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Everything posted by allislove

  1. I like Rupert's ocean analogy. If Consciousness is the ocean, thoughts are waves, feelings are currents. You are Consciousness. Water is made out of pure timeless orgasmic energy, called Unconditional Love. Investigate the direct experience via spiritual practices: • what is the relationship between thought and feeling? • can you experience more than one thought in a time? • what is the relationship between you and thought? who is experiencing (aware of) the thought?
  2. @Manish cool Get used to feeling love and joy if you continue with meditation practice. I'd also advise to let go of interpreting the meditation experiences, just enjoy the ride so to speak. ??
  3. @Manish This is a great progress! Keep going man. Form is formlessness, formlessness is form. There is no separation at all, all is one. So, 'body' is not separated from anything else and it's formlessness.
  4. @Javfly33 Exactly, everything is "by design", no bugs at all, perfection Identification with a thought, the road of self realization is a hell lot of fun, would be too boring without it.
  5. Thought is a feature, not a bug Just have to learn how to use this feature – do not cling to the thought if it doesn't feel good. Well said ^^
  6. Any answer can only provide pointers for investigation in the direct experience. To realize the true nature of thought I recommend daily self-inquiry practice. It's possible to experience the following insights during self-inquiry practice: "The source of any thought is You" "You are the sky, thoughts are clouds" Awareness (i.e. consciousness) is all there is. There is nothing but consciousness. Think about the tree question. The freedom comes from realizing that you are awareness, by allowing the thoughts come&go without resistance, by giving love.
  7. Body is a thought. Death is a lie. Investigate the direct experience, self-inquiry to the rescue
  8. @ConsciousOwl10 You have to have a strong desire to know yourself. A lot of people simply don't have it yet. Personally, daily meditation practice combined with 5-MeO sessions occasionally is the answer for what Meditation really is.
  9. Imagine the field beyond space and time that feels like 1000X human orgasms. It's the substance of everything, unconditional Love. So, yeah, "everything you're doing is sharing love to yourself" ?
  10. Yes, can't run from Love. I was pointing something else. The more you realize that you are everything and everyone, Love, the more compassion you have. So, you won't do what doesn't feel good. Will you cut your own finger consciously? The same thing
  11. @Someone here exactly, the more you're conscious of it the more you let go, the more you let go the more you follow your Heart
  12. Yes, there is also a different facade, when you realize that you are everyone and everything, like compassion
  13. Pfff. Once you have a glimpse of Love you won't say like that to people. That's why I was asking about psychedelics in another thread. I think 1 hour morning meditation daily, observing a deep breath and/or self-inquiry, is the best bet here, in case psy is not an option. Godspeed ?
  14. @Someone here Any plans for psychedelics bro?
  15. ?‍♂️ Spiritual work is not about adding the new twisted beliefs about reality; it's not about sounding cool. "Let go of your mind and then be mindful. Close your ears and listen!" − Rumi ??