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. Being is an Existence, a Suchness Being means no reaction, no mental activity that defines who or what one is. In fact, Being is not an activity at all; it is an existence, a suchness, a thereness, a Presence that is not doing anything to be there. Since Being is itself existence, it does not need the mind to be there. It is like a physical object, which does not need the activity of mind to exist. Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 57 Being is Fundamentally Beyond Mind, Beyond Discriminating Knowing In recognizing that pure awareness is nonconceptual, we discover new and surprising truths about Reality. We see that our being is fundamentally beyond mind, beyond discriminating knowing. We see that, since nonconceptual awareness is the ground of all manifestation, Reality is independent of our minds, and manifestation is not the creation of our thoughts. Without manifestation there would be no awareness, and since awareness is ultimately nonconceptual, the forms in manifestation are not conceptual either. This is a radical discovery. It illuminates the Reality beyond our individual minds, revealing that the differentiation in manifestation is beyond mind. We do not need discriminating knowing to perceive differentiation. Differentiation is inherent in manifest reality, and it ontologically precedes the dimension of basic knowledge, the nous dimension. The basic knowledge of pure presence simply adds discrimination to the already present differentiation of forms in manifest reality. The Inner Journey Home, pg. 328
  2. An Important Difference Between the Mind and Being These fantasies, beliefs and misinformation actually accompany almost all internalized object relations to some extent. Internalized object relations are rarely true representations of actual events or relationships. One’s memory traces include all kinds of ideas, fantasies and images that never had an objective reality. Another source of extraneous material comes from the psychic processes of organization and integration themselves. These processes modify the original object relations as more impressions are internalized. This is necessary for the integration of object relations units of various affect and content. This extra material, whether it is attached to actual memories of object relations or consists of pure fabrications, cannot be absorbed into Being. This is an important difference between the mind and Being. The mind can absorb and identify with any psychic material it believes to be true. It does not have the capacity, on its own, to discern what is objective truth and what is not. In other words, the mind can be deceived, even by itself. Being, on the other hand, is pure reality. It is the actual stuff and consciousness of truth, and cannot be deceived. It does not try not to be deceived; it is simply truth by its nature, a self-conscious medium made of pure sensitivity. Any falsehood, that is, anything which is not the objective truth of what actually happened in past interactions which produced a particular object relation, is felt in comparison to Being to be dull, gross and distasteful. When one is in contact with Being, these falsehoods are felt to be lifeless, thick and heavy veils in comparison to the luminosity of Being. Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 163
  3. No sir, I definitely meant masochist because of the relentless demands it makes on a person that never seemingly ends ,,,, 7 days a week, weekends, and holidays, etc.,,, I don’t believe I was projecting either or hope not. It was meant more as speculation or an imaginative conjecture. A Dairy farmer who turned vegetarian reminds me of the paradoxical nature of awakened people. I just reread it and saw he shut down his dairy. That makes sense because I don’t think a vegetarian would have the Will and fortitude to operate a Dairy. This isn’t meant as a put down towards vegetarians, though. I appreciate the example and dedication to non-violence they bring to everyone through their embodiment of that choice and way of living.
  4. 3 options for each - All free - I culled out the sites that require mandatory email address Birth chart calculators - Need time and location of birth for better accuracy https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php https://alabe.com/freechart/default.asp https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online Numerology calculators - Just enter birthdate for life path number https://cafeastrology.com/numerology2/ https://calculator.numerologist.com/ https://seventhlifepath.com/ I found out I have no planets in houses associated with air 3 fire3 feminine7 earth5 cardinal1 air0 fixed4 water2 mutable5
