Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. Please excuse me for not explaining myself better. I meant it as a right brain abstract thing. I guess, too abstract,,, In the lyrics of their song they keep referring to the yellow that they see. Connected with their emotional tone. and other hints in the song. It was meant to be positive. Didn't aim at all to offend,,,,
  2. I have a thick skull or a one track mind. To me this still points to 'aspects of essence'. Side note: Arnold Keyserling said Euclid was one of the greatest assholes in history because he invented arithmetic. I found the Humor in this because I can't do math at all beyond basic math.
  3. I don't KNOW this. But evidence suggests to me when George Harrison, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty and Jeff Lynn got together and temporarily formed The Traveling Wilburys, on one of their extended weekend get-togethers they smoked something unique and all saw the same thing. Resulting in this song.
  4. This sounds very similar to the Cosmological side of Gurdjieffs knowledge. He taught the 'Ray of Creation' descending from the Absolute on an octave of seven. Which is a basis for the law of seven that is also called the law of Octaves, displayed by the enneagram. I thought of this the other day when someone mentioned always having difficulty with a 'super effort' aim of no fap at a certain stage. This is telltale aspect of the law of seven. On the enneagram there is a space which relates to resistance against ones aim in time. Any aim. Knowing about this allows one to complete aims more often instead of going in a circle. Im going to stop here and ponder on all this.
  5. Wow! I could barely follow you on some of that,,, but regarding some of what you summarized below, I've left my interpretation of what to me seems a close match. I also could be off in left field from what you're saying,,,, I do that a lot of times in my interpretations. Anyway, In following the Ridhwan School Diamond Approach on my own, my experience has matched some of what Hammed has written in his books. More so with the Psychological explanations than with the ontological experiences. Being is Presence. Presence is made of Being. Being is composed of Essence. Essence has qualitative aspects, flavors of essence /essential aspects- Strength, Compassion, Merging, Peace, Intelligence, Will, etc,,, I was going to do it in my oun words but have decided to use one of his Glossary quotes to finish my point so I can then ask, does this relate to your interpretation of Spinoza? Absorption of all Essential Aspects into the Personal Essence So the capacity to be without this ego sense of self eliminates selectivity in one’s personal experience of essential qualities, opening the consciousness to an unlimited range of qualities. The absence of inner selectivity due to cessation of the feeling of self, coupled with the openness to expansion due to disidentincation from ego inadequacy, allows a new possibility of realization. It makes it possible to complete the process of personalization of Essence, which is the absorption of all essential aspects into the Personal Essence, or the synthesis of all aspects into a personal presence. The essential aspects now constitute the very substance of the Personal Essence. One not only feels one is a full personal presence, but that this very same presence includes the presence of Love, Joy, Strength, Compassion, Merging, Peace, Intelligence, Will, Consciousness, etc. Aspects are simultaneously personalized, with their capacities and functions integrated. This is a condition of completeness, of an amazing degree of integration. One is full and firm, strong and soft, sweet and warm, and so on. One is a complete person. This does not mean that one’s personal presence from now on is always this complete state. It indicates that one is able to be present in this expanded state of Being. The Personal Essence is an organic and fluid presence; there is no rigidity in it at all. All its states, through the whole process of its realization and development, are available to it now, manifesting according to the situation. Practically, this realization allows the capacity to be personal in any of the essential aspects, or any combination of them, depending on the demands of the situation. The complete state of the Personal Essence brings a perception of one’s presence as preciousness, beauty and regality. It is no wonder that the Personal Essence is called in some stories, the Princess Precious Pearl. Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 391
  6. Cynthia Bourgeault gives great instructions on the practice of Centering Prayer In the spiritual circles I've traveled through. No one seems to appreciate Ocke deBoer the way I do. In this interview Iain Mcnay doesn't seem to get Ocke at all. I'll admit that in this interview, Ocke is not very articulate but I think it's because English is not his primary language. His two books HIGHER BEING BODIES and TWO SOULS are treasures to me. Two quotes from HIGHER BEING BODIES "If you could float above the earth and become aware of all the negativity that is going on, you would never laugh again. The world is ruled by negative emotions." "This is the difference between us and the angels. Angels are perfectly made and, therefore, naive and stupid; they can only do what they are made for. Humans have many more possibilities. There is more joy in heaven for one perfected human being than for a thousand angels." From Paul Beekmans review of HIGHER BEING BODIES There is much more in his work to recommend in a brief review. For me I found refreshing the fact that Ocke makes work on oneself appear a potential source of pleasure. As he proclaims; "Absence of joy is slow suicide." Nothing could stir one's appetite to work on the self more than this statement. Understanding his own joy so transparent in his work, is the most persuasive reason to read his book. The book contains many other "homey" statements of this sort that speak well to the reader who is not deep into Gurdjieff's language. For example, Ocke suggests how to put meat on the skeleton of consciousness. He would free his reader from the prison of identification. He contrasts the head brain's radiation with the heart brain's emanation. He tells us the difference between inner and outer memory. the solar soul that can be developed over the lunar body that is destined to dust. This is finally. a book written by one who knows and cares for those who care but do not know yet how to work on themselves.
