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Everything posted by Arman

  1. The way I've come to understand this is not so much that the universe has 'chosen' love out of all the qualities because it simply likes it, rather that Love is the natural state of least resistance. I think maybe it's that all things move towards the path of least resistance naturally the same way that air moves from high pressure to low pressure, and so all creation moves into love because it is the most effective state. If we have a group of individuals who are trying to achieve a unified goal, then love is an optimal state for them to perform in to achieve their goal. Love is just practical and effective for expansion. It allows for the most creativity, cooperation, ease, allowance, inspiration, etc. I will share with you a metaphor I was exploring one night in bed that allowed me to come to peace with this idea for the first time, at least to my mind. Not saying this is the way it is, but it was the first time I felt warmth, understanding and some peace on the topic. I was thinking about lucid dreaming and the way in dreams we can create within them. So if we were completely in control, we could create any world, any reality, limited only by our imagination. I imagined a black endless canvas and I was wondering what I would create. What i would most want in the world. The first thing that came to my mind was to create endless beautiful forests and gardens. Then, eventually I decided I wanted to create inhabitants to make it interesting, so I imagined animals who wore clothes and lived in small villages like peter rabbit or something. Then I wondered, how would I want my inhabitants to act? What would I like them to behave like? I decided I would like them to be loving, both to each other and to me. However at this point there was the first inkling of quandary, because it felt insincere or weird to MAKE them love me. I mean if I designed them specifically to love me all day long, then they are automatons or programs, are they not? I also didn't want to have to dictate every moment of their lives, because then that isn't particularly fun or interesting for me, is it? I want to see what they do, how they interract, play etc. So I want to create initial circumstances to create positive potential, but then let the program/world play. This means giving them free will. But there is a problem with free will, because to give them free will means I also have to give them the option to not be loving. However to my mind it was better than making them robots. True free will means allowing them to do anything, otherwise it's not free will if I say they can't do x y and z. All I can do is give them suggestions. Then I imagined some of my inhabitants eventually making so many bad choices that they suffer. I imagined one of them sitting in his room crying all day long. Of course this is where I come in - why would I let them suffer at all? Can't I intervene? I can, but only to the degree that I am not imposing upon there free will, because to strip him of his history, his behaviors, his story, is to take away his free will. To take away his free will is to annihilate him, and though he is suffering, I love him too much to do that. In fact, their choices and there suffering is their own, and because I do care for these little bastards, I am doing everything in my power to send them love and grace, but I can only change them to the degree which they choose to allow it because that is their free will. Have I cursed them? I don't know, maybe - but to my mind their existence is not so bad, because even while they are suffering, I know that their true nature is the very blank, dark canvas from which they started, which is me, which is an expression of love - in this case simply because I only sought to create them out of joy. I never stop loving him and sending him guidance, and eventually he will let me in. He may give up on me but I never give up on him, so it makes me sad, but I patiently wait.
  2. Hmm... very interesting to watch. I'm trying to figure out how someone could recreate this effect with technology, though I can't really figure it out. Maybe someone could easily recreate it, I'm not sure. I'm fairly certain that the leaves aren't digitally edited. Maybe it could be done by the use of some kind of drone or RC device that is edited out. I have no reason to believe this is real, but I'd also be a hypocrite to call it bullshit without having done research or given it much thought, because I have my own strange beliefs and do believe in certain psi phenomena. I wish I could hear this guy talk for an extended period of time. Sometimes it's easier to debunk a person than it is their work or message. Like if he said he moves the leaves through nazi space powers, it'd be a lot more simple to disregard. Not that I am in the business of debunking. What I find really interesting is the effect the video has on me, because interestingly I just don't have enough context to have an opinion so it just leaves me blank. I'd need to experience it first hand or hear this dude talk a lot more. looking forward to hearing more info and others opinions.
