Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. @Aquarius Thanks! There is a correlation between the 21 Major Arcana of the Tarot and the "Science of Idiotism".
  2. I've fallen way behind in posting watched videos of Leo's. Watched Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal a while back and enjoyed it so much I rewatched it. Just finished - Becoming a Sage. Wow. I look forward to more of this. Good stuff!
  3. The lower stages will always be there in higher numbers than 2nd tier and I don't see them giving up steaks, "buffalo wings" hamburgers etc.,,,anytime soon. So I view technology as the best chance of providing an artificial meat to get away from all the violence and waste of natural resources that's going on now. Fattening animals on corn and such is what really makes for tasty and fat, sweet, juicy, beef but is such a huge waste and the clock is ticking on this practice, no doubt. It can't be sustained forever. It's really stupid to think it will last with the world population explosion. The whole idea of organic grass fed beef is a complete joke also. It's just a public relations manipulation and appeasing of unrealistic green do-gooderism. Green/liberals have a disconnect in realizing compassion and then throwing most common sense out the window. Ground control to Major Tom Ground control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on,,,, David Bowie
  4. The newly transformed ICHING that I use. I appreciate the simple straight forward language used in The Oracle of the Cosmic Way. For hexagram 15, Modesty - she begins; Modesty, the Sage informs us, is one of the three fundamental Cosmic Virtues that all aspects of the Cosmic whole are endowed with. The other two virtues are equality and uniqueness. Together they give each aspect of the Cosmos its dignity. It is due to these basic virtues that a single force is able to rule the functioning of the Cosmos as a whole; the force of mutual attraction of complementary aspects. Another name for this force is Love. Modesty is the virtue connected with one's commonsense. Commonsense is the consensus of all the senses a person is born with. When none of his senses is blocked, his commonsense gives him a sure feeling of what is true and what is untrue, because it is in harmony with Cosmic Truth. Commonsense is closely connected with a person's inner truth~~his memory of what Cosmic Truth feels like.,,,,,
  5. First, I had to look up the meanings of topology, monochrome, and minor seventh. I don't feel like I was obsessing over the complex plane but I'm not above obcessing and sometimes I do and then see it better in hindsight. If the complex plane includes our inner psychological world and ones identifications and blind spots then perhaps I do or it could be interpreted that way. But only for furthering understanding and resolving the disparities between a deficient ego state and the experience of being. Ive experienced the the phenomena linked to Almaas's Theory of Holes and the healing from learning to sit with the uncomfortable deficient emptiness and the resulting slow arising of spaciousness in which 'being' can be recognized in different aspects from using this process. Regarding: What is your objection to the minor seventh? I don't know? I don't really understand how you mean that. If you want to elaborate some,,, I'm open for dialogue,,, Thanks for engaging!
  6. Theory of holes & the feeling of deficient emptiness "Holes" Get Produced When You Are a Child One more thing about the theory of holes. As I said, the holes get produced when you’re a child. When you’re a baby, you have no holes; you are complete when you are born. As you grow up, because of your interactions with your environment and certain difficulties you encounter, you get cut off from certain parts of yourself. Every time you get cut off from a part of you, a hole manifests. The holes then become full with the memory of the loss and the issues around the loss. After a while, you fill in the holes. What you fill the holes with are false feelings, ideas, beliefs about yourself, and strategies for dealing with your environment. These fillers are collectively called the personality, or what we call the false pearl. So the false pearl is a result of losses of parts of the self. After a time, we think this is who we are. We think we are the fillers. The personality is trying to take the place of the real thing. That’s why we do a lot of work here on understanding our personalities. We study the development of our personality until we are finally able to experience the memory of the situation in which that particular hole formed. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 29 If you resonate with this, there are more excerpts in these links https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/theory-holes https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/deficient-emptiness
  7. Thanks for sharing your YouTube. I enjoyed seeing the Idaho country side and also hearing what you said. Having a reminding factor is very helpful in Inquiry, like you say. It's a statement that implies knowledge of the human predicament and also a love for the truth or "what is". Your good in front of the camera. You come across as genuine and thoughtful. I'm going to watch some of your others.
  8. The title of the topic implies the existence of love as the condition in oneself and the other even before they know or meet one another,,,? No? People in the condition of love are very intuitive.
  9. Meyers Briggs personality types 16 Astrology. 12 enneagram personality types. 12 Essence or body types. 7 Center of gravity. 3 Higher Laws become fewer and more simple in some Cosmologies.
