Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. I don't know? I like Hans Wilhelm's expression- the father/mother god "Forgive them, they know not what they do" - Isn't that for all of us to say? In regards to those in spiritual sleep? At times, I think the Gnostics had it right and Jehovah was just a bum,,, maybe black sheep of the family, who had an uncle overlooking him until he gets it right,,,,,? And didn't Jesus go to India for a few years to get his tune up before his three year ministry? I don't know? Sadhguru said, "You must not destroy, I do not know" I don't know? I'm getting very sleepy. Now I lay me down to sleep.
  2. I have a friend who is from Saturn. She is kind of the serious type. Very responsible,,,,
  3. I love this! You're real, man.
  4. Better use of time than reading Castenada would be to watch one of Leo's videos or a Martin Butler video now and then,,,
  5. Picking through bits in the list of Jana Dixon links on her Biology of Kundalini website might be of help. It is similar in tone to Nahm's good advice and the video offered by Keiranperez http://www.biologyofkundalini.com/article.php@story=RelaxingwiththeTransrational.html This is one of her links under the subcategory MEANING Her knowledge was helpful for me,,, still is It was not an easy time for me. Over 3-4 years it would come and go.
  6. I didnt give the link to the Castenada quotes the other day. The guy with this website has removed the words of "The Teaching" from the Castenada books. Mostly the words of Don Juan Matus. Castenada was a trickster, but a genius about the human condition and describing in metaphor. William Patrick Patterson has made a good case regarding Castenada repackaging the Gurdjieff knowledge for his own work,,, The stories are bullshit but the metaphors are pure gold for opening one up IMO. It's an indulgence of mine From A Separate Reality http://www.prismagems.com/castaneda/donjuan2.html " You must stop talking to yourself. Every one of us does that. We carry on an internal talk. We talk about our world. In fact we maintain our world with our internal talk. Whenever we finish talking to ourselves the world is always as it should be. We renew it, we kindle it with life, we uphold it with our internal talk. Not only that, but we also choose our paths as we talk to ourselves. Thus we repeat the same choices over and over until the day we die, because we keep on repeating the same internal talk over and over until the day we die." From The Power of Silence http://www.prismagems.com/castaneda/donjuan8.html Words are tremendously powerful and important and are the magical property of whoever has them. Sorcerers have a rule of thumb: they say that the deeper the assemblage point moves, the greater the feeling that one has knowledge and no words to explain it. Sometimes the assemblage point of average persons can move without a known cause and without their being aware of it, except that they become tongue-tied, confused, and evasive. There is a threshold that once crossed permits no retreat. Every sorcerer should have a clear memory of crossing that threshold so he can remind himself of the new state of his perceptual potential. One does not have to be an apprentice of sorcery to reach this threshold, and the only difference between an average man and a sorcerer, in such cases, is what each emphasizes. A sorcerer emphasizes crossing this threshold and uses the memory of it as a point of reference. An average man does not cross the threshold and does his best to forget all about it. What a strange feeling: to realize that everything we think, everything we say depends on the position of the assemblage point. The secret of our chains is that they imprison us, but by keeping us pinned down on our comfortable spot of self-reflection, they defend us from the onslaughts of the unknown. Once our chains are cut, we are no longer bound by the concerns of the daily world. We are still in the daily world, but we don't belong there anymore. In order to belong we must share the concerns of people. And without chains we can't. What distinguishes normal people is that we share a metaphorical dagger: the concerns of our self-reflection. With this dagger, we cut ourselves and bleed; and the job of our chains of self-reflection is to give us the feeling that we are bleeding together, that we are sharing something wonderful: our humanity. But if we were to examine it, we would discover that we are bleeding alone; that we are not sharing anything; that all we are doing is toying with our manageable, unreal, man-made reflection. Sorcerers are no longer in the world of daily affairs because they are no longer prey to their self-reflection.