  3. Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins
  4. Conversations on the leading edge of knowledge and discovery! This video series is one of the most informative, fascinating and inspiring sources of content on the internet. This should be right up every actualizers alley. Interviewing some of the most prominent leading edge researchers and practitioners on subjects such as mysticism, philosophy, parapsychology, spirituality, psychology, history, and various scientific traditions. Some of the psychonauts out there may remember him from popular interviews on youtube with people like Terence McKenna, Krishnamurti, Ram Dass and others. The series 'Thinking Allowed' has been rebooted since last year and the content is awesome. Please, have a scroll through the video's, look at the titles/subjects and click something that interests you as a sample. New content is uploaded regularly, so please subscribe. Here are a few that I enjoy in particular. This guy is a blast! : From the older series:
  5. What if your single life purpose is to have two life purposes?
  6. 1 video game reviewer = proof of most peoples opinions? Besides who cares even if everyone does think you're crazy. Any time you're truly on the leading edge of something, the rest of the populace will try to stomp you out. Now that being said, that doesn't mean that people thinking you're crazy automatically implies you're on the right path, lol. Anything taken out of context can be easily made to sound crazy. I can see why someone would think Rupert is crazy or as having sinister motives, simply because in his talks he speaks really slowly and in a cadence that would strike one was bizarre if they haven't had any previous exposure to mystics or those with great presence. In the video of his used within the game, it's kind of an older talk, and nowadays I think his phrasing and presentation is more... accessible. Also with zero context of certain ideas then it sounds like absolute gibberish. Especially when people start using words like awareness, consciousness and witness in ways they're not used to. "Someone talking slow and funny and making zero sense to me? He must be full of shit." Some people think even the most basic wisdom is nonsense. Tell the average person that if they take time off each day to simply sit and do nothing, then they will be less stressed and that well-being will improve. They may give you a polite "yeah, maybe" but their eyes will gloss over and you can see it bounce right off them.
  7. I had friends who would go long stretches without food, water, or sleep. A truly remarkable feat. Days spent in a deep trance, almost as if their very essence had left their physical vessels and gone to another domain. But that's world of warcraft for ya.
  8. Wow, this is the first time in my life I have heard anyone discuss a psilocybin dose like that. I had no idea people were seriously experimenting with doses like that. Unfathomable. Haha, of course not. Go back to your cubicle, citizen.
  9. Love is your natural expression, to fully embody it in the qualities you're seeking you have to neutralize the cacophony of unreleased emotional charges present within you that muddy your vibration and therefore your experience, both internally and externally in what you attract. By releasing emotional charges, you automatically align with the love that you are. In truth, all emotions and all experiences are love, but they are in a sense distorted into a wide array of emotional colours, some of which are abrasive and undesirable to the mind. Therefore seek to neutralize fear, anger, grief and other negative emotions. There are many methods of neutralizing these emotions. The primary tool is acceptance and unconditional presence with what arises. One must find a methodology, practice or principle that is sustainable. To make steady gains and great progress, it may not be enough to do an occasional shadow work sitting. Any effort is always good, but if you want to transform radically, you have to make the effort. When we only sometimes make effort to remove negative emotions, It can feel very overwhelming to dip into our large reserves or unintegrated charges because they feel like huge mountains in which we are only lifting a few pebbles. That is why it is important to engage in a practice or principle that is going to allow for regular sustainable release throughout your day to day life. Not just weekends or evenings. In order to make practice sustainable, it is useful to make a dedication to understanding emotions and how energy works. This will create more understanding so you won't get overwhelmed, confused or disheartened. By understanding the internal landscape, you have a map by which to navigate. Make a commitment to become aware of the negative emotions that arise in your experience, and make a commitment to allow them to be the catalyst to your highest expression by accepting them each time, which starts to release the pressure of them. This is one of the fastest routes to transformation of consciousness, which results in shifting of relationships, inner well-being, vocational goals, creativity, spiritual progress, happiness, etc. The best book I know on this subject is Letting Go - The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins.
  10. or as I once heard it, having your mind so open that your brain falls out
  11. depends on what your aim and goal is, brother. different practices can have different effects, but they mostly all cross over in their benefits, for example increasing focus, health, concentration, etc. some specifically will create more insight into the mind, or some may be more effective at neutralizing emotions, etc different practices are also suited to different temperaments. some people are suited to some practices more than others because of their energetic makeup. best to experiment and see what works for you. then ideally stick to at least one of them
  12. love her unconditionally. love elevates are you her boyfriend or her therapist?
