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ISFJ Counter phobic enneatype 6
In his last video, Leo makes a good argument for practicing Kriya yoga. Although I practice meditation and Inquiry, I'm seeing resistance in myself for taking up Kriya yoga and this is producing some self conflict. I'm just trying to let it be and observe it for now.
I started smoking when I was 14. In my late 30's I finally made up my mind to quit. It was as nearly difficult as quitting alcohol. My grandparents and uncle were the defiant smokers you alluded to. Most of there lives it was glorified in media and the health consequences were always swept under the rug by the tobacco lobby. My cousins who lived in Wichita, Kansas and worked in a hospital overtime were forced out into the cold and eventually forbidden to smoke even on hospital grounds outside. My grandparents felt like smokers were always demonized and scapegoated. Although smoking is very ignorant, there is a part of me that agreed with them. My grandmother is 96 and in the nursing home. She still smokes whenever she can get someone to roll her wheelchair to an outside gazebo. When this generation started smoking is completely different from today. They smoked for most of their lives before the truth really started coming out. The habit was just too ingrained. Not an excuse I know. Young people today who smoke should know better. I can't really judge though. It's a very difficult addiction to overcome. When I quit, I craved smoking everyday for a solid year. Actually, I cheated and fed myself pain pills for the first three months to deal with the anxiety. I got sick of those things and managed to leave them alone and the cigarettes too but it was a real bitch of a year. I learned again that I could endure suffering and eventually things get better.
Zigzag Idiot replied to MsNobody's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I've seen it's common for Gemini's to have two different sets of friends who don't know each other. -
@Shadowraix I agree. Like people who say they don't believe in God. I don't believe in the God that they say they don't believe in. Likewise with Astrology. If it's viewed as it is in the funny papers, I don't believe in it. When it's viewed as backdrop of influential energies which mix and have self similarities over different scales. Then I begin to believe in it.
Today my consciousness was unsteady in Itoklanoz awareness. I mangaged to consult the ICHING and do a couple of 20 minute sitting, though. Yesterday's stomach virus sickness was intence and strange. Just laying down was exhausting. Sitting up took a concentrated huge effort. Standing up was almost out of the question. It felt like gravity was suddenly turned up 10 times. The physical suffering triggered some lower emotions in my shadow. This resulted in me dropping a shit bomb in the middle of the overall family dynamics, today. Speaking my "truth". I got triggered while hurting and confused. Sometimes I eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats me.,,,, In Fulasnitamnian Awareness, it doesn't matter. Things will grow and heal from the destruction. It may benefit my life situation or worsen it. It doesn't matter. Fulasnitamnian Awareness is three centered awareness. Itoklanoz awareness is two centered awareness or the awareness of the spiritually asleep. What matters is spending more time in Fulasnitamnian Awareness. It's only there I'm capable of really doing greater good for family and others. @1:44:00 in Leo's new video- mentions levels of Consciousness
Thanks Karla, it ran its course pretty quick.
Absolutely, if you warm up to the theory. About personality, Ken Wilbur said, "It's a bad case of mistaken identity."
I just found another free online site for reading ACIM. https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/
That's it!
Was beginning to think I was resistant to a stomach virus going around. Nope. First thing this morning - Vomiting, fever, diarrhea, sweating , freezing, aching and then some more vomiting. My Automaton is hurting and miserable. My cat comes in the bedroom and checks on me every so often.
Oh Cool! You even read some of the Tart article on your new podcast! I'm glad the comparison between 'discontinuity of consciousness' and 'cognitive dissonance' struck you as obvious as it did for me. You seem excited and I'm happy for you. Integrating major aspects does seem to have that effect of revving up the chi energy. In the past, more than once, I've let myself get out of balance because I would feel so supercharged that I would barely sleep for days and then end up having to deal with a swing in the emotional pendulum. I think for a percentage of people it may be unavoidable. It just happens and it was the repeated climb out of those episodes that have probably been even better for my growth long term. Actually I'm speaking of a Kundalini Awakening which really produces some intense phenomena. Just knowing about it in advance can save a lot of time in the long run if you run into this. Neat idea to basically do your Journal in a video ,,,, ????