  7. Being is an Existence, a Suchness Being means no reaction, no mental activity that defines who or what one is. In fact, Being is not an activity at all; it is an existence, a suchness, a thereness, a Presence that is not doing anything to be there. Since Being is itself existence, it does not need the mind to be there. It is like a physical object, which does not need the activity of mind to exist. Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 57 I picked one of the shorter excerpts. There are some other excerpts about 'Being' that are longer and are really rich. https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/being
  8. I've never looked into Spinoza but from what you said, I'm reminded of Ken Wilburs mention of the Causal realm. Modern day Christian mystic Cynthia Bourgeault has used the term Imaginal realm. The Imaginal/ Causal realm,,, Hanna Moog and Carol Anthony with their revised ICHING-The Oracle Of The Cosmic Way writes about the realm of the atom as the realm of Consciousness and manifestation,,,,,
  9. Your statement pointed at a deep core truth of the human condition according to the mystic Gurdjieff and many different articulations of it by others in the last 100 years. Charles Tart is one. In case you're interested and have time I'll share a great article of his about this. http://www.lawsofwisdom.com/course-overview/opening-statement/the-problem-of-the-subtle-sybil-effect/ It also connects with Charles Tart being one of the first pyschologists to experiment legally with dropping acid in an early academic study.
  10. That's two good ideas! A collection of good ideas could be like ,,um,, say, multiple dimensions existing intertwined in a singular holon.
  11. I like the idea of multiple dimensions existing in one holon reality.
  12. I empathize. i say I empathize because I've had those did you see what I see kind of experiences and the frustration of trying to communicate something about it. Starting with my language right there which begins to alter things. It's more of an experiencing than a seeing. We human critters with our subtle energy centers are provided with an infinite variety of awakening experiences it seems in regards to discovery of the subtle realm. My languaging but ,,, you get my drift,,, Castenada,,, Shaman language might say that your assemblage point shifted on the outside of your energy 'egg'.
  13. I can equate Awakened Conscience with the Buddhists ideas of Karma and Dharma and vow of non violence.
  14. If I had been born 20 years later, I would have been diagnosed as having aspergers. Arrested development also as a teenager by staying altered on alcohol and drugs 90% of the time. I have the tendency to be an introverted recluse who finds comfort in solitude.
  15. @Hellspeed I agree, law of Karma @Quantum_fluctuations I'll relate a bit of my path to what you said through an Ocke de Boer quote. I study Gurdjieff and esoteric Christianity like Ocke does. He's been doing it a lot longer than me. Ocke: We arouse the intelligence of the Spiritual Witness through the practice of ‘I AM’. Through ‘I AM’ we can get access to the universal ‘I AM’. This will bring us a more stable presence and therefore an intuitive intelligence, which is called the intelligence of the Heart. This intelligence will teach us to live from Conscience – that is, to do the Will of the cosmos. Our cognitive intelligence is way to slow for this process. In Regards to separate self. I am not my body. I am not my thoughts, feelings or sensations. There is a false personality that dies after we awaken. Rebirth is the Realization of the Pearl beyond Price. It is the personal essence of Being which has Individuality based on understanding. This understanding is connected to Conscience-- which is universal-- same everywhere Awakened Conscience is real Conscience Culture indoctrinates acquired Conscience into people, which is different from culture to culture. Conscience can be awakened with the law of three or ternary metaphysics's by adding a third force of neutrality to polarity consciousness. Pain is felt even more but ones understanding is greater.
