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Everything posted by Peo

  1. @winterknight Isn't sahaja smadhi permanent? Isn't sahaja samadhi an enlightenment experience that sticks?
  2. Do you mean physical death in the sense of me harming my body or ego death?
  3. @Leo Gura I died once in an enlightenment experience i had. I know what death feels like so now i look forward to my death in self inquiry. I'm ready to die.
  4. I dont understand how game of thrones can help me with self inquiry. Arya Stark is not there to find out what her true nature is, she is just telling him about where she came from.
  5. What about questions like what is My life purpose or what is science and society. I dont think enlightenment answer these questions. There are many more questions enlightened people might have about the world that they dont know the answer to.
  6. Are you dead yet or is your ego stil alive?
  7. My first enlightenment experience came when i was sitting out in my garden late at night. I was sitting there with a sillent mind and laser focus. From that day on i have decided to do my self inquiry at night time.
  8. Dont tell me that Nootropics has the same legal system as psychedelic. Are nootropics more available then psychedelic?
  9. It sounds dangerous to combine two subtence. You maybe need to at least start with smal dose in both Ayahuasca and 5-MeO.
  10. To be honest i would chose the blue pill
  11. I have been doing a lot of self inqiry lately and just detaching from my experience. I notice that all of my experience is changing and that is not me, but i'm also aware that i'm still pressent there even if the experience is changing. This I is not really there, but im aware of it. This I is just completely formless, empty. Am i just bullshiting my self here or am i onto to something here. What if this is just a feeling that the true self is aware of. I dosent really feel like feeling tho because it is not a normal feeling it is not really there either. It is really hard to explain. If anyone have gone pretty far on this path to enlightenment, can someone tell me if im just deluded here and i'm just bullshiting here and i need to keep looking
  12. Exactly i can't put my finger on it and yes it seems tiless. Im sorry, but i don't know what it mean and what it is.
  13. I have not read it, but i wil definitely check it out
  14. Hunt for rabbit or go and fish. You can go to nearby shop and get food to survive Start a fire You can pee outside and poop outside where people dont see you. You can use grass to take away the poop in you butt
  15. Almost? So you mean you have still have control, but everything else is not you that is in control of the now.
  16. Don`t you want to be god? You want to stay as a little ant? As a little devil ant. God is everything and you want to stay finite.
  17. When i hear about enlightenment, god and paranormal abilities i don't know what is bulshit and real any more. This is world is very magical and mystic so maybe past life experienced is not as crazy any more. Perhaps even dragons exist out there to.
  18. Right now i'm too young to take psychedelic durgs. I just wonder as the more i do meditation, self inquiry, other spirtual pratice and becoming more conscious of god will my psychedelic trips become deeper? I cant take psychedelic before 2 years so i will be able to grow a lot the next 2 years.
  19. @Leo Gura wil even my first 5 meo dmt become ultra deep like yours?
  20. The only problem for me is that whenever i try to ask who is aware of my visual field my mind saids it is a sensation in my eyes. When i ask who is aware of that again my mind says now it is the sensation in the back of my head. When i then ask who is aware of that again my mind says it is my chest. Then i ask who is aware of that again and my mind this time says it is the I thought that is aware. Finally ask my self who is aware of that again then it goes full circleI, back to my eyes again. I'm going on an endless chase on who is aware. I'm sorry for my english is bad.