@TeamBills I would almost characterize it as anti religious. A secular psychologist, Helen Schucman, starts spontaneously channeling Jesus Christ in the late 1960's utilizing modern terms such as ego, projection, dissociation,,,, With great reservations and the insistent encouragement from colleague Bill Thetford, they start organizing these notes and after 4 or 5 years, begin 'letting the cat out of the bag.' In this work, references are made to things in the Bible that are clarified or corrected. The idea of a judgmental God who sacrificed and scapegoated "his son" is stated as a perversion of truth. Also the idea of original sin and guilt is fallacy. The problem is separate sense of self (ego) with its repressed guilt and the resultant projections of this out onto others in the world. creede nailed it with his assessment of forgiveness. Although in ultimate reality, nondual reality, no such thing exists. But in duality, this act of an inner gesture is effective in opening one up to nonduality or the experience of Being as opposed to reality based on egoic internalized images.
I used Carol's guide to the ICHING a couple of years before I started using her and Hanna's collaboration of THE ORACLE OF THE COSMIC WAY in 2015 which included many new "discoveries" and insights. Such as the mind blowing ? retrospective three coin method. From their website I'll post a short article more for the benifit of those who are following this and are somewhat interested. Article 1. The Sage as our Cosmic Teacher by Carol and Hanna © by Carol Anthony and Hanna Moog Carol’s experience of the Sage in the 1970’s was of an alive consciousness that wants to communicate with us. This took away for her the understanding that what we read in the written text of the book, is all we have for an oracle. It becomes apparent through its use that the I Ching is a Cosmic gift to humans. Its purpose is show people (1) the nature of the Cosmos as a system of Principles of Harmony, (2) our true human nature, and (3) the way we individually can return to harmony with these Cosmic Principles when we have lost our way. The Sage, as part of this interaction, is a presence within us that uses the oracle to draw up from the depths of our nature, our innate knowledge of Cosmic truth. (This truth is contained in the DNA of every body cell.) The I Ching Hexagram 61, titled “Inner Truth,” refers to this source that is stored in our bodies, not in words, but in the form of feelings of what is harmonious and what is not. Thus, the Sage uses the I Ching to speak through its text, but the text itself is not the oracle. The Sage makes it clear, through the method we call the retrospective-three-coin-method, or “rtcm” (which will be described in our next article), that it does not teach us the handed down platitudes that have often been taken as ‘ancient wisdom.’ It rather discourages this kind of memorized mental approach by reaching into our own deepest inner truth to bring forth the answers that are already there. We find, in so doing, that our inner truth has been suppressed in favor of these platitudes and commandments. That is why, on finding the answer we need, we recognize that we “knew that” all along, but did not dare to trust it. Thus, we find that the Sage is all the time connecting us with a part of ourselves that has been repressed through conditioning. This process of reaching into the depths is described in Hexagram 48, “The Well,” which calls our inner truth “a clear, cold spring from which one can drink.” Often, we cannot access our inner truth because “there is mud in the well” in the form of fixed, preconceived ideas, fears, old grievances, and memories of wrongs done to us. When we drink from this mud, we are kept stalling. With the help of the I Ching text, the Sage not only wants to make us aware of this fact, it also offers us help to cleanse our inner well. Then we find that our inner truth is a gold mine containing everything we need to know. The more we work with the Sage and give it the necessary space in our mind, the more we realize that it wants to speak to us as a friend, not as a godlike figure that expects obeisance and punishes us when we make mistakes. On the contrary, the Sage wants to free us from ideas that are either grandiose, making us see ourselves as the center of the universe, or that inspire us with fear and awe, and make us see ourselves as small and insignificant. The ancient Greeks had an idea of the Sage when they spoke of “a tutelary spirit that accompanies each person lifelong.” They named it “genii,” root of the word “genius.” Writers have long called it “the muse.” For many artists, athletes, and inventors, it is an “elusive thing” that takes over in us when we give up relying on the “brilliance and ability of the thinking mind,” or the pure brawn of our bodies, to provide the success we seek. From: http://www.ichingoracle.com/our-blog/2017/2/22/article-2-suspending-disbelief-by-carol-and-hanna
Need to revise this error above. Waited too long and lost the edit button. Ennegarm personality types 9 not 12 Meyers Briggs personality types 16 Astrology. 12 enneagram personality types. 9 Essence or body types. 7 Center of gravity. 3 Higher Laws become fewer and more simple in some Cosmologies.
