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Everything posted by allislove

  1. 'you' can't get it, peace just is, unconditional
  2. @Vibroverse Yep. Notice though that the need to change something appears to distance you from joy/peace/happiness. Deep breathing, appreciating whatever is here, following the best feeling thought, relaxing appears to make you closer to it. Godspeed.
  3. Trust your own feelings. Truth feels like joy/peace/happiness.
  4. Wow, sounds great. How can I help you bro? ? Suffering is caused by believing in separation. The idea that there is two of you strengthens this belief, so more suffering is born. What a vicious circle. ? "T-8.VII.16. Do not allow yourself to suffer from imagined results of what is not true. Free your mind from the belief that this is possible. In its complete impossibility lies your only hope for release. But what other hope would you want? Freedom from illusions lies only in not believing them. There is no attack, but there is unlimited communication and therefore unlimited power and wholeness. The power of wholeness is extension. Do not arrest your thought in this world, and you will open your mind to creation in God." − ACIM
  5. @PureRogueQ yep, only thinking that stems from the belief in separation may be problematic. @Ry4n thank you.
  6. @Javfly33 From the relative perspective, the story may appear as sh*t, from the absolute it's a miracle. From the relative perspective, the story has beginning&end, from the absolute nothing ever happened. From the relative perspective, the story may have a lot of suffering, from the absolute it's everlasting peace. ?
  7. @EddieEddie1995 Too much "me", let it go, you are beyond that. Just relax, feel free to PM me, happy to chat, it should feel like peace, like "home". Not like there is grand God and little you, that's a duality, a lie. Anyway, seems like a lot of releasing, great bro ?
  8. @Heaven Just enjoy the story of life, relax. Found this video yesterday, I think the message is pretty clear
  9. ? Glad to see you on the forum. Thank you for all the pointers some time ago.
  10. @Javfly33 Look at the Work of Byron Katie, maybe, it may help to release the ideas about apparent difficulties. ??
  11. Due to identification with thinking. Imagine, there a big beautiful ocean, but you choose to look only at one little drop, kinda meh. Let go of the apparent drop, you are the ocean. ?
  12. ?? @Eren Eeager Reincarnation, souls, densities are all mechanics of the movie (take it with a grain of salt since there wasn't any verification in the direct experience on this side, there is just openness for such ideas, since life is a miracle). The illusion of death, who are you, is pointing to the screen. Everything comes & go, but you are always here & now, you can't disappear, not possible. That's where the end of suffering lies. There is only screen. Peace.
  13. @traveler I dismissed Jim Newman as a good spiritual teacher at the beginning, when there was the ingrained thinking of separation. Now, I can see the beauty of expressed message in any spiritual teacher. It shouldn't be even a spiritual teacher, a "human", life is the teacher, everything is you. You can appreciate the beauty too. Focus on what you like. Peace.
  14. @Javfly33 Time is an illusion, right? So, you never wake up if you think there is true awakening in the future. Sure, try different tools, but you won't realize whether death real or not by asking guys on the forum & pointing who is more awake. Don't stop seeking, but see that "the thinking game" is the game of apparent ego, not actual you. By "thinking game" I mean the game of a desired outcome in the future, a lack of knowledge, blame, fear, guilt, desire to be right, seriousness, etc. You can live fully & joyfully now.
  15. @Byun Sean Thank you for the "constructive" feedback. I'll expand a little bit, so maybe it's going to shine some light on what I was pointing to. "Waking Up" does not contradict "Growing Up" path. Not Enlightenment VS Life Purpose, but Enlightenment + Life Purpose. In the OP question, there is an assumption that a person becomes enlightened, that's just an assumption. There is a self realization, and 'self' does not mean a separate person.