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Everything posted by Ayla

  1. I have good and bad news for ya!! Lets start with the good one: Your psyche is setup to be able to live in the moment! YAY !!! Bad news: your conditioning/imprinting/experience have deceived you and make you doubt yourself, putting you in a state of anxiety, or what I call the "What if's" "what if this won't work? " "what if I'm not good for..." So from my own personal point of view, you do not have anxiety issues but self esteem issues and trauma to look into Best advice I could give you is to start right where you are, by accepting that it's all a manifestation of same Consciousness. Put it in a different language: "God says I AM" but devil also says I AM... Both are. So get the pressure off your insecurities and lack of determination, motivation, etc. Just make friends with them. Always start exactly where you are
  2. There is no way of knowing it but you surely can feel their energy field
  3. New topic in main discussion area:
  4. Something that pulls you towards it no matter how your Ego (mind/personality) tries to avoid or deny it. Exactly like hunger. No matter what you do, at one point you need to eat
  5. Please read guidelines for video requests:
  6. Please read guidelines: You could also start a new topic in the main area: Dating, Relationships, Sexuality
  7. One way I would do it is by telling myself that these are just stories my ego (mind) created to keep me separated from the Truth! Eliminate the stories one by one. The ones that tend to stick, sit deeply with the feeling they bring you. Just accept that feeling as it comes.
  8. Oh yes Leo, and please feel free to invite your Mods to join you if ever you think of first experimenting with them
  9. I absolutely do see your point and I do agree.
  10. ( I wish this emoticons list would be broader with some girly stuff )
  11. My intention is to make you aware that not accepting that other people CAN have all kinds of grievances is yet another way that Ego can slide through the back door
  12. What about if someone raped you... or your sister/mother? Or somebody killed your dog or your child? Can you see it then?
  13. In any case, if I had to chose just one... please take a guess at which one it would be
  14. I remember reading that Bill Gates (?? not sure it is him tho) drives one hour a day just being present within a repetitive familiar action, which give him great ideas... An ideal way to put on some CD with affirmations if that speaks to you
  15. SOMETHING keeps both the Angel and the Devil on its shoulders. Inquire into what/who That one is. Who is it seeing both Angel/Devil? Furthermore - both are manifestations of Consciousness - Devil/Angel so none is inherently good or bad. These are just human concepts.
  16. Loads of fruits and tender green veggies is perfectly sustainable BUT add raw soaked nuts too for oils. Listen to your body !
  17. Hey Leo, You mentioned in a post that you should do more "sex videos" so here's an idea if it speaks to you: Almost by default, people separate after one partner has been unfaithful. Usually, the cheating partner is the bad guy and the "monster" lol... the reality is much more complex - so should the solutions be!
  18. Well, I strongly advise you to cut out on $1 burgers and buy ONE veggie instead. Also, go to this part of our forum and write down your history. You might find people to support you with advice for your own area.
  19. For now, start focusing on what you CAN do - improving your diet, instead of what you CANNOT - seeing a doctor. Whether you have anemia or not, is not relevant. What is relevant for now is your low level of energy. Concentrate on that. First, do what you can. If results don't come, go to the doctor. Do not see this as dieting, but as a life course that will bring you what you want. I highly recommend Leo's video about how he lost weight.
  20. The most efficient way to get energy, no matter your physical condition, is through nutrition, not pills or pick-me-ups. Juicing vegetables have proved the winner for me. Green Tea is a good alternative to coffee but it has to be drank with the same moderation, as it affects your Iron levels which leads to anemia. Meditation also helps as it makes you aware of the amount of energy to spend on "ruminating" negative thoughts.
  21. I believe that your diet should follow your state of mind, not vice-versa. What I mean is that whenever you try to force some change - any change without your "vibration" (in lack of a better term) to match it, it will end up as a struggle and yet another "doing" and will lead to frustration, and so not much benefit will derive from it on a holistic level.
  22. My point of view on this topic is that everything is ultimately a manifestation of consciousness - even Ego, even "mistakes".. This will help alleviate the pressure off the decision.
  23. Most...more than...less than, are just worldly perspectives. That is a believe you hold. Question it and see where it comes from and why you are holding on to it. It might bring some deep inner revelations
  24. This is how I see this: Your body is attached to smoking Your mind is attached to no smoking Relinquish the attachment of mind first and see what happens