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Everything posted by allislove

  1. @Breakingthewall Yep, again&again caught in believing that we are separate, we are not. We can break that wall. Thank you for reminding ?
  2. @Breakingthewall There is nothing solid/real/difficult about existence. Only thinking makes it seems so. Yep, we can say that memory is the past, still the answer is the same, the answer is actual you.
  3. I would start from contemplating what is memory. Memory is the thoughts about the past. What is the past? It's a thought. Memory is the thoughts about the thought. So, to know what is memory we have to see what is a thought. By trying to give any definition to a thought we will come up with another thought, vicious circle. We have to investigate the direct experience and see the source of any thought, who you really are.
  4. The most hardcore thing ever is a living itself. Consistent formal meditation practice pays off so to speak. Beautiful.
  5. @Gianna The suggestion here would be to start a dream board & write what you want: "meditating every day", ... . Meditate every day as the first thing in the morning, bumping the duration to 1 hour over time. Pay attention on how you feel during the day. That's all. Sooner or later you'll notice the actual you.
  6. Congrats! How long are you into spiritual practices? (just curious)
  7. ? Try to find that is trying to find
  8. "I don't want learning, or dignity, or respectability. I want this music, and this dawn, and the warmth of your cheek against mine." Rumi
  9. Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you. Rumi
  10. @Someone here To have sickness there should be reality inside which it manifests. That reality is never disturbed. And that reality is the only reality, your true nature.
  11. Not implying that you have the same situation... perhaps, it may bring some clarity: • not going into details... one person was really angry on me, shouting and tried to threaten... I kept label "perhaps, she is mentally ill" for a long time... until 10 days Vipassana retreat... there was insight... anyway I just called that person and genuinely apologized for the past moments, we talked calmly... that was such a relief • another story... I was blaming one person over and over again... until 5-MeO breakthrough after crying a little bit... it was clear that blaming doesn't make sense at all... such a relief At some point, it may be the case that to be at peace is going to be the priority number one (so to speak). So, anything that happens in dream (so to speak) won't have much of importance compare to peace. So, you forgive everything for the sake of seeing the peace, that is here & now. Doesn't mean someone should tolerate abusive behavior, on the contrary.
  12. "be happy" seems to be overloaded, "at peace" is a better pointer imho
  13. Well said ? "There is no peace of mind, there is peace or mind" Osho
  14. This is how a human being can change. There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he is no longer a worm. He is the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that does not need to devour. Rumi
  15. @Gianna ? It's a gradual process. Daily meditation may help. If there were only one pointer it would be: "Love whatever arises".
  16. @Gianna 'Selfless' means living as a whole, as One. But not through 'thinking' how to behave as One. It is through 'feeling'. By collapsing any apparent separation (duality), by relaxation, by loving, by allowing, by undoing.