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Everything posted by allislove

  1. Keep going. You can't understand it since you are the understanding itself. Imagine, you say to a giraffe that it is your toy, as everything else. Can a giraffe to know that it's not just a giraffe? You can investigate the direct experience and see that you are not just a giraffe. The main principle it to notice how you feel, don't cling to the thinking that doesn't feel good. Don't cling to anything, stay as immovable silence so to speak. If you fully accept the current moment as it is, how does it feel? This is it.
  2. Can you find a separate border between 'you' and 'they'? Or is it just a thought? Inspect direct experience. ? All the anxiety that was mentioned in the previous posts due to the belief in separated you. You are the whole experience.
  3. ? I dunno, if I'd be an employer I prefer someone with 5-MeO experience ?
  4. There is no 'you' who attains spiritual realizations. There is no 'you' to whom results can be brought. "You create your own reality", investigate the direct experience, what is 'you' the quote is referring to. "There is great love here for you" Abraham Hicks
  5. That's exactly the trap of psychedelics, the state is taken as you, you are where all these states happen. Psychedelics are amazing tool though. As someone said "trap" is "part" backwards. What are parts? The parts are you and psychedelic that activates something. There is no separation. You are the "activator activating activation".
  6. @fish Do you have hobbies (wood working, drawing, singing, dancing, any sport, etc)? Focus on them. I started downhill MTB at 30 I wish I'd start at 17 ahaha
  7. @communitybuilder It seems like there are dualities, there is only non duality. Analogy would be, it seems like Santa Claus is real, it's not. Duality is non dual, non duality is dual, ?. You are already that, just do not merge with thinking that you are a separated person in the world. You are the whole world.
  8. @GreenLight Great! Stay with "I am" more often and see where it takes you.
  9. @Holygrail 1. God is Unconditional, doesn't have any desire. 2. Only ego can engage in the question "What would you do IF...". There is no separated you who have a choice. 3. Saying that something is relative is the same as saying it's a lie, there is only absolute sense, if it makes sense. 4. Infinite means not finite, there is only ONE infinite creation. Not Two. 5. The best what you can do is to realize your true nature by letting go questions like this, by not putting attention on thinking. Once there is a self realization only then the real help can happen by itself, by being yourself, at "Home".
  10. Any definition of God happens in God, thanks God Everything that appears and disappears happens in ever-present you. God is ever-present. Already the case. Ego believes that it's separate and wants to change the reality selfishly. That's not allowed by design
  11. You don't need to think much about it. It's going to be improved by doing spiritual practices automatically. By lessening ego (opinion), by seeing your true nature, oneness in everyone - words flowing by itself, compassion arises. I'd call it giving advice from "Home" ("I am") who you always are. That's a really good map though ?
  12. 'One in existence' means you & existence, but there is only existence.
  13. Yep, if there are motives to share something then it's pure ego play so to speak. Pay attention on how you feel during the day... putting feelings first and opinion about anything on the second place is the way.
  14. @Zion Confidence doesn't need approval from other people, arrogance does. If it's about proving your opinion to others it's arrogance. If it's about feeling good together it's confidence
  15. @IAmPaulQuinn Don't take life too serious, pay attention to what you feel, not what you think. If some idea doesn't feel good - do not believe in it. That's all To show what I mean: Any area that brings happiness/peace/joy/passion/appreciation/empowerment/freedom to your heart. It's not like there is only one area during one lifetime so to speak. Try all of them and see what resonates the most. It may be helpful to look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs. There is nothing wrong with society's definition of 'success' if you don't cling to it. It's fine to have relationship with a lot of girls, it's fine to have relationship with one simple girl. Everything is fine here, IF you listen to your feelings, if it feels like happiness/peace/joy/passion/appreciation/empowerment/freedom. Dream, create, enjoy
  16. Hi Alex, Surely it's a "good" sign. My only suggestion is to continue your meditation practices, putting how you feel during the day first & your opinion about anything on the second place... then you will see such "glimpses" more often... then the "glimpse" is going to be unavoidable through the daily living at some point... Godspeed.
  17. Something like this: You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop. Another pointer, you can try to find a solid border of the direct experience ? Yet another pointer, can a blind person to realize your true nature? Surely.
  18. Reality does not need conceptualization/theories. In order to conceptualization to take place there should be reality in which it happens first. Consciousness does not exist, it is existence itself. Reality does not have beginning and end as you rightly put. To notice what reality is let go every conceptualization, investigate the direct experience "who is showing all of this", find that who.
  19. Lol Just for the sake of conversation Imagine you are in your room and you leave the room for a minute, the room doesn't exist anymore since it's not in your visual field so to speak. BUT your visual field is not all there is. Direct experience is not limited by visual field, direct experience is unlimited, the whole universe so to speak.
  20. @meow_meow I just share a "personal" story. I've read the post at the day it was posted: It inspired to meditate every day. I've started from 20 minutes. I've meditated 20/30 minutes for a pretty long period of time. Then, naturally there was a desire to bump meditation practice to 40 minutes and then to 1 hour. Only then the power of formal meditation practice was seen. I am not saying only meditation helped, a lot of spiritual tools was used in conjunction. Once the self power was seen the natural desire arose to meditate 2-3 hours from time to time. Nowadays there is 1 hour of morning meditation, it's literally a miracle. At the beginning there was so called plateau periods, when you have to push through so to speak, but in general if you bump timing gradually and listen to your feelings you're golden.
  21. @Breakingthewall I am pretty sure that you know that the wall is imaginary, self made by believing that we are just human beings. There is already no wall, never was, never will be. I would say it's strange to pretending that there is a wall where there is none. With self realization nothing changes, but everything is different. We can say that with or without wall everything is the same, but attitude is different. Hope you had a great time at the dentist