  10. Attempt at a Crushed Analysis in reclaiming our 'Red' energy. Awakened Conscience is not the same as Acquired Conscience with its ideas of morality which changes from culture to culture. We need all our energy for doing Inquiry. This means becoming Boss/manager of our sex energy. A sign that your not boss is if you feel shame connected with any part of your sex life. Which is a sign of active super ego. Super ego is directly in the way for nearly everyone in reaching and hearing the voice of Conscience, ironically. Super ego is the internal critical voice of our caregivers, usually one parent,, more than another. Religious upbringing with a lot of shame really adds to this conditioning in us in a way that's difficult to get free of as adults. Overcoming super ego involves processing and integrating any shadow in our sex life responsible for shame. Overcoming super ego means befriending our Parents at a higher level than the permanent part time child who was still under the control of the super ego. An enormous amount of vital energy and attention is then reclaimed. This is often times considered one of the first things to go after in Inquiry and work on self. How do we reach Awakened Conscience? By processing repressed negativity AND integration of shadow in becoming shameless boss/manager of one's sex energy, as a starter. Any traumas or humiliations need to have observational light put on them and eventually sorted out. Only for yourself. A part of this process is you decide what's right for you with your feelings, and not with your inner critic. Our heart helps us connect with the intelligence of Conscience when we become completely sincere and curious. We all have repressed negativity. We can do pretty good while sitting in a peaceful environment but if someone hits us in the face with a shovel, things go to a different level of difficulty. It seems women catch a double dose of conditioning apart from super ego in the automatic judgements and dictates of the cultural ego, most of which is born out of Patriarchal notions. Men have their uphill battle too in having on average at least 10 times the amount of testosterone than women. One reason why men are often just a slave to their penis. Expressing negative emotions rob energy in general. Shame, specifically robs vital energy in dividing us against ourselves.
  11. From Human Types - ,,,,When we are able to recognize types and predict the characteristic reactions, we find that this information is liberating, both as it applies to ourselves and as it helps us to understand others. Once we know that virtually all limitations, weakness and shortcomings are not things for which we can be blamed, most of us feel the lifting of guilt that we have carried for most of our lives. If we are Lunars we cannot be outgoing and emotionally demonstrative, no matter how much others urge us to be and how much we may want to please them. If we are Saturns we cannot stop trying to control others--- always for their own good--- no matter how strenuously they object. If we are Venusians we cannot be aggressively ambitious no matter how much our mothers want us to be and how much we may love our mothers. If we are an emotionally centered mercurial and find it impossible to engage in repetitive tasks day after day, word processing in an isolated cubicle, or putting shingles on roofs, then we should begin to understand how hard it is for a moving centered Martial to experience his own emotions, much less express them effectively. ,,,,, Im a Saturn/Mars adrenal type. When each of the essence/body types or mixture there Of attain the Pearl Beyond Price, they will all be different.
  12. From Narrative Consciousness to Witness Consciousness Witness Consciousness Nothing is wrong. No self criticism. If I am in witness consciousness and I identify as being in witness consciousness then I'm automatically back in duality. “The repetitive motion of finding oneself through Identification (even true and worthy descriptions) keeps the being energy just below the critical velocity needed to escape the gravitational field of narrative selfhood.” - Cynthia Bourgeault Nothing is wrong,,,,, Besides daily meditation Incorporating the sightless gaze after straightening my posture works well for me sometimes in initiating a drop into witness consciousness. Sightless Gaze - one attends to ones total visual field as one diffuse, panoramic field of light, taking in everything without identifying or labelling the impressions as things or actions, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant.
  13. Who am I? Where am I? To let go of my personal history is to walk out of a prison. Not an easy thing. Working on myself requires continual effort because I/We forget. It means beginning again, thousands of times. Encountering elements in shadow work which send me into reaction and forgetting requires self forgiveness. To 'sit with' something difficult is to eat and digest it's energy. A saying in the Work is that - sometimes I eat the bear and sometimes, the bear eats me. Forgiving myself is practice for forgiving others. Forgiving others is practice for forgiving myself. Red Hawk - "Apology and forgiveness are acts of Conscience. These are the acts which clear Conscience and allow it to grow. They feed Conscience. What gets fed, grows-that is the law. Apology and forgiveness are sacrificial acts, done in the service of something higher and finer, something which cannot be named but may be sensed, felt, and experienced. A real man, a human being, is known by his reactions. He is known not by what others say about him, but what he says about others. He is known by his acts of kindness and humility. He is known by his ability to apologize and forgive. This is how non-judgmental love manifests in reality. The conscious management of the survival instinct is the practice of a lifetime. It never ends. It comes to me as a result of remorse and fear of hurting others, which have brought about the aim of kindness in me."
