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Everything posted by allislove

  1. LSD, microdose it few times, like 10ug, 20ug, then do full trip, like 125ug, ideally with experienced trip sitter.
  2. Yes, on full dose of acid. What is seen can't be unseen ?
  3. @Nahm is there some duality? changing vs permanent ? EDIT: you edited message, now it's clear, thanks ?
  4. Naval is amazing guy, I was sticking to him before Leo in 2016-2017 Not Meditation VS Psychedelics → Meditation + Psychedelics Meditation deepens your trips
  5. Every person has, I name it, 'Inner Guide'. You are literally everyone and everything. So, while having a conversation try to remember that 'this person is literally you', deep breath, 'relax focus on background of everything' , 'accept person as it is', 'accept moment as is it' THEN you may share what comes to your mind. Sharing what comes to your mind is optional - you may just be present, hold good feeling thought, like 'I am everything', 'I love this person', 'I love myself'. It helps another person to become more clear on something, to access this 'Inner Guide'. Since there is literally no separation between you and the person you talk to, in fact 'Inner Guide' is one and it's this. So, if you can shine truth, just by being happy, by holding only to the highest possible thought it's already a great help to you. That's how miracle is done, conscious creation in a nutshell.
  6. @mandyjw sounds like a plan ?
  7. @Winny your true nature, Winny, is Happiness/Peace/Love. How do you feel about "having no motivation"? If it feels "not great" it means something is "wrong" in town, someone sends you the signs to do something about it, the question is will you see the light or not? It's all fine either way, but you are here to live your best life (by design), so why not to have everything you want? Just meditate, first thing in the morning, follow the best feeling thought. Godspeed.
  8. @Leo Gura if somebody you never met will write you here suggesting sexual experience and sending the good pictures, what would you do? Just curious. I would probably reject it... I find sexual instincts quite strong sometimes. Like, you can't think about anything else at all, thoughts arise..
  9. I think it's completely fine to have sex if all parties want it. The fruit of spiritual work is that - you magnet people since truth is so radiant
  10. ? Such amazing experience on microdose of acid
  11. It depends on "how awaken you are", there were stories in the past, like with Jesus
  12. @Shiva99 imagine you have a dream at night that you are drug addict. In the middle of the dream you realize that this is a dream. Is there something wrong with being drug addict in the dream? As drug addict in the dream of course you can go to homeless person and say "It's MY dream, it's perfect"
  13. This question comes from the belief that you are separate from drug addict... you are not
  14. @Dazgwny seems like we all agree on it. We need someone who jumps to this thread with another point of view. Like "it's REAL, I've reincarnated few times, my soul is older than yours..."
  15. The whole game is about you remembering who you are. There are no winners or losers in this game. It's perfect, as it is, now.
  16. Yep, that's why in quotes ? What I was pointing to: you create your own reality. You can create whatever you want. You can even create the event which will look as miracle for 'others'.
  17. Amazing story. I once wanted the guitar and one day I found it on a trash. Exactly as I wanted - mini guitar with nylon strings in a good shape ? So, some "miraculous event" also can happen, depending on imagination ?