  13. I've been through what you're experiencing in my own way. Not with 100% the same symptoms, like I didn't have depersonalization, but it was a long and enduring span of physical, energetic and mental challenge. If it is kundalini related then I'd advise against psychedelics because they may cause further energetic unbalance. My advice is to think less about spirituality and simplify that path. Eg. humble devotion to god and faith. The rest of life? Start with breakfast... then move onto the next thing. Each day anew. I strongly advise that you take care of yourself physically by doing light exercising regularly, grounding yourself and eating clean. This will help with a lot of the symptoms Taking walks when you can are really good. I would take barefoot walks because supposedly being barefoot against the earth energetically grounds you. I don't know if this is true, but I found that it helped me. One meditation practice is to stand against the earth with your feet about shoulder width apart, and imagine you have deep, thick roots that grow down, dooown into the earth. On the in breath, imagine and visualize grounding energy from the earth moving into your body and radiating throughout and into your limbs. On the exhale, imagine all the excess energy returning into the earth, now having balanced and re-energized you. Do this for a few minutes. I know it can be quite the nightmare. When you become physically exhausted, sleep. From my memory of the time, which to be frank is kind of foggy, probably because my brain was such a mess: all the spiritual aphorisms and advice fell on flat ears and it all felt empty and impotent. In these times, what I found much more useful was the solace of TV shows I liked, laughing, wrapping myself in blankets and reading, etc. Just whatever practical and basic things that are in your life that give you some kind of solace. I also listened to LOTR on audiobook a lot, Man that series kind of saved my life. When there is physical exhaustion and fatigue, then sleep. Try not to fight it. It gets better. It really does. It feels as though you are such a mess and so fucked up that even if it's all "over", surely there is no way you'd actually be a balanced healthy individual, but you will be. In fact, for what it's worth, you will actually eventually be more grounded, more energetic, more creative, more loving and more alive than most people living on the planet. Kundalini awakening is a badass firmware upgrade. Consider contacting Craig Holiday (search him on youtube.). I don't know if he requires payment for sessions, but I think shooting him an e-mail may be worth it. He specializes in rough kundalini awakenings.
  14. Partly I was just pushing to be like "cmon motherfucker just say you believe in aliens" - But actually with that last line you put a spanner in the works and raise a good point. John C Lily used to have two great terms: In-sanity and out-sanity. He said outsanity is the idea's and viewpoints which one publicly expresses as their stance, and insanity is ones actual suspicions as to how the world operates, which they dare not share. There's a kind of hilarity in how averted to certain ideas we can be, and then we drop them for more expansive and strange ones. Then you discover that actually the truth is even stranger, and stranger. As strange as our deepest suspicions about these things are, I am willing to bet that once again we are completely missing the mark, and the truth of it is even more absurd.
  15. Sounds like you're doing real well. My suggestion is to meditate on the impulse that made you ask the question.
  16. Leo, this may not be a particularly significant point but I ask out of curiosity: what is your opinion on the validity of channeled material? Were you open to these kind of ideas a few years ago? Not so much the ideas within the text itself but just the idea that an entity or energy, either physical or non physical could channel information to humanity. I remember a year or two ago watching your material and it may have been my projection but you struck me as thinking anything like that was grade A horseshit. I myself had the opposite problem of having my mind a little TOO open and probably buying into too much woo woo bullshit. That being said I embrace channeled material. Just makes my balls tingle with excitement to have you basically say "aliens, dawg" Anyway I appreciate your willingness to engage with and share this kind of material
  17. I find that I impulsively use it as a sedative for discomfort or any feeling that arises that I am unwilling to fully experience. Interestingly, when I'm out or with friends, I don't necessarily spend much time on my phone at all in terms of the time spent with it in my hand, but I may compulsively 'check' or open social media or something for a second, and then put it away, and that in itself functions as the sedative to break the emotional experience enough to become distracted by a more pleasurable or less resistant emotion. Just by turning on the screen and playing with it for two seconds. Just one unconscious behaviour or many. Although maybe it is not so unconscious because I note myself doing it almost everytime, but I guess I am compassionate with myself about it because it doesn't bother me that I still do it. I stay with discomfort and allow things to integrate very often, so when I see old compulsions to disengage from feelings, I just kind of note it and observe.