  14. Virgo Capricorn rising Moon in Leo Mars in Scorpio
  15. About Conscience from an Egyptian Sufi named Dzoû’l Noûn, who lived in the 12th century: “All men are dead, except those who know. All those who know are dead, except those who practice. All those who practice are dead, except those who act. All those who act are lost, except those who act with righteous intent. And those who act with righteous intent, are all in grave danger.”
  16. I'm an Idiot. That's why I try out the maps and hypothesis of great thinkers and mystics and who have came before me. Like Claudio Naranjo. And others. The more the better. And this has nothing to do with belief but understanding and verifying everything for oneself through Inquiry and discriminating awareness. His most recent book (2010), Healing Civilization: Bringing Personal Transformation into the Societal Realm through Education and the Integration of the Intra-Psychic Family, is both a continuation of and a turning point in Naranjo's lifelong work. For in this book, which has a foreword by Jean Houston, Naranjo explores what he sees as the root cause of the destruction of human civilization (as evidenced in the 2000s (decade) as war, violence, oppression of women, child abuse, environmental endangerment, etc.)—patriarchy—and brings both the problem and the solution home to an intra-psychic level. Patriarchy, he says, has taken root over millennia in the workings of our own conditioned minds.[citation needed] He also offers a remedy, which derives from the work of Tótila Albert regarding the "triune" being of our nature: the "Inner Father" (corresponding to the head), the "Inner Mother" (corresponding to the heart), and the "Inner Child" (corresponding to the instincts). As people learn to integrate these three "brains", Naranjo believes, they may bring about a functional, even divine, family within. And this, he believes, in addition to transforming education oriented to personal and collective evolution, could bring about the healing of civilization.[citation needed] In the Watkins' Mind Body Spirit Magazine he was listed as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People of 2012.[7] From Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudio_Naranjo Claudio Naranjo was one of A.H. Almaas's Teachers. Stabilizing the Realization of Presence I am clarifying the relationship between our central practices of inquiry and nondoing from the perspective of totality. How do we practice nondoing? Isn't that doing something? How can inquiring be nondoing? Exploring the paradox of nondoing brings us closer to how reality actually works. Nondoing supports the practice of inquiry by emphasizing beingness, presence, and noninterference. Inquiry develops the discriminating intelligence of Being and integrates that into our process. At some point, our inquiry can engage our process without interfering with our experience, and our nondoing can attain the dynamic intelligence of Being in service of discerning what is true. The practice of inquiry is actively engaged because we are engaged with life. We are living and we are active, and part of our living is the engaged practice of inquiry. Inquiry doesn’t mean that we are always asking ourselves questions. It doesn’t mean that we are always sitting around thinking. Inquiry is the natural and spontaneous flow of our interest in life. When something is not understood, a spontaneous movement and inquiry arises that may not even be formulated as a question. All we know is that something is not understood and, after a while, there is a revelation or a further discernment. The stillness and quietness of our concentration practice helps stabilize the condition of nondoing, which is the base of the practice of inquiry. Concentration and nondoing support and stabilize the realization of presence, the realization of true nature. Inquiry helps to discriminate and integrate this realization as well as to develop it and open it to further possibilities, which are partly a response to our life and its circumstances. Runaway Realization, pg. 135
  17. My Meditation practice (Centering Prayer) you could almost say uses a mantra in reverse. One ponders and chooses a one or two syllable word for this purpose. During meditation, when you catch yourself thinking,,,, bring in the word. Said internally with intention of being an open empty vessel, stillness can come back in. It's a really simple process for building longer durations of objectless awareness or non conceptual awareness. Sometimes I look at cultivating and experiencing objectless awareness as a medicine for being in the world. Arriving at objectless awareness either through Zazen or Centering Prayer produces the same result ,doesn't it? This same capacity strenthens the ability to stay in witness Consciousness more when out among the unexpected occasions and stresses in the world. Or it seems that way to me.
  18. One thing I didn't mention in my mini book report that buried in Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson is the notion that the Earth is a conscious being that has an Astral body. Its a shame if we don't utilize our chakras/energy centers to Actualize our potentials. If Earth is a Being, I guess we are like Cosmic dog ticks.