  16. Your plan sounds reasonable although I'm completely ignorant about copyrighting and web development. In my experience, quick, drastic change rarely 'sticks' but transformation is definitely a word that better describes how change can be lasting. Transformation occurs more definitively when it happens gradually and in concert with continuity of consciousness. Arnold Keyserling put it-- We forget our aim because we change personalities every 5 minutes all day long.
  17. We are nearly all conditioned by Patriarchality. I realize this more when I can put myself in a woman's perspective and just sit with it for a while.
  18. Please excuse me if this video has already been shared. I discovered it a couple of years ago. For those who are new to the subject, it lays out some very convincing and disturbing conclusions.
  19. I'm Actualizing as a 3 brained being,,,,, The following is from chapter 4 of Chance and Choice. http://www.chanceandchoice.com/course-overview/brain-and-mind Consciousness is in the Head, Awareness is in the Whole Body. In order to experience and live in Awareness we have to shift the emphasis from ego in the head, to Self in the belly. The lower stomach is the center of movement situated at the level of the Sacrum, the "sacred bone", also called the "Hara". This is why whole body awareness - the critical first step on the path of Wisdom of knowing your body - must be attained by all who would fulfill their full human potential - use all parts of their brain. The Brain-Mind is the slowest; the Heart and Blood Mind is quicker; but the Belly-Sacrum Mind is the quickest. In crises, the Body-Mind takes over. This is why the Sufi tradition used to force a man into a crisis, a mortal danger, in order to force a shift from the left brain into body Awareness. Example: You are driving a car fast around a corner. You see a truck stopped in the road. You can barely pass. Immediately the Brain and Affective Mind stop. The Body Mind takes over, you instantly swerve, and you pass the truck by a few inches. At a certain distance you stop. Your Affective Mind, your heart, starts beating quickly and you visualize what could have happened. Five minutes later the Brain Mind takes over: Why did that bastard stop in that place without putting a sign up before the curve? If you had tried to drive with your Brain mind, you would be dead already. The survival instinct violently shifted you from your normal abode in the Brain Mind, into the Belly Mind. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Zigzag Idiot Primary point - Most of us need to get out of our head. Not just one time,,, but everyday The method is through sensing the body, one can get out of their head and become grounded through their physicality. The more one senses the body, the more subtle awareness we develop and the more stable one's inner quiet becomes. Sensing not feeling. As it sounds,,, it begins with something that sounds so boring, it's just disappointing to hear about it. That's the ego trying to preserve itself. This drab door we open is into the realm of Being and we become amazed at first when we realize how things are. Sensing not feeling! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20. In the Aquarian Age, Spiritual Guru's are passé. Friendship is paramount. The procession of the vernal equinox point in the Cosmic Year proceeds backwards clockwise through the constellations: 72 years for one degree, 2,160 for one "cosmic month" or sign, and 25,920 years for the whole Zodiac. The 26,000 number corresponds fractally to the number of breaths in a day. The history of Neolithic Man, of Humanity from a global point of view, covers five completed ages, and as mentioned has just entered the sixth stage. SIX AGES OF COSMIC HISTORY 8838 - Clan - Animism 6678 - Tribe - Vision Quest 4518 - City - Book of the Dead, Writing 2358 - People - Ritualization of Life 198 B.C. - Empire - Messenger of God 1962 A.D. - Humanity - Technology, Personal Way Humanity is now in the global technological civilization of Aquarius/Body Thinking, the age of spiritual democracy. In the new age we have to integrate the five former historical ages like the traumas of personal life in psychoanalysis.,,,,,, (Zigzag Idiot - The above makes me think of Spiral Dynamics on a historical scale of known current Human Civilzation.). ,,,,,,, In the Aquarian Age of Body Thinking, with technology, everyone has to find his personal way, starting from the dark towards the light. The age of Empires is dying and being replaced by global consciousness, a one world network of friends - Spaceship Earth. Today the individual is paramount and the differences between people are accepted and affirmed. The myth of Satan versus almighty God is exploded. The individual now finds and creates their own way. Evil can now be recognized as the personal shadow which has to be integrated with the help of psychology. Beyond