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Everything posted by allislove

  1. When I am thinking I've read some useful stuff, I stop reading and ask: "How this information will change my behavior?".
  2. Start from "Do lying" 20 minutes per day. It's important to make it a habit, watch Leo's episode on "How To Lie".
  3. I stopped drinking coffee approx. 8 months ago. I remember I was reading "The Slight Edge" book in that time which brought motivation for me. Was doing Tony Robins visualization exercise to associate the drinking coffee to something bad. I remember I was doing "1 month" without coffee before deciding to drop it completely. I also dropped drinking alcohol and smoking weed a few months before dropping coffee. So, I didn't have a craving to coffee at all compare to weed. Good luck.
  4. It feels like you are lacking a mastery path. So, maybe you want to start working through the "Life Purpose" course?
  5. Thank you for sharing the meditation-instructions. I found the article about it:
  6. @Aaron p thank you for the insights, especially about self-inquiry process. > It's much harder to realise that this is a dream... On the next day after the 5meo trip I was staying on the railway station in Netherland and had such weird feeling that reality is collapsing, that I am going to eternity, to all moments, back in time to the trip and everywhere, it was pretty scary, I was staying and saying: no, no, I want to live, I love my life. Similar fair occurred after watching the "Walking Life" movie late at night. Now I am a bit scary to go to Vipassana retreat which is planned for April. Anyway, it's inevitable. Have a good day, my friend.
  7. "whatever you think cannot be anything more than a thought."
  8. I remember this for life And now I see much clearer I'm not scared to die 'Cause I will live forever I will be alive In this moment For eternity, for eternity
  9. I found the nice movie on this topic:
  10. I enjoy reading your journal. I am re-watching "Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors" video. So, maybe put even more awareness to chess if you want to drop it.
  11. @QandC lol. Sounds like 5 hours-baby
  12. @Nahm beautiful. This song without words, but for me, it will be always about enlightenment since I had a trip under this song.
  13. > I just don't understand the meaning of bodies and physical life then If you are nothing you want to create the illusion that you are something to understand that you are nothing.
  14. If I'd have to pick only one...
  15. I started to read the "The war of art", would be nice to hear other resources to be creative.
  16. Have you already seen it? It doesn't answer your questions, but there are some pointers I suppose.
  17. Thank you for sharing. It was a great read. I can't really suggest anything since I am only at the beginning of the path of spirituality. But my ego is already worried about how it's going to influence my life purpose path. I think nobody can help you here. You need to find your own balance. Try to listen to intuition. Good luck.
  18. I started to practice the Sedona method. Just a few days and it feels like it works. I suppose you can just release the fear using this method.
  19. I was able to train myself to run from 0 to 13,1 miles during 4-5 month using the following steps: 1. Go to the sports shoes shop and ask the staff to find long run shoes for you (my Nike costs 130$). 2. Install free app. Train by using this app from 0K to 10K. 3. Buy for 15$. Train by using this app from 10K to 22K. Good luck.
  20. mini-series.. lol