ICHING The lower Trigram shows the attitude to your inner world, the upper your attitude to the outer-world. The Chinese sages who created the I Ching understood the duality of life and its existential problems. They knew that it in order to change your external situation -- your outer fate -- you had to change your inner mentality. Since the I Ching was created as a kind of pragmatic guide, they knew that the Trigrams would have to be doubled to reflect the dynamics of the inner-outer worlds, of external situation and internal attitude. The system of 64 hexagrams which make up the I Ching resulted from the necessity of doubling the eight combinations of three. In a dramatic example of the fractal recursive nature of reality, nature follows the very same system to create the genetic code. The eight trigrams correspond very closely to the DNA and RNA code of our genes. This is the genetic code which is responsible on a cellular level for all self organization, growth and reproduction in life. DNA is the blueprint for every protein made in every cell. It is the Yin, spatial structure which stores the information. RNA is the reverse copy of DNA which carries out DNA's instructions for protein production. It is the Yang, active catalyst which actualizes in time the information in the DNA. The DNA and RNA have eight different base combinations, each made of three chemicals, just like the trigrams made of three lines. The chemical "triplets" as they are called, combine in double triplet code, just like the hexagrams. The maximum total combinations of DNA/RNA triplets is thus 64, just like the I Ching. The 64 triplet combinations control the twenty amino acids and other cellular generative-structural activity. Out of the combinations of the 8 triplets or trigrams, the 64 "words" of the genetic code of life are formed. All life, from bacteria to Man, is directed on a cellular level by the same language of the 64 Codons of RNA and DNA, based on the doubled triplet, or Hexagram. For example in genetics one of the 64 three letter Codons is: T.A.G. - C.T.A. (Thymine, Adenine, Guanine - Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine). The first gene detected by Watson was equivalent in structure to the I Ching hexagram number 42: Increase. From http://www.chanceandchoice.com/course-overview/yin-and-yang/
It was neat for me too realize what you're describing seems exactly what the Fourth Way calls having multiple "i"s. Transpersonal Psychologist Charles Tart uses the Fourth Way approach but he's enriched it with some of his own terms. I clipped a couple of small excerpts from a good article of his. Cognitive Disonance sounds very similar to his term - "discontinuity of consciousness" Discontinuity of consciousness he says is the essential threshold problem. The problem must be addressed - we must "self remember" and wake up from out of the cultural consensual trance - before we can ever know ourselves and find the answers within. Charles Tart discovered that there is a basic resistance in our culture to self observation. We tend to equate self observation with judgmental self criticism, with feelings of inadequacy, punishment, shame and guilt. To be effective, self remembrance procedures should be devoid of all judgments and criticism. It should be a neutral process of objective, detached observation. This requires tremendous commitment and honesty. In self observation you essentially try to observe yourself and your world, no matter what it is, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, happy or sad. You don't just observe yourself only when you happen to be doing something you like, or in order to support something you already believe in. You try to observe yourself in your world to see what really is. Charles Tart also speaks of another major way of escape from the culture trance, the method of "altered states of consciousness". Taken from : http://www.lawsofwisdom.com/course-overview/opening-statement/the-problem-of-the-subtle-sybil-effect/ I enjoyed your video!
@Aquarius Thanks! There is a correlation between the 21 Major Arcana of the Tarot and the "Science of Idiotism".
