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Everything posted by allislove

  1. I am Ra. Densities is a joke, just a good story telling. You are the One Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.
  2. Seems natural to me. At the beginning, you believe that you are just a separate person and there is an external world. Then, you believe that a person can achieve happiness/peace via substances, some actions. Then, you realize that there is no separate person, happiness/peace doesn't depend on anything, and you are it. Any step doesn't deny spiritual work, psychedelics, meditation. It may or may not be helpful, all up to you.
  3. Not at all. It means there is no believing in a separate entity that can be high conscious and egoless. To be a doormat or not to be a doormat there should be existence first in which this story appears, you are the very existence. Live as one existence and the desire to analyze every situation falls away.
  4. I love very clear explanations from this guy. The MindScience series might be useful in a spiritual path. I am particularly grateful for introducing me to "A Course in Miracles" & "The Law Of One" materials. ??
  5. I like where you're going with the recent posts. ? Being is a good description, so is Consciousness. To have a description it already implies a duality - description and the thing it describes. On top of it there can be description of the description - good description, bad description, accurate description. What makes description to be accurate? A belief. If you believe that Being description describes better reality than Consciousness description, that's fine. The thing is, reality is indescribable. Imagine, you have an apple, you can't really describe how apple tastes. Any description of the apple's taste falls short of biting the apple. Here is the same thing, doesn't matter how to call it, personally Unicorn is the best pointer. But notice, in order to any description to appear there should be existence first, in which the description appears. You are before any description, you are the thing that allows for any description to exist, you are the existence itself.
  6. A Course In Miracles series are a m a z i n g :))
  7. @Mason Riggle I couldn’t agree more. Yes, this is always already happening: every moment is always perfect & everything is already one. Still, relatively speaking, saying that be as a rock, neutral, do not cling to the thinking, don't see yourself as a separate thinker may be a helpful pointer, don't you think so?
  8. Thank you for agreeing ♥️ Wonder who claims to agree or disagree? Is this entity really exist or it's just a thought, like a thought about ?? A rock doesn't claim to agree or disagree. Where is the claimer located, can you find it? Just be as a rock, neutral, just let the movie play in the best possible way, as one. ?
  9. @Gnostic Bean Yeah, that's a part of the process. It's hard to remember right now, but there were some fears here, like solipsistic one... don't believe in these stories/descriptions/concepts/ideas/thinking... at some point it becomes smooth journey all the time. Whatever thinking says, any insight, it happens because you already are. Without you it won't be any insight, you are the existence itself that allows for any insight to appear inside you. It's like looking into the mirror, don't believe in the reflection in the mirror. Look inside, you are the whole experience, you don't need to cling to any insight, just be yourself, as immovable silence, relax.
  10. Once there is a self realization it's noticed that you are a rock too. "As life is, it's enlightened" Osho. It appears that a human being awakens to the true nature, it's not. It's true nature awakens to itself. It's not even awakening of true nature, it's more like stop believing that you are a separate entity. So, your question becomes more like: "Are true nature can believe that it is an animal?". I haven't seen the animal shouting that "I am an animal!! I am right!!!", perhaps, except the human beings . "Are true nature can believe that it is a rock?". I haven't seen the rock that behaves like it's a separate entity . Rocks and animals are you, already enlightened if you see yourself as it is. Everything is already enlightened. Love is unconditional. Everything is possible, dream big. Only you can realize who you are, since everything is you. Don't believe in the descriptions about yourself, you are way more grandiose. This very experience is the only chance to know yourself, be grateful, live in spirit, inspire everything, just by being yourself.
  11. @Someone here Yes, yes, yes ? You won't find "outside|inside" in the direct experience. It sits nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.
  12. I would say like that: you are a guy, but not only ? You have more 'power' than you may think. You can live at peace, you can create what you truly want, you can share loving attention with everyone. Have you read amazing post from Nahm, called "The Path, Living & The Dream Board"? A lot of cool pointers on that. Godspeed ?
  13. @Raptorsin7 yep, a matter of time. I'm sure you tried the guided meditations from Rupert. Personally ?, those meditations were quite useful at some point on the path.
  14. Not even that. You are the whole universe, the sun, everything, creation itself. Love the vibe bro.
  15. It's about how deep you can accept the present moment. The acceptance should be so deep, even the "my" label should drop from "my experience". Then, there is only experience, that is bliss.
  16. @Someone here Roughly speaking, yes. The better pointer would be "not two", i.e. nonduality is duality and vice versa. It means zero separation, only one creator so to speak. So, a cat and your body are inside this creator... and this creator is actual you. Currently, there is focusing on thinking that you are your descriptions (e.g. 'I am a man', 'I was born', etc). Self realization reveals that you are not your descriptions, you are the whole experience that allows for descriptions to exist inside you.
  17. @Someone here any kind of separation ?
  18. Where is 'I' located that found a separation, in the head? ?