  19. I read everyone's Journal and of all the one's I most appreciate, have only chimed in on a few. For different reasons. I appreciate everyone that shares who are fighting the fight or engaging the challenge, whatever it might be. Red Hawk is an inspiration in working on myself because of his brutal honesty. Carl Jung once said that "we should let people see us in just our undershirt". Red Hawk really embodies that spirit. He has studied the Gurdjieff Work all his life. He has written two excellent books about Inquiry; SELF OBSERVATION- the awakening of conscience- an owners manual and SELF REMEMBERING THE PATH TO NON-JUDGEMENTAL LOVE. He has followed and studied with different spiritual Teachers over the years such as Osho, Lee Losowick and Yogi Ramasuratkumar. He is also a renowned Poet. It is very difficult to see any spiritual egotism in this guy. Especially after reading his books about Inquiry. He outs himself in ways that are sometimes shocking. In doing so, he has helped me to become more honest with myself regarding my own bullshit. Another one of his poems: Red Hawk Is Not An Indian Name The great disease of the human spirit is possession. We believe we can own everything: our children, our lovers, our lives, the Earth. The fact is that we own almost nothing but The Earth owns us. That does not stop us From making absurd claims. The Indians once understood the trap of ownership, but now are not exempt from the common madness. Some of them make a big deal of my name, Saying it is an Indian name so i have no right to it; it is not an Indian name, it is an Earth Name, it belongs to the Earth. One time i was invited to a Sweat Lodge ceremony with some Young Indians who thought the Sweat Lodge belonged to them. They had all done prison time and believed they were real bad asses so they decided to turn up the heat in the Lodge and smoke out the white boy. They turned it up all the way and pretty soon they were falling out of the Lodge, until all who remained were the man pouring the water and me; and we sat there and cooked. You can't fool the Sweat Lodge. It reveals everything, courage and stupidity alike. Courage comes from the Earth; stupidity is the only thing We can honestly claim as our own.
  20. Being a Human Being and Still Being the Absolute The development of consciousness has to do with living in this life from the perspective of the Absolute. The Personal Essence, the Pearl Beyond Price, has to do with being a human being and still being the Absolute. If you’re just the Absolute, you are not a human being. But you live in this world, you have a physical body and a mind, you have work and relationships. You need the Personal Essence in order to be able to live personally as a human being and still be the Absolute. So the development of the personal aspect has to do with integrating all of these things that are important for our life into the various levels of consciousness, and then into the Absolute. This is an actual process that has to do with the metabolism of the Absolute into the Personal Essence. Although it is rarely mentioned in spiritual literature, the integration of the person into the Absolute is vital because we live in the world and not in a monastery or cave. Integrating the person into the Absolute is more difficult than experiencing the Absolute. Integration requires that you deal with and metabolize your unconscious and your personal history. You have to really let all of the unconscious come out, to face all of your specific issues and areas of conflict and ignorance. Many traditions don’t care about integration but strive only to reach the Absolute. They don’t care about the personal life. The point for them is to know the Absolute and leave. In other traditions, and in our work, the point is to know the Absolute and live in the world as an expression of it. So how can you live a human life from the perspective of absence? That is the realm of development, change, and transformation within consciousness. The Pearl is the Actualized Individuation of Your Soul When you are who you are, when you are just precisely yourself, you are your “point.” Just that. This has nothing to do with any qualities, functions, capacities, and skills you may have. It has nothing to do with your status in the world, and nothing to do with living this life in a body or not in a body. It is your nature. The Pearl Beyond Price is the connection between this genuine center and all the capacities, skills, and understanding that are a part of your growth as a human being. It allows your capacities, functions and accomplishments to develop in a genuine way as an outgrowth of your spontaneous unfoldment. It is the result of living in the moment, living in a way that is true to who you are. This is your genuine personal life, your own development, your own growth. The pearl is the actualized individuation of your Soul. So the personal essence is connected with your unique function, your unique work in this life. To actualize your particular unique work in this life means to be your personal essence. It is the essence of all that you have developed and integrated in your soul as you live a real life. Everyone is born with the true self, with the point. Although we feel that the point is unique in each of us, the quality of the point is universal. Then how do people become so different in their personal lives? This is due to the particular development of their personal essence.