good and evil, a person can be grounded in the infinite, Zero, in God. Today we find God by tuning into the basic time cycles, and discovering our basic mental gestalt, our meaning and purpose in life. In the Zero dimension the individual can find their roots in CHI, in the capacity of Self Organization. They can travel full circle from a limited ego, little "I", disassociated with the Self, onto the Zero - the Self - where the false ego is shattered. Then the way goes back from out of the Self into the true Ego, the big "I". The big "I" is in contact with the Self and includes the "I" of all others in the Universe. With the holistic Ego fully present in the fourth dimension, a person finds fulfillment by development of their unique potential, their personal path. In the Aquarian Age this path involves creative fulfillment by some type of personal service or work of some kind - work for the earth and all of nature, including human-kind. Instead of mastery and loyalty common to the last age, work and friendship are the common denominators of this age. The friendship of equals replaces the parental or schoolmaster discipline of the last age. This emphasis on friendship has already begun to transform all of society. The trend will continue as the archaic institutions of the past decay and are replaced by dynamic new structures in tune with the times. The transformation has begun on all levels, including the spiritual disciplines. For example, the School of Wisdom is a gathering of friends based on individual understanding, tolerance and merit. Followers are discouraged and adherence to specific dogmas and authoritarian lineage is anathema. The transformation has already had strong effects on the family where friendship is the new basis of both husband-wife and parent-child relationships. It is effecting business where the boss-employee relationship is becoming friendlier and less polarized-hierarchial. It is effecting world governments where the enemy us-them mentality is dying in favor of global cooperation. The holistic view of friendship on all levels has arrived - between all of humanity with each other, and between humans and all other forms of life on this planet. In the Aquarian Age ecological awareness re-emerges in importance on a global level. We are not masters of nature, we are her friends. This even applies to our technology, as our machines and computers become ever more user-friendly. The Piscean Age of industrialism and empire - which was at the end severely polluted and unfriendly to the Earth - is dead or is dying. So we should not be concerned with trying to destroy the old age, the old ways. That is inevitable. It naturally follows the Progression of the Equinoxes. Instead, we should be concerned with building solid structures to replace the old. Our new structures will last if they are based on environmental awareness and are friendly to the Earth and all forms of being and consciousness. The new historical era started on February 4, 1962 with a solar eclipse over New Guinea. At that time all of the planets, except for the trans-Saturanian ones, were located at 15 degrees Aquarius. There is no need for an apocalypse, and no need to wait for a future age of coming good. The New Age is already here, the potential is at hand. All that is needed is understanding and work to fulfill the new potentials. From: Chance and Choice - A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Wisdom Revealing the Meaning and Significance of the Myth of Science http://www.chanceandchoice.com/ Arnold Keyersling, a student of Gurdjieff, put this book together with his Student at the time, Ralph Losey. Arnold Passed away in 2005. In 2003 Ralph sent me a VHS tape of Arnold giving a talk entitled From Human Potential To Human Actualization.
  21. As soon as the mind's word mechanism is destroyed, love, the natural condition of the mind appears. - Oscar Ichazo A starter kit for love. Just become quiet inside.
  22. @peanutspathtotruth Glad to see others quoting Almaas. The Courageous Heart is Independent The courageous heart is independent of what the other person does and what the other person thinks of you. To have a courageous heart, you need to accept a certain kind of aloneness, a certain kind of independence. With the courageous heart, you are so independent that the person can do all kinds of unpleasant things but you can still see the reality. In that independence, the feeling is that you have to give constantly, regardless of what the other person does or what the situation is. Diamond Heart Book Four, pg. 203
  23. Is Stage Green A Weird One for Men (Spiral Dynamics)? Being a nerd hillbilly in a red - blue hillbilly culture, it wasn't a simple and easy unfolding sort of thing.
  24. Leaving aside any claim of enlightenment,,,, Maintenance. If I don't boss my Automaton into sitting still in Centering Prayer twice a day, it has a runaway.