  18. Meditation and spiritual practices, like any tools, can be misused. When practiced safely and with moderation, barring karmic or physiological predisposition, I would say danger is limited. On any path there is difficult experiences. When practices are misused, moderation is not taken into consideration, the body is not listened to, intuition is ignored, or maybe you're just plain unlucky, there can be moderate to severe side effects, from discomfort all the way to full blown psychosis. These are rare. Moderation and pacing are more important topics particularly when it comes to pranayamas, specifically spinal breathing or kundalini related practices. That is not something to really worry about. Especially with more 'regular' meditation practices or basic mindfulness. Perhaps having some idea of more common pitfalls can be useful, because you may recognize them sooner and have an idea of what to do about them. These pitfalls are less extreme and more common. Things like discomfort, difficulty sleeping, bouts of returning to old unconscious behavior, feeling as though you're backsliding, irritation, emotional flares, changes in physiology, things like that. It might be useful to know about those things. Philosogi made a good recommendation with Leo's negative effects video.
  19. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject I'm choosing to call Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence. The idea is that there is an intelligence permeating all reality. I'm talking about a kind of highest supreme intelligence that has its own volition, creative ability and responsiveness. This is how I choose to interpret this intelligence, your view may differ: The intelligence would be the summation of at least all the information available aka all creation, and possibly even the summation of all infinite potential. It is the natural spontaneous collective creativity that is the result of its own propensity or whim to exist at all. I am not talking about intelligence in an abstract sense, like we might sometimes vaguely refer to as the wisdom of stillness. I'm talking about real, impacting, dynamic intelligence. If we could use the metaphor of a garden, then we can see that plants have their own sentience and their own kind of intelligence. We could also argue that their intelligence is dynamic as they have their own form of decision space, albeit limited (how to respond to certain stimuli). This intelligence and volition has its effect on how the garden looks. One step higher is the gardener. He is a higher level of dynamic sentient intelligence and really designs the garden. The higher the level of dynamic sentient intelligence, the more creativity and wider decision space, and therefore greatest ability for further creation. So take your mind up many, many levels, to the highest level of intelligence available given your understanding of reality. Those who follow a more empirical mindset may say they have no reason to believe that they have experienced any level of dynamic sentient intelligence higher than that of their own, and that beyond personalized consciousness, the world seems to be a mechanistic runoff biding its time. Others believe that the Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence is governing all aspects of creation in a very calculated, precise and effective way, and that this intelligence is accessible, either as a source of power to be petitioned, or as an extension of oneself: ones birthright. So I'd like to hear what perspectives you subscribe to: Do you believe there to be a dynamic intelligence beyond yourself, permeating all of reality, or perhaps at least your physical reality? Why/Why not? Do you believe this dynamic intelligence has an aim, a goal, a volition? Why/Why not? Can this dynamic intelligence be accessed? If so, how can one leverage this dynamic force for their own journey? Thanks for reading. EDIT: In timely fashion, from the thread Hypnotized by Infinity, Leo offers an interesting alternative perspective that I think should be perfectly stimulating for this thread. Leo's proposal here initially creates resistance inside myself, which indicates it's probably a direction I should start to face. Honestly, intuitively it seems to make more sense that this kind of 'indiscriminate - brute-force-of-love' would be its nature, and looking at Highest Dynamic Sentient Intelligence as the 'commander in chief' perspective feels naive. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between. I just don't know. Here's some music to play while you think.
  20. First step is to call up google to try to recover the account that uploaded the video. If you can access that account you can delete the video, and there are ways to recover accounts even without knowing the address/username or password. Failing that, just be honest with them and tell them your situation, and ask what information they'll need to provide for them to delete the video.
  21. Consciously choosing your family to be one of your primary values is not a problem in and of itself. In fact, I think it is beautiful. I think Leo's comments are concerning circumstances in which you are wanting to pursue your life purpose or primary values, but your family is standing in the way. Are they standing in the way? It is possible for family to be part of life purpose. Even the primary focus. Doesn't sound to me like your children or your family are currently an issue for you? It sounds less like family is an issue, and more that a deeply held belief about family, or your role in relation to them that may be a sticking point.
  22. Yeah they are one substance I am always wary of, especially because I have heard a kind of trend among friends who have taken particular use from it or have favored it. Seemingly out of nowhere, without an increase in dose, experiences can suddenly become harrowing beyond comprehension, as if the substance turned on em or something - then from then on that was the particular trend from that substance every time they take em. Kind of like being kicked out of a party or something.