Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. Your plan sounds reasonable although I'm completely ignorant about copyrighting and web development. In my experience, quick, drastic change rarely 'sticks' but transformation is definitely a word that better describes how change can be lasting. Transformation occurs more definitively when it happens gradually and in concert with continuity of consciousness. Arnold Keyserling put it-- We forget our aim because we change personalities every 5 minutes all day long.
  2. We are nearly all conditioned by Patriarchality. I realize this more when I can put myself in a woman's perspective and just sit with it for a while.
  3. Please excuse me if this video has already been shared. I discovered it a couple of years ago. For those who are new to the subject, it lays out some very convincing and disturbing conclusions.
  4. I'm Actualizing as a 3 brained being,,,,, The following is from chapter 4 of Chance and Choice. http://www.chanceandchoice.com/course-overview/brain-and-mind Consciousness is in the Head, Awareness is in the Whole Body. In order to experience and live in Awareness we have to shift the emphasis from ego in the head, to Self in the belly. The lower stomach is the center of movement situated at the level of the Sacrum, the "sacred bone", also called the "Hara". This is why whole body awareness - the critical first step on the path of Wisdom of knowing your body - must be attained by all who would fulfill their full human potential - use all parts of their brain. The Brain-Mind is the slowest; the Heart and Blood Mind is quicker; but the Belly-Sacrum Mind is the quickest. In crises, the Body-Mind takes over. This is why the Sufi tradition used to force a man into a crisis, a mortal danger, in order to force a shift from the left brain into body Awareness. Example: You are driving a car fast around a corner. You see a truck stopped in the road. You can barely pass. Immediately the Brain and Affective Mind stop. The Body Mind takes over, you instantly swerve, and you pass the truck by a few inches. At a certain distance you stop. Your Affective Mind, your heart, starts beating quickly and you visualize what could have happened. Five minutes later the Brain Mind takes over: Why did that bastard stop in that place without putting a sign up before the curve? If you had tried to drive with your Brain mind, you would be dead already. The survival instinct violently shifted you from your normal abode in the Brain Mind, into the Belly Mind. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Zigzag Idiot Primary point - Most of us need to get out of our head. Not just one time,,, but everyday The method is through sensing the body, one can get out of their head and become grounded through their physicality. The more one senses the body, the more subtle awareness we develop and the more stable one's inner quiet becomes. Sensing not feeling. As it sounds,,, it begins with something that sounds so boring, it's just disappointing to hear about it. That's the ego trying to preserve itself. This drab door we open is into the realm of Being and we become amazed at first when we realize how things are. Sensing not feeling! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. In the Aquarian Age, Spiritual Guru's are passé. Friendship is paramount. The procession of the vernal equinox point in the Cosmic Year proceeds backwards clockwise through the constellations: 72 years for one degree, 2,160 for one "cosmic month" or sign, and 25,920 years for the whole Zodiac. The 26,000 number corresponds fractally to the number of breaths in a day. The history of Neolithic Man, of Humanity from a global point of view, covers five completed ages, and as mentioned has just entered the sixth stage. SIX AGES OF COSMIC HISTORY 8838 - Clan - Animism 6678 - Tribe - Vision Quest 4518 - City - Book of the Dead, Writing 2358 - People - Ritualization of Life 198 B.C. - Empire - Messenger of God 1962 A.D. - Humanity - Technology, Personal Way Humanity is now in the global technological civilization of Aquarius/Body Thinking, the age of spiritual democracy. In the new age we have to integrate the five former historical ages like the traumas of personal life in psychoanalysis.,,,,,, (Zigzag Idiot - The above makes me think of Spiral Dynamics on a historical scale of known current Human Civilzation.). ,,,,,,, In the Aquarian Age of Body Thinking, with technology, everyone has to find his personal way, starting from the dark towards the light. The age of Empires is dying and being replaced by global consciousness, a one world network of friends - Spaceship Earth. Today the individual is paramount and the differences between people are accepted and affirmed. The myth of Satan versus almighty God is exploded. The individual now finds and creates their own way. Evil