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Everything posted by allislove

  1. God, give high five to God, amazing response ?
  2. Hell, yes! Once a self realization has happened, once seeing is clear in daily living, this is only the first pinnacle of life. Then, compassion arises naturally, to share loving attention with 'others', to bring yourself higher and higher so to speak. What else you can do? Nothing.
  3. The source of everything is one, so where do thoughts come from? There is no other place. Everything comes from actual you. Great insights about the thoughts. First of all, notice that you can experience only one thought at time. Then, be aware that you can feel the thought. That's it. Reactive thoughts usually don't feel good. So, what I am trying to say, it's not about the thoughts at all, it's about who you are. Are you the sky with clouds, or are you one tiny cloud on the sky? Be like a sky, my friend.
  4. "If a Buddha is not misunderstood then he is not a Buddha at all" Osho
  5. There is no priority in actuality. There is no "that place" in actuality. There is only this place, actually. We all share one loving placeless place.
  6. tl;dr: write on A3 paper what you want (it should feel good), hang it on the wall of your room, so you can see it "on background" as often as possible. Let go any limited belief that seems to stop you from getting what you want, e.g. "I don't deserve to be happy". The daily meditation practice goes perfectly with LOA and it is one of the best tools for letting go the limited beliefs. Ask yourself as often as possible during the day: "How do I feel?". Feel "good" as often as possible by letting go what is in discord with actuality, by focusing on what feels good. If you want to understand in more details listen to Abraham Hicks on YT.
  7. @Dark_White Thinking won't help you here, meditate daily, the answer is not a concept.
  8. By working hard & preparing to exams, find somebody who does it all the time and take as a role model
  9. @Kel Varnsen Not really explaining the quote, but this masterpiece comes to mind somehow:
  10. ?, great read, thank you "Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine." Buddha
  11. Is finding the water for a fish in the ocean simple or complex?
  12. @AdamR95 Relax attention, deep breath, do not cling to the thoughts about the future. Perhaps, express yourself somehow. I dunno "dance", "sing", "run", "draw", anything that relaxes the monkey mind and helps to be present.
  13. "Free Will" is (contains) everything including AI. So, it's not like AI with "Free Will", it is "Free Will" with (is) AI. Investigate the direct experience and find out what "Free Will" points to.
  14. Exactly. Osho has great pointers on the matter, be well, my friend:
  15. Jesus comes to mind "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
  16. It can't go wrong, my friend. There is no growth actually, you are perfect as you are now, and there is only this now. "You are the Master, and not the slave of your mind. You are the Driver, not the driven."
  17. The spiritual ego is a thought by itself (more precisely 'identification with thinking'). Less thinking, more feeling, daily meditation practice helps to be more sensitive. Feelings is a guidance system. If it feels like "goodness, ease, peace, joy, happiness, abundance, passion, etc" then go for it.
  18. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
  19. @Rilles From the AMA: "The only way to KNOW; is to KNOW the truth for yourself because then it becomes undeniable." ?