  5. Someone who has let go of thinking mind and replaced it with being,,,,,,,?
  6. To operate a Dairy you have to be fairly masochistic. Among different kinds of farmers I would bet the highest number of natural Saints would be among Dairymen. IDK,,,
  7. Atlanta Rhythm Section
  8. I’ve shared this in the past in High Consciousness Resources. It’s a great sampler for the whole set. Listening to this complete set repeatedly to a ridiculous extent, years ago, probably grew me more than any other single work. Description of the whole set from Sounds True. Link is below. One of our greatest possibilities, teaches Wilber, is "to balance and harmonize our experiences at whatever stage of growth we are in—and to deepen our capacity for compassion, consciousness, and care." For Ken Wilber's many avid readers, and anyone who has been waiting for a highly accessible invitation to his work, here is one of the most significant thinkers of our time—spontaneous, passionate, irreverent—sharing a feast of ideas to inspire you on your evolution toward Kosmic Consciousness. Kosmic Consciousness Highlights: The "one taste" of the Kosmos Quadrants, lines, states, types, and stages—a complete introduction to the Integral Map Assessing your constellation of "multiple intelligences" The Good, the True, and the Beautiful—three realms of experience explored How meditation works, and why it is the most reliable tool for personal development Feminine and masculine drives—how our biology influences our spiritual evolution The chakra system, a paradigm for the unfolding self Integral insights for artists, businesspeople, and athletes Altered states of consciousness—how they can catalyze (or hinder) transformation Sexuality and lovemaking in the gross, subtle, and causal bodies The"pre-trans fallacy," an essential insight for evaluating spiritual tools, traditions, and teachers How fearlessness grows as your sense of self expands Four definitions of spirituality The ego—is it a vehicle or an obstacle to awakening? Lucid dreaming, astrology, brain machines, and the Enneagram—integral perspectives Mystical experiences in nature—a window into spirit How love "re-wires" the self Could your dog be an enlightened master? Basic moral intuition—a compass for our actions in the world Cultural "centers of gravity" and how they influence us Reincarnation—myth or provable phenomenon? What does an enlightened teacher "transmit"? Ascending, descending, and "nondual" spiritual paths Tantra and the "embrace of heaven and earth" More than 12 hours of insights in a rare series of meetings with Ken Wilber https://www.soundstrue.com/products/kosmic-consciousness
  9. I wanted to bump this thread and so I randomly picked some of the text to post. III. Love without Conflict 1. It is hard to understand what “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” really means. ²This is because it is not understandable to the ego, which interprets it as if something outside is inside, and this does not mean anything. ³The word “within” is unnecessary. ⁴The Kingdom of Heaven is you. ⁵What else but you did the Creator create, and what else but you is His Kingdom? ⁶This is the whole message of the Atonement; a message which in its totality transcends the sum of its parts. ⁷You, too, have a Kingdom that your spirit created. ⁸It has not ceased to create because of the ego’s illusions.⁹Your creations are no more fatherless than you are. ¹⁰Your ego and your spirit will never be co-creators, but your spirit and your Creator will always be. ¹¹Be confident that your creations are as safe as you are. ¹²The Kingdom is perfectly united and perfectly protected, and the ego will not prevail against it. ¹³Amen. 2. This is written in the form of a prayer because it is useful in moments of temptation. ²It is a declaration of independence. ³You will find it very helpful if you understand it fully. ⁴The reason you need my help is because you have denied your own Guide and therefore need guidance. ⁵My role is to separate the true from the false, so truth can break through the barriers the ego has set up and can shine into your mind. ⁶Against our united strength the ego cannot prevail. 3. It is surely apparent by now why the ego regards spirit as its “enemy.” ²The ego arose from the separation, and its continued existence depends on your continuing belief in the separation. ³The ego must offer you some sort of reward for maintaining this belief. ⁴All it can offer is a sense of temporary existence, which begins with its own beginning and ends with its own ending. ⁵It tells you this life is your existence because it is its own. ⁶Against this sense of temporary existence spirit offers you the knowledge of permanence and unshakable being. ⁷No one who has experienced the revelation of this can ever fully believe in the ego again. ⁸How can its meager offering to you prevail against the glorious gift of God? 4. You who identify with your ego cannot believe God loves you. ²You do not love what you made, and what you made does not love you. ³Being made out of the denial of the Father, the ego has no allegiance to its maker. ⁴You cannot conceive of the real relationship that exists between God and His creations because of your hatred for the self you made.