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Everything posted by allislove

  1. You are not killing dream character when you wake up in the morning - it's nonsense. There wasn't any dream character, was just you
  2. I would say it's without any properties, colorless, but feels like white, yes. It's everything, it's here&now. Yes, feeling is indescribable, imagine every human being would lovingly hug you, it's so peaceful and so huuggge It's you, this
  3. Self-realization 'occurs' when you drop the game in favor of playing ?❤️?
  4. Of course body is me, and it's hard to call sleep. You never 'sleep', there are no diff between wakeful and sleeping state. You are presence itself, here&now.
  5. Heh, now every day in the morning I am just WTF, I haven't slept at all, body just slept ?
  6. Santa Claus is True! ? Now what? You are every thing, every one - L O V E
  7. Why are we afraid of Love? This is not a bug, it's a feature. This is by design, so you can realise who you are.
  8. @dflores321 I would say meditation goes perfectly with a dreamboard, also listening to Abraham Hicks never hurts ? @Johnny5 that made a big laugh for me, thanks man ?? ?
  9. @dflores321 sure. The process of writing something on the board should be as effortless as possible. So, when thought comes you just go and unload it into the board. I have a whiteboard and markers, perfect for me.
  10. @dflores321 invest 100-150 bucks on a whiteboard on wheels, place it on the most visible place, write what you want, make it a daily practice, whatever comes to mind, if it feels good - write it and erase when it's manifested.
  11. @Nahm Pure potentiality infinitely absolute. Who said that?
  12. And what is happening now? Who makes this stuff happen? Whose ass, so to speak?
  13. "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." − Linus Torvalds
  14. @Nahm @mandyjw can we just meet somewhere on a glass of ? for the sake of LOA? ?
  15. @JayG84 there is no point in trying to get it conceptually, just relax now - be everything, you are complete, and live from that, don't think how, just enjoy the moment, you can write what you want on the dream board though
  16. You are God. There is no such thing as God's plan, there is only this. It's spontaneous creation of Love. LOA is all about letting go the thoughts which stops you for getting what you want. Start a dream board, write what you want, inspect the board every day, and let go of the thoughts which stop you from getting what you want. Meditation can help with letting go. Most importantly, enjoy every moment, life is a gift.