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Everything posted by allislove

  1. The pointer "God is love" refers to unconditional love. To provide an analogy... imagine you are the Earth atmosphere... the only thing you can do is to observe. So, whatever happens inside atmosphere (inside you) is fine with you, since it's you. You are happy that something happens at all. You love everything of you and there is only you. Do the spiritual practices to lessen the "I"-thought identification, so unconditional love may be noticed directly.
  2. @roopepa any time my friend. The path may seem hard, but once the identification with "I"-thought lessens it's easier and easier... keep going
  3. roopepa's body is in a world, not you, you are the whole world (including the body). Come back to noticing yourself again and again, and again until it clicks or not. Whatever comes & goes is not it, you are permanent, that spawns all the impermanence. Surely, @Nahm is a living example. But then there is no play and one... just lila. Just wonder who is that "I" that is afraid, there is no fear without this mysterious "I", find the source of "I"-thought. ?
  4. Once the last layer of onion is peeled, it's nothing. :))
  5. Sounds good to me. My pleasure. Other & your mind is a thought by itself. The trick is to investigate the nature of thinking ("I"-thought specifically). Once it's investigated the experience of thinking has no difference with sound of birds. There is no separate content, the Source is one. Another way to approach it is to look how you feel in every moment. The feelings is a guidance system. These few amazing videos by Leo may be helpful
  6. Hi, Lilia. Sure. You wrote that you are prone to generalization, understanding the Spiral Dynamics model may help to see wider. At the end any model is just a model. To understand "other" minds firstly you have to understand yours. I'd direct the inquiry "internally" and wonder "who am I?", "how do I feel?" as often as possible.
  7. Have you looked into Spiral Dynamics model?
  8. It's like the whole universe whispers about it but we won't listen. You can find the pointers in any book if the eyes wide-open. Investigate the nature of "I"-thought, investigate who really wrote any book.
  9. "I see this & I see that". This & that is descriptions of what is seen. These descriptions arises together with "I"-thought: "I" <description>. The trick is to investigate the nature of it. Notice that "I"-thought appears and disappears in the same way as a bird's song or a sound of a train. Notice that you are before "I"-thought, you are the foundation (existence) that includes everything: "I"-thought or bird's song, body, tree, etc. Just notice who you really are as often as possible. You can confuse yourself with descriptions or you can just be. Engaging is descriptions is also not a problem if you see who you really are in this picture.
  10. You can see anything here, literally anything, the trick is to direct all of your attention to the "subject" that includes every object, to see who is seeing.
  11. @meta_male The only joke here is the "I"-thought identification, so it may be claimed something like: "my happiest" or "close to a burnout". My happiest + Close to a burnout - Without these two kind of +/- thoughts "I"-thought doesn't exist. The trick is to notice that you are not just "I"-thought, you are the "thing" that includes everything. So, if everything is inside you, can anything bother you? If everything is inside you is there any problem with "I"-thought? Just notice that you already are when "I"-thought appears. "I"-thought doesn't exist without you! You are the boss, chill!
  12. Yes, Consciousness=Existence! But who is rising this argument? Investigate that direction
  13. I am not a native speaker, but anyway will try to write something in the near future
  14. Sure, thanks for asking, not sure I want to reply a one-liner here, maybe at some point I create a thread with sharing a journey story & appreciation Otherwise... at home where always been... or maybe just stay silent is a thing
  15. Ideas about emptiness... maybe for a short period... ? with the first glimpses via meditation practices.
  16. @VeganAwake Yeah, saw this gem. Though 'emptiness'/'nothingness' may be an island to cling to, no writing on you.
  17. @Giulio Bevilacqua The idea that you are not a doer is just an idea. "Everything happens by itself or not" is just another idea. There is existence that allows for any idea to appear inside... direct all of your attention to the feeling 'I am'... relax.
  18. It's about seeing it for what it is, about seeing the source of thinking. Meditate 2 years for 1 hour in the morning observing who observes the deep breathing, that should be it. ✊
  19. The Emptiness may be the identification