⁵You project onto the ego the decision to separate, and this conflicts with the love you feel for the ego because you made it. ⁶No love in this world is without this ambivalence, and since no ego has experienced love without ambivalence the concept is beyond its understanding. ⁷Love will enter immediately into any mind that truly wants it, but it must want it truly. ⁸This means that it wants it without ambivalence, and this kind of wanting is wholly without the ego’s “drive to get.” 5. There is a kind of experience so different from anything the ego can offer that you will never want to cover or hide it again. ²It is necessary to repeat that your belief in darkness and hiding is why the light cannot enter. ³The Bible gives many references to the immeasurable gifts which are for you, but for which you must ask. ⁴This is not a condition as the ego sets conditions. ⁵It is the glorious condition of what you are. 6. No force except your own will is strong enough or worthy enough to guide you. ²In this you are as free as God, and must remain so forever. ³Let us ask the Father in my name to keep you mindful of His Love for you and yours for Him.⁴He has never failed to answer this request, because it asks only for what He has already willed. ⁵Those who call truly are always answered. ⁶Thou shalt have no other gods before Him because there are none. 7. It has never really entered your mind to give up every idea you ever had that opposes knowledge. ²You retain thousands of little scraps of fear that prevent the Holy One from entering. ³Light cannot penetrate through the walls you make to block it, and it is forever unwilling to destroy what you have made. ⁴No one can see through a wall, but I can step around it. ⁵Watch your mind for the scraps of fear, or you will be unable to ask me to do so. ⁶I can help you only as our Father created us. ⁷I will love you and honor you and maintain complete respect for what you have made, but I will not uphold it unless it is true. ⁸I will never forsake you any more than God will, but I must wait as long as you choose to forsake yourself. ⁹Because I wait in love and not in impatience, you will surely ask me truly. ¹⁰I will come in response to a single unequivocal call. 8. Watch carefully and see what it is you are really asking for. ²Be very honest with yourself in this, for we must hide nothing from each other. ³If you will really try to do this, you have taken the first step toward preparing your mind for the Holy One to enter. ⁴We will prepare for this together, for once He has come, you will be ready to help me make other minds ready for Him. ⁵How long will you deny Him His Kingdom? 9. In your own mind, though denied by the ego, is the declaration of your release. ²God has given you everything. ³This one fact means the ego does not exist, and this makes it profoundly afraid. ⁴In the ego’s language, “to have” and “to be” are different, but they are identical to the Holy Spirit. ⁵The Holy Spirit knows that you both have everything and areeverything. ⁶Any distinction in this respect is meaningful only when the idea of “getting,” which implies a lack, has already been accepted. ⁷That is why we make no distinction between having the Kingdom of God and being the Kingdom of God. 10. The calm being of God’s Kingdom, which in your sane mind is perfectly conscious, is ruthlessly banished from the part of the mind the ego rules. ²The ego is desperate because it opposes literally invincible odds, whether you are asleep or awake. ³Consider how much vigilance you have been willing to exert to protect your ego, and how little to protect your right mind. ⁴Who but the insane would undertake to believe what is not true, and then protect this belief at the cost of truth? (ACIM, T-4.III.1:1–10:4) This was taken from this page- https://acim.org/acim/chapter-4/love-without-conflict/en/s/82?wid=toc
  10. A couple of light and breezy tunes for the early morning,,
  11. To get an understanding of the pre trans fallacy while learning the Spiral Dynamics model helped me to have an understanding that truly felt like resolving several disparities at once. It grew my Worldview and stretched my frame of reference. It seems that the impersonal aspects that come into play in the trans personal stage and states are often misinterpreted by others as being cold and uncaring. Just one more aspect of the pre trans fallacy. Thunderstorms have knocked out my electric. I’m pecking away on my cell phone with not a whole lot of battery left.
  12. Matthew 18: Jesus said - Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
  13. A Mystic that I’ve studied once said that in turning the other cheek that in itself can teach the other a lesson they might never forget. He also did if they hit him a second time,,, to paraphrase,,, He’d knock the shit of them. This also reminds me of Ken Wilber once saying during an interview in which they touched on being passive. “ If you’re in a bar and see Hitler and you happen to have a baseball bat,,whack the boy!
  14. I think it’s spot on,,,, If you have anything to share and would like to please post it here to keep this thread going,,, ?‍♂️
  15. Even though I’ve lived out of both camps and understand their perspectives It seems I unintentionally find a way to where both the SD Orange materialists and the SD Green environmentalists both eye me with suspicion. Watched this YouTube yesterday and found it more than a little interesting. Being someone who has sprayed a lot of herbicide, especially Roundup. It was disturbing even though I’ve been aware of the claims in the last couple of years against Monsanto because the herbicide seems to be more of a carcinogen than previously thought. In my I CHING reading this morning. I just got one hexagram 14- Possession in Great Measure. Here’s just a small price of it.