  7. One approach to work on shadow. Disclaimer: Leo's methods seem parallel in a number of ways to this. So when this guy talks about the self help "Charlatans" on you tube. I do NOT See Leo Gura in this Category. I see methods and practices that go hand in hand.
  8. My know it all face is a part of the dilemma. My conditioned self wrapping itself to essence. Spiritual hijacking. Taking "credit" for states of Consciousness. The self importance tied to self image. Identification to internalized images. Internalized images that ego structures are built off of. So the necessity of becoming aware of ,,, and dying to these ego structures.
  9. Good point about people's attention being hijacked. Having distracted, drawn, or dispersed attention = spiritual sleep.
  10. Yes, very much And the differing of meaning between forgiveness as blue evangelicals view it and Realization as 2nd teir individuals experience it is huge. To not have grievances,,, as Jesus channeled through Helen, refers to it
  11. Excellent point just made on ego by Joesph Maynor. I'm glad it was brought up. Ive got discussing type 6 on my mind. My chief feature, fear. The nature of chief feature is its illusiveness in absolute discovery. There's differing opinions on this, but type is often related to chief feature. Type 6 is divided into phobic or counter-phobic. interupted,,,,
  12. Well, here I go again,,, just a few minutes ago when I replied to the post by Winter, I thought I was on a thread out in the General discussion. I realize there is maybe a need for bit more space for one another in this section and I recently concluded that I need to give others more space here. That was my intention anyway. Not paying attention to where I was showed to me that I wasn't being mindful. So,, I messed up a little,,, since I'm outing myself I'll add that I'm a chaotic thinker. I'm not an orderly or organized thinker. My composition is laughable sometimes also. Laughable or pitiful. Anyway,,, By the way, I'm open to comments and questions.
  13. After finally finishing A Course in Miracles earlier this year, I came to view forgiveness as a nondual reset button. Most of western culture / cultural ego it seems overlooks or looks down on the idea of being forgiving. It's not cool or very sexy. I got my fill of doing the daily lessons but I truly enjoy the main text of the book. It's something that I will read and re-read for the rest of my life.
  14. I appreciate the refreshing honesty of people 'outing' themselves. Ive noted that some contrast humbleness to pride and some contrast it to vanity. In his autobiography Benjamin Franklin despaired over controlling what he called pride and wrote that if he ever succeeded in being humble, he would probably be proud of his humility.
  15. I have respect and empathy for other warriors. For several years I read Castenada for inspiration. You think about yourself too much and that gives you a strange fatigue that makes you shut off the world around you and cling to your arguments. A light and amenable disposition is needed in order to withstand the impact and the strangeness of the knowledge I am teaching you. Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy, and vain. To be a man of knowledge one needs to be light and fluid. My acts are sincere but they are only the acts of an actor because everything I do is controlled folly. Everything I do in regard to myself and my fellow men is folly, because nothing matters. Certain things in your life matter to you because they're important; your acts are certainly important to you, but for me, not a single thing is important any longer, neither my acts nor the acts of any of my fellow men. I go on living though, because I have my will. Because I have tempered my will throughout my life until it's neat and wholesome and now it doesn't matter to me that nothing matters. My will controls the folly of my life. Once a man learns to see he finds himself alone in the world with nothing but folly. Your acts, as well as the acts of your fellow men in general, appear to be important to you because you have learned to think they are important. We learn to think about everything, and then we train our eyes to look as we think about the things we look at. We look at ourselves already thinking that we are important. And therefore we've got to feel important! But then when a man learns to see, he realizes that he can no longer think about the things he looks at, and if he cannot think about what he looks at everything becomes unimportant. Everything is equal and therefore unimportant. We need to look with our eyes to laugh. When our eyes see, everything is so equal that nothing is funny. My laughter, as well as everything I do is real but it also is controlled folly because it is useless; it changes nothing and yet I still do it. One must always choose the path with heart in order to be at one's best, perhaps so one can always laugh.