  21. Baby brother thinks too much. His older Sister Inner considering is always jumping to conclusions like thier older sister projection. The children of Violence grow more insane the older they get.
  22. Another one from Red Hawk's book - Wreckage With a Beating Heart. The Weeping of Women is the Only Dharma We Need No mother ever profited from War only men profit, women weep. That alone is enough to condemn the enterprise; what makes women weep is not worth the doing. There are far worse ways for a man to plan the course of his actions and the directions of his life than to avoid at all costs that which causes women to weep. I have caused women to weep. My Mother wept at my cruel treatment of her, my lovers wept repeatedly when one by one i turned my back on them, the mother of my children wept at my insensitivity and my daughters wept, oh merciful Lord, oh shameful fool, how my daughters wept at my ignorance, my sore disgrace. The tears of women have brought me to my knees and blessed my heart in their sweet forgiveness, they have bathed my heart in their tears and dried it with their hair, breathed upon it and made it live; what makes women weep is not worth the doing.
  23. Completely Being the Essential Identity As ego activity diminishes, it becomes easier to stay with and experience fully the selfless openness of the black space. The student can tolerate the absence of the familiar self with little difficulty and may even appreciate this absence. This sets the stage for the manifestation of the Essential Identity. The black space appears as the night sky where the Essential Identity may arise as a brilliant star in the pure darkness. A brilliant point of presence and awareness takes form in the endlessness of space, with the inner recognition: “I am here now.” The student feels specifically present, as a singularity of presence, totally autonomous from all images, representations, or concepts of self. There is a new element in the experience: The sense of authentic identity is present, and it is experienced as oneself. One does not experience it, one is it. This development takes one to a new dimension of experience, as if one is experiencing things from the other side. When one is completely being the Essential Identity, the experience no longer takes the form of being or seeing a point of light. The sense of size disappears, even the feeling of identity disappears. Self-realization becomes a matter of being, purely being, with an increasing understanding of what this means. There is a sense of simplicity and innocence, of just simply being. It is not a matter of being oneself and knowing this by reflecting on the experience of oneself. There is no reflection on the state, no desire to analyze it. There is a sense of being alone, without the concept or feeling of aloneness. The Point of Existence, pg. 345 In this book he references several developmental research psychologists whose work was insightful into his Inquiry and unfolding of a resolution between the shadow materials of Inquiry and the experience of the Essential Identity.
  24. Reminded me of: Enneagram of Holy Ideas I'm the Johnny Appleseed of A.H. Almaas Glossary excerpts.
  25. Science of Idiotism Elements of each Idiot will be added to as time goes on in bits and pieces. Because it is an unfolding, revisions will become likely in process. So everything in the beginning is partially partial. This is born out of the Ordinary Idiots approach to getting ready to begin to become organized in order to get started in preparation for the beginning of proceeding to initiate a starting place from which to go ahead and go. The aim is to add to existing knowledge of the Science of Idiotism. If anyone has Bruno Martins book The Realized Idiot and is sincerely interested, help is welcome. But for now, please no questions or critical analysis on this topic. Body 1 - The Ordinary idiot - is in a continuous state of not knowing what he's going to do next. They experience Being but don't even know it. Heart 2 - The Super idiot -is a wild Idiot with momentum towards possibly becoming a Zen devil. Super Idiots have the tendency to immediately assume they are Realized Beings the very moment in which they have a partial conceptual understanding of Realization of being. They can become mired in being self satisfied. Mind. 3 - The Arch idiot - one aspect of Arch Idiot is like a kid who grows their vocabulary through medium effort and notices others annoyance yet accelerates precocious articulation. Arch Idiots seek out Zen devils in order to become one of their 1st Lieutenant's. They can be in an awful position of experiencing Being only conceptually and are yet unable to realize practical realizations. They choose to ride on a Zen devils coat tails because they are smart enough to know how to do so. But this is a loop tape stage of limited knowledge of limited Reason until they able thru Inquiry to shed light on their spiritual Cul de sac. Body 4 - Hopeless Idiot Heart 5 - Compassionate Idiot Mind 6 - Squirming Idiot Body 7 - Square Idiot is sometimes not an Idiot when he stops at the corners. Heart 8 - Round Idiot is back to being an Idiot all the time. Mind 9 - Zigzag Idiot Body 10 - Enlightened Idiot has commonality with Ordinary, Hopeless, and Square Idiots. Heart 15 - Genial Idiot Has qualities of a non violent psychopath.