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Everything posted by allislove

  1. Subject and object exist together: if there is no object, there is no subject and vice versa. In the deep sleep (or when you knocked out) there are no objects, so there is no subject, but you still are. The trick is to shift the focus from any object to the subject that contains every object. Once the thinking arises, see who is observing it, see that the thinking arises simultaneously with everything else (e.g. a bird singing). See that for thinking to arise there should be existence that turn on all of this. Just continue spiritual practices and shift the attention to the source of "I"-thinking, that's all. Enlightenment is like a knocking out but without actually knocking out.
  2. Sober or not sober is going to merge, yes, congrats!
  3. I like the contemplation ??? Yeah, with lessening expectations - how things should go - the suffering drops significantly. Imagine, that everything you see around is inside a bubble. The movie inside the bubble plays anyway, with or without commenting & expecting something inside the bubble. Once the attention switched from the character inside a bubble to the bubble itself - the playing plays in the same way but there is no expectations, since there is no identification as a separated character. The fact that there is a bubble with a movie inside is already enough - pure miracle.
  4. Today is the day of analogies from me, hope you don't mind You can read something on the forum, you can think: "Reality is like this or that.". All the thinking is happening on the plane... So, the best what you can see from the plane is a circle. A circle represents that there is an authentic openness to the ideas like "there is only one source", "everything is you", "all is love", etc. The concepts like "solipsism" is also happening on the plane, but it's completely off from the circle shape. How to know what is closer to the circle and what is not? By listening to your feelings. If the spiritual idea feels terrible to you, makes you afraid - it's "safe" to forget about it - to switch the attention on something else. The goal of the game is to see the sphere, for that we need to find out what the source of thinking - "who are you". Any thinking that happens on the plane doesn't really help to see the sphere. Once the circle is seen, so you are open for the idea of oneness, you may try living like that, also the spiritual practices like deep-breath meditation may help. Good luck.
  5. Yes. They are not separated though. "not separated" in the same way as the fingers on your hand are not separated - it's just a hand, even though there are different fingers. Whatever is looking through my eyes and yours literally one. There is no "looking through the eyes" though, the eyes is inside it so to speak.
  6. Let's say "Flim" is the toy on the left hand and "allislove" is the toy on the right hand. The question then transforms to: does "allislove" that "Flim" is interacting with have a "pov" with "thoughts"? The answer is no (even though it looks like that). You are the source of thinking, you are literally everything ("allislove", "Flim", etc), not just a frog toy.
  7. @Javfly33 Cool bro. Your mother is imaginary in the same way as Javfly33. "I imagined" is saying too much.. it assume "I" entity and "imagine" action, there is only "imaginING":
  8. @Flim Imagine that the thoughts are not personal, even though if it seems like that. So, the thoughts (or more precisely 'thinking') is like the sounds of the car or the falling rain drops. You are the source of thinking (the car that generates sounds or the cloud that produces drops). You are everything & everyone (you, me, family, friends, dog, tree, the rock, etc).
  9. @Someone here Jim Newman is great, but I do not recommend Jim Newman in your case bro, just my 2 cents. And yes, if it feels like taking the well-deserved break from spirituality do that.
  10. @Someone here I can point you where the "I"-thinking started to play its thing in the message but I won't do it - you created a lot of questions on the forum & enough pointers were provided. Do the work bro ✊ Are you listening to Rupert Spira on a regular basis? Just listen to Rupert without trying to understand the message. Maybe, it may help too, maybe not.
  11. It seems like there are a lot of concepts about spirituality, so if you can just slow-down a little bit, and contemplate via direct experience the nature of "I" that claims to get the glimpse/to be stuck in a horror loop/etc that would be helpful. If I were in your shoes I'd stop reading the non-dual books, doing all the spiritual practices, except maybe the breath-focus mediation for half an year, and see if it helps.
  12. Imagine that you are sitting in the cinema called "You". Now turn the head and see around... that's the movie. Enlightenment is the recognition that you are the whole cinema (the screen, movie, person watching the movie). Even if you recognize that you are watching the movie there can be sadness, happiness and all the goodies movie provides. It's noticed that the feelings come and go as everything else - as thinking, as sound of the train, as any object. The suffering is dropped since it's recognized that the movie can't really touch you. You are "something" that never comes & goes, ever present awareness. There is only one movie called "Love", so nothing to do, but to enjoy it.
  13. @Someone here judgments, blame, fear.... that's all due to identification yourself with 'I'-thinking. That's fine to suffer, but do you really want to suffer? You may watch @Nahm's video and DO what he points to: No need for mental gymnastic, up to you though. Peace bro. ??
  14. That's funny title... imagine, putting the finger into the nose and saying I have troubles accessing my nose :))) It's not about what you do, it's about what you think you are. You are not just a human being, just get used it, peel the onion layer by layer, by not identifying yourself with "I"-thinking.
  15. Enlightened people are not enlightened. States of consciousness are stateless. That's the best explanation :)) Imagine, you are the ocean. Ocean forgets yourself and identify yourself with a fish inside yourself. Fish can experience different states of ocean: very disturbing ocean, calm ocean, dangerous ocean, romantic ocean, etc. To describe the ocean there should be a fish, otherwise ocean is just an ocean. There is a special bay inside of the ocean called "psilocybin" bay. So, fish goes there and from the perspective of the fish this is a very different kind of ocean. But for the ocean, it's always just an ocean. The easiest way for the ocean to recognize itself is to give up searching for it. But if it feels like to go to "psilocybin" bay - feel free. This is your place, enjoy!
  16. That's a very good insight. When the "I"-thinking appears just notice that you are not it, but rather it's inside you. You are the foundation in which the "I"-thinking appears. "I"-thinking appears in the same "time" as sound of the bird in the forest for example. You are the boss of "I"-thinking, not vise versa. So, just give more attention to the foundation of yours, not to the details inside you.
  17. Any tool is just a tool. If you rely solely on psychedelics you are pretty much doomed. Doomed because at some point you have to recognize that the tool is inside you and you are the tool itself. Solely with psychedelics it's way harder to notice, so continue meditating. But psychedelics is a very good tool in tandem with meditation as you said. Psychedelics help to recognize other beliefs about yourself more quickly than a meditation practice alone. This is just one perspective, doesn't apply to everyone, listen to your gut feeling. And welcome to the forum!
  18. Inside you, not inside a body. Plainly annoying or unpleasant is labeling due to identification with a commentator. The commentator is 'I'-thinking identification. It resides somewhere between 'body' and 'consciousness'. Find out in the direct experience that you are not the commentator. The commentator is inside you, you are consciousness, there is only you. There is no problem with a commentator then, it's just your hand. Everything that appears is love. I like mountain biking, yes, just a story. There is only the story. If there is only the story, everything that appears is love and there is only you, what it may even mean?!? Whatever ?
  19. <terrible>, <fully aware> or <alone> are descriptions that exist together with "I"-thinking identification. "I" + <description> Find the source of "I"-thinking, is it really you or it's just inside you like a bird's song? Imagine, you are the sky and there are different types of clouds that form letters like "t e r r i b l e" or "a l o n e". If you identify yourself with these clouds it may seem very terrifying, but there is another choice... to see that you are the sky. Be like a sky, my friend ??
  20. @Someone here You're onto something here bro ? Let's inquiry a little bit deeper Who is that "me" that realizes there is only me? Is this "me" really exist or it's just bunch of thoughts? Does "I"-thought arise before the bird's sound or they arise simultaneously inside you? If they are simultaneous who are you in this picture? What if the focus is switched from "I"-think-ing to actual you-ing? To answer the questions, be with all of your attention where your body is.