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Everything posted by allislove

  1. I don't have to think I only have to do it The results are always perfect And that's old news
  2. The best first post of the year. The best nickname of all times. Good start ?❣️
  3. Yes! Listen to what feels like goodness, ease, peace, joy. Let go everything that is in discord with actuality. Mind is very sneaky, it can use personal development work for creating a new ego's mask. Investigate the direct experience, do not believe in story telling that feels like ?. Read @Nahm 's post regarding emotional scale by Abraham Hicks: How does the thought about "Lucifer" feel? Find the feeling on the emotional scale. If the feeling is not at the top of the scale, it's safe to assume the thought is a lie. Care how you feel, that's the whole point of personal development. ?
  4. @Someone here ? What comes to mind, go to YT and listen Abraham Hicks, 30 minutes before sleep / 30 after waking up. Just doing that for 1 year improve the way you feel for the whole life ?
  5. @Someone here The truth is that - you are everything and it feels like peace (i. e. happiness), since everything happens in you, you are always Home. Suffering is always relative. There is a choice to end it, thanks God ? Self realization reveals that 'loving everything' is the way, any other way of living looks like insanity but on the other hand you see that this is your own misunderstanding, so compassion arises naturally, every moment welcomed as a gift.
  6. @Someone here Fair enough. Is the Absolute finite? By finite I mean does it have shape, size, weight, color, etc? What the height of the Absolute Happiness? If the Absolute is not finite, i. e. infinite. How many Infinities are there? Infinity is only Infinity if it's the only one, i. e. not two. So, if you want Absolute Truth and Absolute Happiness, seems like Truth is Happiness. But the liberation is to see that this is already the case, the direct experience. Hope it makes at least a little of sense. Peace bro ??
  7. @Someone here How many Absolutes are there? ?
  8. @SilentTears There is great love here for you ?
  9. @Hulia sry, yes, I used a wrong word. Sure, simplification makes his speech very easy-going. If you listen hours of his speeches with other Russian-speaking people you will see that he can "win" any conversation, it's very difficult to "catch" him in speech. He is the master of debates. That's actually what I wanted to say. Thanks for clarifying it for me.
  10. I dunno about Trump but in Russian-speaking space he is the king of eloquent speech ime
  11. Putin is one of the best orators in the world. That's very handy in this position :))
  12. Investigate the nature of this lifetime first. Nice profile pic, that's how awakening looks like
  13. ? Feelings, it's a guidance system. You never decide, you are being decided. How does it feel? Follow the best feeling thought.
  14. This is nirvana. There is no any other nirvana. Infinite Loving Now. Just listen, relax, feel it: ?
  15. Not in the dream. You're the dreamer dreaming dream Let go the thoughts that don't feel good Follow the best feeling thought Dream big ?
  16. @Someone here Appreciating the number of questions asked on the forum through you. Reality seems to be designed in some particular way if there is a belief in separation (illusion). The most satisfying answer would be it is designed in such a way for enjoyment. You can't understand reality by overthinking. Reality is understanding, for understanding the understanding it's enough to be as understanding, not as apparent thinker.
  17. There is no Enlightened Ones actually. It seems that there is Enlightened Ones if there is a belief in ego (separated self). There is no right or wrong. It seems that someone can be correct or not if there is a belief in a separate entity (ego). Reality is not only imagination, or dreamstuff. It seems that reality is in some particular way if there is a belief in separation (illusion). You can't understand reality by overthinking. Reality is understanding, for understanding the understanding it's enough to be as understanding, not as apparent thinker
  18. @Recress Exactly, always trust your guts first. And don't forget, if something doesn't resonate today, it may be well-resonated tomorrow, in a year, etc. Godspeed ?
  19. @Pilgrim felt it Emotional scale by Abraham Hicks, Dream board, Daily meditation... It's all about noticing how you feel, letting go what is in discord with actuality. You can't fight thinking by thinking.
  20. I usually make a cup of Cappuccino after a meditation practice
  21. The question assumes that there is a human being separated from the universe, the universe can exist or not. Is it really true? Do you see the solid boundary between the feeling of "me" and the universe? Have you ever seen non-existence?