I've fallen way behind in posting watched videos of Leo's. Watched Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal a while back and enjoyed it so much I rewatched it. Just finished - Becoming a Sage. Wow. I look forward to more of this. Good stuff!
The lower stages will always be there in higher numbers than 2nd tier and I don't see them giving up steaks, "buffalo wings" hamburgers etc.,,,anytime soon. So I view technology as the best chance of providing an artificial meat to get away from all the violence and waste of natural resources that's going on now. Fattening animals on corn and such is what really makes for tasty and fat, sweet, juicy, beef but is such a huge waste and the clock is ticking on this practice, no doubt. It can't be sustained forever. It's really stupid to think it will last with the world population explosion. The whole idea of organic grass fed beef is a complete joke also. It's just a public relations manipulation and appeasing of unrealistic green do-gooderism. Green/liberals have a disconnect in realizing compassion and then throwing most common sense out the window. Ground control to Major Tom Ground control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on,,,, David Bowie
The newly transformed ICHING that I use. I appreciate the simple straight forward language used in The Oracle of the Cosmic Way. For hexagram 15, Modesty - she begins; Modesty, the Sage informs us, is one of the three fundamental Cosmic Virtues that all aspects of the Cosmic whole are endowed with. The other two virtues are equality and uniqueness. Together they give each aspect of the Cosmos its dignity. It is due to these basic virtues that a single force is able to rule the functioning of the Cosmos as a whole; the force of mutual attraction of complementary aspects. Another name for this force is Love. Modesty is the virtue connected with one's commonsense. Commonsense is the consensus of all the senses a person is born with. When none of his senses is blocked, his commonsense gives him a sure feeling of what is true and what is untrue, because it is in harmony with Cosmic Truth. Commonsense is closely connected with a person's inner truth~~his memory of what Cosmic Truth feels like.,,,,,
First, I had to look up the meanings of topology, monochrome, and minor seventh. I don't feel like I was obsessing over the complex plane but I'm not above obcessing and sometimes I do and then see it better in hindsight. If the complex plane includes our inner psychological world and ones identifications and blind spots then perhaps I do or it could be interpreted that way. But only for furthering understanding and resolving the disparities between a deficient ego state and the experience of being. Ive experienced the the phenomena linked to Almaas's Theory of Holes and the healing from learning to sit with the uncomfortable deficient emptiness and the resulting slow arising of spaciousness in which 'being' can be recognized in different aspects from using this process. Regarding: What is your objection to the minor seventh? I don't know? I don't really understand how you mean that. If you want to elaborate some,,, I'm open for dialogue,,, Thanks for engaging!
Theory of holes & the feeling of deficient emptiness "Holes" Get Produced When You Are a Child One more thing about the theory of holes. As I said, the holes get produced when you’re a child. When you’re a baby, you have no holes; you are complete when you are born. As you grow up, because of your interactions with your environment and certain difficulties you encounter, you get cut off from certain parts of yourself. Every time you get cut off from a part of you, a hole manifests. The holes then become full with the memory of the loss and the issues around the loss. After a while, you fill in the holes. What you fill the holes with are false feelings, ideas, beliefs about yourself, and strategies for dealing with your environment. These fillers are collectively called the personality, or what we call the false pearl. So the false pearl is a result of losses of parts of the self. After a time, we think this is who we are. We think we are the fillers. The personality is trying to take the place of the real thing. That’s why we do a lot of work here on understanding our personalities. We study the development of our personality until we are finally able to experience the memory of the situation in which that particular hole formed. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 29 If you resonate with this, there are more excerpts in these links https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/theory-holes https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/deficient-emptiness
Thanks for sharing your YouTube. I enjoyed seeing the Idaho country side and also hearing what you said. Having a reminding factor is very helpful in Inquiry, like you say. It's a statement that implies knowledge of the human predicament and also a love for the truth or "what is". Your good in front of the camera. You come across as genuine and thoughtful. I'm going to watch some of your others.