can now be recognized as the personal shadow which has to be integrated with the help of psychology. Beyond good and evil, a person can be grounded in the infinite, Zero, in God. Today we find God by tuning into the basic time cycles, and discovering our basic mental gestalt, our meaning and purpose in life. In the Zero dimension the individual can find their roots in CHI, in the capacity of Self Organization. They can travel full circle from a limited ego, little "I", disassociated with the Self, onto the Zero - the Self - where the false ego is shattered. Then the way goes back from out of the Self into the true Ego, the big "I". The big "I" is in contact with the Self and includes the "I" of all others in the Universe. With the holistic Ego fully present in the fourth dimension, a person finds fulfillment by development of their unique potential, their personal path. In the Aquarian Age this path involves creative fulfillment by some type of personal service or work of some kind - work for the earth and all of nature, including human-kind. Instead of mastery and loyalty common to the last age, work and friendship are the common denominators of this age. The friendship of equals replaces the parental or schoolmaster discipline of the last age. This emphasis on friendship has already begun to transform all of society. The trend will continue as the archaic institutions of the past decay and are replaced by dynamic new structures in tune with the times. The transformation has begun on all levels, including the spiritual disciplines. For example, the School of Wisdom is a gathering of friends based on individual understanding, tolerance and merit. Followers are discouraged and adherence to specific dogmas and authoritarian lineage is anathema. The transformation has already had strong effects on the family where friendship is the new basis of both husband-wife and parent-child relationships. It is effecting business where the boss-employee relationship is becoming friendlier and less polarized-hierarchial. It is effecting world governments where the enemy us-them mentality is dying in favor of global cooperation. The holistic view of friendship on all levels has arrived - between all of humanity with each other, and between humans and all other forms of life on this planet. In the Aquarian Age ecological awareness re-emerges in importance on a global level. We are not masters of nature, we are her friends. This even applies to our technology, as our machines and computers become ever more user-friendly. The Piscean Age of industrialism and empire - which was at the end severely polluted and unfriendly to the Earth - is dead or is dying. So we should not be concerned with trying to destroy the old age, the old ways. That is inevitable. It naturally follows the Progression of the Equinoxes. Instead, we should be concerned with building solid structures to replace the old. Our new structures will last if they are based on environmental awareness and are friendly to the Earth and all forms of being and consciousness. The new historical era started on February 4, 1962 with a solar eclipse over New Guinea. At that time all of the planets, except for the trans-Saturanian ones, were located at 15 degrees Aquarius. There is no need for an apocalypse, and no need to wait for a future age of coming good. The New Age is already here, the potential is at hand. All that is needed is understanding and work to fulfill the new potentials. From: Chance and Choice - A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Wisdom Revealing the Meaning and Significance of the Myth of Science http://www.chanceandchoice.com/ Arnold Keyersling, a student of Gurdjieff, put this book together with his Student at the time, Ralph Losey. Arnold Passed away in 2005. In 2003 Ralph sent me a VHS tape of Arnold giving a talk entitled From Human Potential To Human Actualization.
  6. As soon as the mind's word mechanism is destroyed, love, the natural condition of the mind appears. - Oscar Ichazo A starter kit for love. Just become quiet inside.
  7. @peanutspathtotruth Glad to see others quoting Almaas. The Courageous Heart is Independent The courageous heart is independent of what the other person does and what the other person thinks of you. To have a courageous heart, you need to accept a certain kind of aloneness, a certain kind of independence. With the courageous heart, you are so independent that the person can do all kinds of unpleasant things but you can still see the reality. In that independence, the feeling is that you have to give constantly, regardless of what the other person does or what the situation is. Diamond Heart Book Four, pg. 203
  8. Is Stage Green A Weird One for Men (Spiral Dynamics)? Being a nerd hillbilly in a red - blue hillbilly culture, it wasn't a simple and easy unfolding sort of thing.
