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Everything posted by allislove

  1. Thanks for pointing out. I am all for lessening the cruelty against animals
  2. Does it feel good for you? I am sure - not. So, less mental masturbation, more actual work. Inspect your direct experience rather than bringing delusional hypothesis
  4. Some pigs are even more conscious than some people
  5. @Nemo28 another extreme example. Just by walking in the forest you are killing a lot of insects, so should you stay at home all your life? About support of industry if you buy meat.... then, you need to restrict yourself from everything including mobile phone So, it's really up to you
  6. Yes, of course. Also, there is a lot of poor kids in Africa, so what? And yes, you are salad in the same way as animal. And there is no difference between salad, animal and you Just to give you extreme example. Let's assume you asked something more radical: Can you be "high conscious" (whatever it means) and kill the person? Yes, of course. Imagine you are surgeon, you did your best and patient died after you opened patient's stomach. So, in fact you killed the person. But you did a "good" thing. You tried to help, you did it out of love, so nothing wrong with that It's not like I am supporting animal mockery, no. I am saying you can be highly conscious and eat meat. So, as a lot of people mentioned it's personal choice. Do what feels good for you
  7. No, you can even have 94 Rolls-Royces
  8. Take tab of good acid and debate with yourself. Will see who wins
  9. So my question is: are stage blue religious people really capable of feeling something that comes from God when they go to church or when they pray which I am not able to experience or are they really deluding themselves like I originally thought they are? Everything is God. Everything "comes" from God to itself. Are you asking if they have mystical experiences while praying? Only God knows ? I heard some churches use 5-MeO, so why not.
  10. Illusion doesn't mean it's not real. It means it's not what you think. In Truth, Illusion = Real, so you can say: everything is real everything is illusion everything is pterodactyl Yes. Just look around yourself and feel that everything which is in your direct experience is You. Not just body, not just mind, but everything, including your phone or laptop which you use to read this forum, forum is also You. The guy who are writing this message also has direct experience. The thing is, there is no difference between direct experience of that guy and direct experience of yours , it's exactly the same thing. This thing is not just dumb atoms, this thing is infinitely smart and conscious, and it's everything - Love.
  11. Thanks for the tip. First I want your electronic collection of hot witch girls ?
  12. I went to Escher museum in Netherlands the next day after my first 5-MeO trip ?
  13. @mandyjw спасибо ?
  14. I think the issue here is with dosing. When I did 50% venom + 50% synthetic with shaman, huge dose, I can't "remember" what body did during the trip. When I took synthetic solo, but 5 times smaller dose it's completely different story, bilateral symmetry movements are quite helpful to let go
  15. @mandyjw with a timestamp:
  16. Uff, so good, thanks for sharing ?
  17. @Amit of course, you've got the point. It's easy to say, when you have this realization on the experiential level - completely different story. You even may cry, just releasing..
  18. Leo vs Sam Haris is duality. Leo = Sam Haris
  19. @nowimhere sounds good to me, thanks ?
  20. A little off topic, feel like to share: I think it's rare case when person tried 5-MeO with shaman and without, so I want to share some thoughts. I want to say that, yeah, shaman gives you huge dose and you have a breakthrough. You feel Love, yourself. BUT... if you start from such dose you will have a feeling that you 'left' a body. You won't connect your experience after the trip with trip experience. Therefore, one breakthrough with shaman is not that 'useful'. I suggest to do it solo when you are ready, starting from the small doses.
  21. Around 10mg for me with oil pipe for a breakthrough ? Just an update: it seems it's really a lot of burn when using only oil pipe. So, I ordered dry herbs. Will test them with Yocan Evolve Plus vaporizer. If it won't work will try oil pipe and dry herbs. Will see ?
  22. That's really great!!! I can't say better, so Nahm's quote: Source: If you have Awakening you will realize that suffering is love. Everything is perfect as it is. The good news is you don't need to suffer. Start a dream board, write what you want, enjoy unfolding Godspeed.