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Everything posted by allislove

  1. Thanks for sharing ? This guy is just arising and falling in This, and he is also This ?
  2. I started to read it at 4:45am, finished at 6:25am. I am so grateful for having you, Serotoninluv, Leo and other folks on this forum. Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel more confident about meditation now, want to have it consistent. Also, want to listen every AH video and make a dream board. Congratulations for the new job. Time to meditate NOw.
  3. Is reality multi-player game or single? Say, I sit in my room. I can see only what is inside of it and the nature from the window. Is it the only experience of Now? Suppose, my grandma is 300km away. Does she exist? Or reality imaginined by God only through the 'eyes' of my character?
  4. @Nahm many thanks for that, this song brings such an amazing feelings.
  5. Thanks one more time. That's really mind-blowing. I need deeply think why I am doing it to myself. Love you Leo.
  6. Thanks Leo, question answered. I better go and imagine a good stuff.
  7. I have quite a few synchronicities with 666 number. I consider it as a good sign
  8. Thanks, so what you are saying is it's just experience, everything else is imagination, one = many.
  9. @SpiritualAwakening thanks for the pic. For me pic answers the question what is a substance of reality. It's One Mind or God, or Allah, or Love, or Whatever, you name it. In the current inquiry I am mostly interested at the nature of experience. Is One Mind experiences everything only through "the eyes" of my character or through billion "eyes" simultaneously?
  10. Another interesting question (thanks to @Harikrishnan). Say, dimitri has a friend Hari and Leo. If dimitri dies (end of his experience?) are Hari and Leo continue to experience the world?
  11. Thanks @Leo Gura. I can even conceptually understand this, since the source of everything is Consciousness. What about second part of the question. Is the whole universe works only through "the eyes" of my dimitri character? Or it's more like the one Source works through everything simultaneously (or put in other words, does my grandma also has experience when she is 300km away or only dimitri has it)? Or what you are saying when dimitri has experience his grandma 300km away has also experience and in the same time she doesn't? I feel a paradox here Is there a pointer about the nature of experience which I can grasp conceptually?
  12. Hm. Quite sad realization. Thanks for sharing.
  13. @Nahm I really appreciate your answer, thanks. I am going to re-read and contemplate it, more and more, until it clicks or not. If it clicks I may write back to you. I did a visual board while going through LP course half a year ago. I was interested in quantum physics and was watching explanation of different experiments on YT. Quantum physics is quite fascinating and mind-blowing stuff. Recently, I try to do "do nothing" or guided meditation by Rupert Spira 15-30 minutes 4-5 times per week. Sometimes, I do micro-dosing of acid or light dose (1.5g) of shrooms. Abraham Hicks, thanks for recommendation. Recently, I really resonate with Roger Castillo or Leo (of course) teachings.
  14. @Inliytened1 thank you. So, the answer: it is a multi-player game played by single player simultaneously. I had a realization using psychedelics that everything around me is me. But I didn't have an experience seeing through the eyes of my grandma for example. Probably, it's gonna come some day.
  15. > There is no 'magic,ghost, paranormal' In the same way there is no you I suppose
  16. I kinda agree. There is so many people who just mental masturbate here. @Spinoza do whatever fuck you want. It's completely Okay to have kids. It's completely Okay to have NO kids. Choose whatever fuck you want.
  17. You are the body, but not only. You are basically everything (God).
  18. And even if the dog come back to life and stand in front of him. The dog is not what he thinks it is. It's not an object it's pure imagination of God. Right?
  19. For me meditation is about calming my mind, if I want profound insights I go straight to psychedelics.
  20. Try different techniques. Nowadays I enjoy "do nothing" or guided meditation by Rupert Spira. Also, you may try micro retreats, set apart 2 days and do 5-10h of different spiritual practices. You'll see the results.
  21. Any insight is temporal. It's just conceptualization of Truth. That's my understanding...