  9. Leaving aside any claim of enlightenment,,,, Maintenance. If I don't boss my Automaton into sitting still in Centering Prayer twice a day, it has a runaway.
  10. A month ago I finished a group reading and study of Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson. This Law of three is connected with us being what he called 3 brained beings or 3 centered beings. Intellect and feeling, grounded in sensation of body. The human condition Gurdjieff taught is that we are unbalanced and always rely on our strong suit,,, our comfort zone in terms of how we exist when we're on 'autopilot'. Either overweighted in intellect, emotion or preoccupied with the physical body. If we don't channel kundalini through a balanced 3 centered awareness, the result is (Kundabuffer) imagination run amuck. We get all big eyed and full of shit about everything, especially oneself. I wish I had known of Leo's - Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal, to share with the other members of the reading group, which I watched this morning. Leo describes perfectly what Gurdjieff was trying to teach. For whatever it's worth, my formula at the conclusion of 'The Tales' - Kundalini = chi = Prana = Kundabuffer = imagination Kundalini + 3 Centered Awareness = Holy Prana Holy Prana leads to higher understanding. Gurdjieff used the term Holy Prana in 'The Tales' but he composed the book in a confusing and difficult style to read forcing the reader to work at untangling it all.
  11. I like a lot of things Maurice Nicoll said in his Psychological Commentaries On The Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. One of which was: "We have a right not to be negative." It meant for me that I don't have to take something in a negative way. Even something considered very unpleasant. It also means I can communicate unpleasant things and not be emotionally negative.
  12. Drawing on fuzzy memory of the wording of a good one liner I heard years ago, I think it goes,,, One's relation to paradox is a barometer of one's enlightenment.
  13. Slipping past the collective ego as a universal heretic We Have to Risk the Aloneness and the Terror of Being Totally on Our Own To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic. You don’t believe in the ultimate reality of any concept. You can assume any belief you find useful and attractive, but you don’t need to hold on to any of it. Without being captured by your beliefs, you are strong enough and confident enough to throw away any and all beliefs and perspectives, each and every philosophy and story. You can stand totally alone, completely independent of all that comes through the mind, through time and space. This station of realization is difficult and rare. Most of us don’t have the nerve to lose our minds. Although terrifying, it is necessary for true freedom. We have to risk that we may be wrong. We have to risk the aloneness and the terror of being totally on our own. We have to risk cutting all of our supports, burning all of our bridges, destroying all of our boats. They are all ultimately and fundamentally concepts that come from hearsay or, at best, from our own past experiences. Even the concepts and knowledge that have come from our own immediate experiences cannot be relied on. That knowledge is like Buddha’s words—old, unless corroborated in this moment. Maybe a week ago you had an experience of realization, but how do you know that will be the same today? Who said that God won’t change or that self-realization should continue being the same today? In other words, we cannot hold on to any concept past our direct experience of it; otherwise, what we’re doing is believing a story. Whether someone else’s or our own, a story is a story, not true reality here and now. To be truly independent and autonomous, we need to be free from the concepts acquired from others as well as our own past experiences. Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 63
  14. You got a point there. I always overlook the obvious,,,
  15. As a westerner, I can say this. Were mostly a bunch of undisaplined,shallow, entitled, materialistic, complainers. Trump is possibly a subset of Hopeless Idiot, the objectively hopeless idiot, because he was been consumed by his own egotism. I don't think Trump is capable of putting himself 'in another's shoes'. He's cut off from his Conscience.
  16. @benny That's a good point. Awakening is painful. As a hypothetical- Whats laid out in Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson is that kundalini feeds our imagination and this very customized thing keeps us asleep. When we really see "the terror of the situation" we can never sleep comfortably again. Kundalini has to be processed through 3 Centered Awareness for it to become it's rightful substance - "Holy Prana" From a Egyptian Sufi named Dzoû’l Noûn, who lived in the 12th century: “All men are dead, except those who know. All those who know are dead, except those who practice. All those who practice are dead, except those who act. All those who act are lost, except those who act with righteous intent. And those who act with righteous intent, are all in grave danger.” @Sahil Pandit How late is too late?
