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Everything posted by allislove

  1. @zeroISinfinity ?❤️
  2. Microdose of lsd, that's all it takes ?? Okay, haven't read the question you were answering lol
  3. @WaveInTheOcean yes I was just felt like to play non-dual game and comment on Ivan's comment about disagreeing with forum, just for fun
  4. @ivankiss interesting, thanks for sharing. Just the perspective: Ivan is Matt Ivan is not Matt Both are true. Absolute truth - Ivan is Matt Relative truth - Ivan is not Matt. Absolutely speaking there is no difference between Matt and Ivan. God (call it as you want) appears to be Matt and Ivan in the same time, playing itself. Relatively speaking: Matt and Ivan have own preferences, unique in their own way.
  5. @ivankiss "Ivan is not Matt" that's just a belief. ωe are on spiritual forum, so ωe can open the curtains and speak as truthy as possible. I was referring to one of the biggest traps of "to give your authority".... I hope you are free from it
  6. @ivankiss love you bro. "I am not nearly as integrated and balanced as Matt is, for example." Doesn't feel good to me, so it's clearly a lie. You are the best in the district, the only One
  7. Foremost, listen your feeling, don't give your authority to anyone, even to this forum. Meditate, then listen what is your "Inner Guide" tells you, "how does it feel?". If it feels good, that's the main sign to act.
  8. Imagine thumb finger said to other fingers: "I'm totally fine with disagreeing with all other fingers ? Hand said it's ok ?" thumb (you) = all fingers (the entire forum) = hand (Love)
  9. @JosephKnecht illusion, that's why ?
  10. My 2 cents... 1. Forgive him this money, doesn't matter he will give you back or not. 2. From the place where you let go fully this guy and this situation with money decide what you want to do. 3. Do you want to start new hobby of paragliding? Start. Easier said than done.
  11. @Leo Gura I imagine some nice island where Leo has a big house where there are a lot of people doing psychedelics research. The first in the world "University of Love" lead by Leo Gura, feels good to me.
  12. @Leo Gura hehe, now I am wondering about Sadhguru ??
  13. you Here & now I appear to be every thing - Love There is no one here No one remembers and no one forgets Just happens, just is, just knowing This
  14. @VeganAwake Here & now I appear to be every thing - Love There is no one here No one remembers and no one forgets Just happens, just is, just knowing This. Hope you like this rhythm
  15. @zeroISinfinity There is a choice to belief (to react) on thought or let it go, totally up to you.
  16. @VeganAwake Forgetting and remembering ?
  17. @VeganAwake ❤️ You are doing voice text, I am not native speaker, let's talk about non-duality ?? What a dream... ?
  18. @VeganAwake hehe, I haven't expected to play non-dual wording game at 1am My comment was directed to: By consciousness I meant Love, God, you, Infinity. Thanks for you comment, I would just say: death is illusion, you never die, you are here & now forever, Knowing... good night
  19. @StarStruck good, every possible emotion is very well described in the first book I recommended. In the second book you can learn how to go up on emotional scale: from depression to anger, from anger to optimism, from optimism to love.
  20. Do you have a daily meditation habit? From the theoretical point of view I would suggest: "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender" and "Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires".
  21. @justfortoday You, as separate self, don't exist, since it is just a belief. You, as consciousness, do exist, since it is everything, this.
  22. This guy is like breath of fresh air in spirituality domain