  16. My path of Inquiry by its nature is offensive when articulated to others. Personality is pretty much synonymous with ego. American culture in general idealizes big personalities for the most part. Realizing the nothingness of Personality is offensive to people identified with personality. Actually my path is the cafeteria model but for the most part is Fourth way Self observation and Self Remembering. Blending with Diamond Approach work. ICHING for taking clues from the Cosmos , 20 minute Centering Prayer twice a day. One thing that I'm trying to keep underneath everything is what Gurdjieff called Kundabuffer. To me it seems like it deserves that degree of significance. A formula that makes sense to me Kundalini energy = Chi = Prana + absence of discipline = motorfuel for imagination and self deception Kundalini energy / Prana + 3 centered awareness = Higher Consciousness / Objective Reason 3 Centered Awareness is Intellect and feeling working in harmony, grounded through the human body.
  17. I was looking for the thread for Red stage examples to post Dwight Yoakums character Doyle Hardgraves as an example. In the process of not finding one, I pondered about Billy Bob Thornton's character Karl Childers. Is the character Karl Childers stage blue? The character Linda seems blue-orange,,,,
  18. Fourth way path Scottish physician Maurice Nicoll went and met with Carl Jung. Then he went and visited the Mystic Gurdjieff. He chose Gurdjieff over Jung as a Teacher. This is from his 1400 pages of Psychology Commentaries on The Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Osho read it and gave it high praise and said it's a shame that it doesn't get read more. The essence of the idea of Karma-Yoga is to meet with unpleasant things equally with pleasant things. That is, in practicing Karma-Yoga, one does not seek always to avoid unpleasant things, as people ordinarily do. Life is to be met with non-identifying. When this is possible, life becomes one's teacher; in no other sense can life become a teacher, for life taken as itself is meaningless, but taken as an exercise it becomes a teacher. It is not life that is a teacher, but one's relation through non-identifying makes it become a teacher. Nothing can change being so much as this practice - namely, to take the unpleasant things in life as an exercise. (Maurice Nicoll, Commentaries, Vol. 1)
  19. I agree On the other hand, Self Realized Beings aren't divided against themselves. Anything goes provided it doesn't violate Conscience.
  20. Today I posted a YouTube of Ocke deBoer in the section on examples of Turquoise along with a couple of quotes of his. One of the quotes, I've realized could really cause others some confusion. The quote I'm referring to is: "This is the difference between us and the angels. Angels are perfectly made and, therefore, naive and stupid; they can only do what they are made for. Humans have many more possibilities. There is more joy in heaven for one perfected human being than for a thousand angels." I don't want to give the idea that Ocke embraces the idea of an an afterlife as blue level evangelical Christians do in an afterlife Heaven with a judgemental God. Ocke has studied Beelzebubs Tales for years. Basically Gurdjieff taught the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is within. Kingdom of Heaven synonymous with nondual consciousness....Just like Jesus really taught! There was a Cosmological side to the teaching and the idea of a purgatory and possibly eternal life so I can't say that Ocke believed only in the Idea of Kingdom of Heaven is within. The trouble with words,,,,, I like his irreverent sense of humor The other quote: "If you could float above the earth and become aware of all the negativity that is going on, you would never laugh again. The world is ruled by negative emotions."
  21. I like the idea of synchronistic 'bleed thru's' or however you want to call it in finding profound meaning in movie and song. Maybe it is truly a wise, well read screenwriter or Song Writer. How often is the singer or actor letting the spirit of something higher than them, pour through them. Inspiration of the Muse,,,, Cate Blanchetts portrayal of Gladriel with Frodo in the scene of Lord of the Rings. Her refusal of power at the water pool. How can you watch her portray this passing a test of temptation and not be deeply moved. Of course apart from all the special effects. Her subtle gestures and how they communicate. Just good acting and nothing more? Or is the Muse at work on the day of filming?.. The resisting of temptation,,, refusal of power ,,so many elements come together delivering a message deep into ones being. Transrational,,,,deep wisdom of nonviolence