  16. "A hair's breath of difference and Heaven and Hell are set apart. Kundalini = Prana = Kundabuffer = imagination Kundalini + 3 Centered Awareness = Holy Prana = The capacity for objective Reason Imagination in the human population is an example of a gift also being a curse. As I’ve stated before, to me anyhow,this at the heart of George Gurdjieff’s message in his magnum opus All and Everything: Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson. An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man. Kundalini energy is actually the culprit. It’s the cause of people becoming all big eyed and start spouting off what’s what. As if they’re the only one who actually knows. I’m not exempt from this either. I had a worse than average case of this beginning twenty years ago. The two Giants that march ahead of us, One’s own pride and vainglory clear everything ahead so we can lay down our customized bullshit born out of imagination as we stroll through. The intensity of one’s own life as it’s been lived provide the parameters and motor fuel for this highly customized roadshow. I’ve watched myself do this and it’s painful. It’s so undeniable though, that there is no place to hide. Everyone is this way. It’s behind that phenomena that shows itself as my guru is better than your guru. Or, these are all the books I’ve read and it all makes perfect sense. I don’t give a shit about the books you’ve read because the profundities that struck me in reading the books I’ve read is proof positive. But this is never stated outright. Our inner used car salesman knows better. In our own way, we’re all just a bunch of imaginary experts running around pontificating and spouting off like a roomful of drunks where everyone is talking and nobody is listening. What’s the answer? Just keep plowing on ahead but quit bullshitting yourself and observe one’s own lived life with brutal honesty. In the end it has to come from each of us anyway. The expression one’s own individuality data from one’s own Self completed Causal body. To quote Ocke de Boer: “Whatever I say about this will never be enough, but I will tell you what I think about this from my own experience and you will have to make your own disparity with that. To make your own disparity with something is to reconcile something from Reason-of-knowing to Reason-of-understanding. You need the Reason of knowing to receive an idea. You need your own individuality-data to reconcile it into your own understanding. Your understanding and real I are one, according to Orage. The expression of your own individuality needs to be third force of your life. The result of work is that knowledge becomes understanding. To learn to get our two-natured system (planetary and astral bodies) accustomed to higher states, we have to learn to become collected.” So there’s a possible road sign. The capacity for becoming collected and having inner quiet. Whenever you observe someone who can at least produce this in themselves occasionally, they are on the way. And everyone else? They haven’t truly stepped onto the path yet. They’re still starry eyed and drunk from the earth shaking, yet exquisite subtleties of their own imagination drawn out of everything which comprises their personal history.
  17. Thinking for oneself Being able to accurately guage other humans with a healthy feeling center/ honing intuition Being an adept in the use of duct tape and baling wire Repurposing materials into something useful and practical Knowing the language of the smile Be ok with solitude
  18. @Shin I copied the picture from a post you made a couple of years ago.
  19. Excuse me and please convey this sentiment to your dog. The dog in the above picture fascinates me. He has presence.
  20. Thank you for this kind of engaging which helps stretch my frame of reference and ability to discriminate and sometimes but not always articulate. ?✌️I’ve maybe crawfished some in order to not reach conclusions. I need to ponder some more whether what’s being pointed to is prior or beyond and the experience of it beyond or before concepts and its relation to the nous and more stuff I can’t put into words at the moment.
  21. Excuse me for disagreeing with nearly everyone on just about everything mentioned here. Doesn’t awareness and the inseparable content of awareness = monkey mind, basically? Or maybe being identified with or unable to detach from unconstrained imagination? A product or result of Centering prayer meditation as well as Zazen for many practitioners is nonconceptual awareness or as it’s sometimes called objectless awareness. What about awareness with or without being? I’ve experienced inner quiet simultaneously with a felt sense of being or presence but I wouldn’t call it a state of pure awareness although awareness was present. Pure awareness without concepts or beingness would be - the lights are on but nobody’s home,,,? I’ve experienced that before, also.
  22. My bad
  23. @Shin‘s dog just showed up out of nowhere!
  24. There are several excerpts about awareness and pure awareness in the Ridhwan Glossary. Awareness and the Nonconceptual Pure awareness is an aware ground, an aware medium that doesn’t know what it is aware of and doesn’t discern one thing from another. By nonconceptual I do not simply mean not mental, not constructed. I mean the barest minimum of sensitivity, the ground that is simply the capacity to be aware, to perceive. Therefore, by nonconceptual we mean non-cognitive. There is perception, but there is no knowing, no cognition of any kind. Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 355 https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/awareness Pure Awareness that is Not Aware of Itself The Absolute is a pure awareness that is not aware of itself, but it is aware of anything that comes out of itself. The moment consciousness arises, the Absolute becomes aware of it as pure light, pure radiance. So you can be the Absolute being aware of the nonconceptual. Or you can lose the Absolute and become just the nonconceptual. You can be just the nonconceptual experiencing the nonconceptual, which you experience as just pure awareness without anything to know. Or you could be the nonconceptual and be aware of the Absolute. And then you know the Absolute. That is how we can talk about the Absolute and its absence of qualities. At any level of experience, you can perceive both the more superficial realms and the next deeper realm. Except if you go to the Absolute, there’s only one way to go, which is towards the more superficial. If you are in the personal mind, there’s also only one way to go, which is towards the deeper. The Absolute is the most fundamental, and the personal mind is the most superficial. Diamond Heart Book Four, pg. 346 https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/awareness-pure