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Everything posted by allislove

  1. @Intraplanetary Acceptance/surrender go hand in hand with LOA. LOA is not about effort. LOA is about feeling good, about being authentic, about self-realizing Read this as inspiration:
  2. @SoonHei I recommend to have 10-15 trips with low/moderate dosage of shrooms/acid and then switch to 5-MeO league. 5-MeO helps to see that "you are God" so easily. I completely agree with you: words are the least importance, feelings are the most. Follow the best feeling thought, that's the path of least resistance just for you. Congrats with the first trip. ?
  3. @SoonHei Indeed, attitude is everything. If you do it with the understanding that you are Love, God, creator of everything; just for the sake of having fun, for the sake of celebration the beauty of life - literally nothing can go wrong. ?
  4. @SoonHei I used only B+ strain, from the internet Penis Envy is 2-3 times more potent than B+. I would suggest to start from 1g B+ equivalent, so it's like 0.3-0.5g of Penis Envy. 1g of Penis Envy may be too much for the first time. Godspeed.
  5. @Javfly33 I feel you bro ?? Always now, always happy, no time.
  6. Any relationship is always between you and You. Play like you don't know that this is a play. The only point is to have fun, joy, to give love. Meditation every morning ??
  7. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Hitler = God = Love = you
  8. Indeed, too good to be true ? Do you have a dream board? Feels like a perfect timing for that ?
  9. Welcome home. Just pay attention to the feelings, let go if it doesn't resonate with your new understanding. ego is an illusion, just a belief in separate self. Indeed, it's all perfect ?
  10. You can't know what happens next, but you surely can know that you are everything. When this is realized it becomes so funny. Since you are everything, made out of pure orgasmic energy, it doesn't make sense to do anything except to give love or in other words to feel good, to feel happy. Then, the only reason to live is to feel even happier by helping 'others' and 'yourself' to feel better, just by being Yourself. What a mind-fucked dream it is. Yes, too much laughs sometimes ??
  11. @Rigel Looks amazing! Have you already done shorter retreats (like 3, 5 or 7 days)?
  12. I just wanna feel Real love feel the home that I live in ?
  13. @SamC Sounds good, just continue your meditation practice. First, such insights may hit you, then you feel the blissful energy through the whole body, then you may "disappear" and "appear" again realizing that you are the creator of everything. Don't have a high expectations though, just be
  14. @Nirvanalight How is your meditation practice going? What about your diet/fitness/sleep? If you are afraid of death/hell/etc just start breathing slowly from the stomach with deep gratitude for the air you are breathing in.