  17. Great question! First off I think the west is tilted more into the pathological masculine and are more cut off from their feelings and subtle intuition. It seems to me western culture really encourages men to repress their feelings more. Especially in the past. The west is too neurotic, thinking dominated. Mostly shallow thinking and too much glibness.
  18. In my inquiry I've noticed that complaining just perpetuates itself. I used to be a world class complainer until I realized how much 'good' it did. Complaint just perpetuates negative emotion. My endocrine type (adrenal-mars) are people who see the glass half empty. But there is a difference in that and expressing negative emotion. Adrenal types are often people who can't sit still for long especially if they are moving centered,,,,, oops that's adding in another typology. It was touched on in the 5 Fools YouTube though. When I first started doing Fourth Way self observation, I typed myself as an Intellectual type. But further down the road when the emotional pendulum was really gettin it, I thought I must really be a person with a center of gravity in the emotional center. We all have a psychological blind spot. Be horrified,,, it's true. My blind spot kept me from seeing that my center of gravity was in the instinctive center as it's called in 'The Work'. The instinctive center is subdivided into physical instinctive-sexual-moving (how we move;coordination ) Fouth way work involves a lot of sucky information like psychological blind spots. People get offended when you point out evidence of their own spiritual sleep. Being able to refer to oneself as an idiot or a fool is a way of working on self importance. Being self important wastes a lot of energy. Most everyone reading this already knows that. Complaining is a form of self importance.
  19. You say the hill's too steep to climb Chiding! You say you'd like to see me try Climbing! You pick the place and I'll choose the time And I'll climb The hill in my own way just wait a while, for the right day And as I rise above the treeline and the clouds I look down hear the sound of the things you said today Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd, smiling Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round, frowning and who's the fool who wears the crown Go down in your own way And everyday is the right day And as you rise above the fear lines in his brow You look down Hear the sound of the faces in the crowd You'll never walk alone,,,,,
  20. It is safe if both parties are striving Fools. Those who are working on themselves. A perfect Idiot is a Realized Idiot. Realized Idiot has awakened Conscience and is not concerned with appearances of being self contradictory. A striving fool or a Perfect Idiot will walk into the street and point at a sign and say, "That sign is crooked."
  21. Martin Butler began his Corporeal Fantasy channel anonymously but revealed his identity a few months ago. Here is a little more of is foolishness.
  22. Through self observation and inquiry becoming aware of deep and life long semi- or unconscious defense mechanisms of a schizoid splitting off as well as adoption of different forms of Grandiosity to compensate for insecurities. Both are very common though. The schizoid splitting off is that -stick your head in the sand like and ostrich- tendency. As well as the -pretend it didn't happen- kind of behavior. Grandiosity beginning in early childhood with adopting the Persona of Movie Heroes or Protagonists. Default return to pretending I was Captain Kirk or Spock from about age 6 onward. Star Wars came out when I was 10. Lots of mileage from it,,, Luke, Hans and yoda. I enjoyed pretending that I was Grady from Sanford and Sons also, for some reason,,, It was painful and humiliating to integrate and process how far into adulthood these unconscious mechanisms went.
  23. @tsuki Thanks! I,m listening to and enjoying the Alan Watts YouTube.
  24. A few centuries ago, the Greek word idiotes referred to a simple or private man and derived from the word idios which means to be "of one's own" or particular or special. "To be declared an Idiot is a compliment of the highest degree - it means that one is not sharing the common illusions which sedate us all but rather has found his or her private, unique individuality." - From Bruno Martin. The word fool has also been used interchangeably by a few attempting this path since Gurdjieffs death. link to fragments about Science of Idiotism and a little about Gurdjieff https://selfdefinition.org/gurdjieff/quotes/science-of-idiotism.htm Will Mesa's contribution to this Idiocy,,,, https://willmesa.wordpress.com/2015/04/18/on-idiocy-and-idiots/