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Everything posted by Ayla

  1. This too, shall be finished in a little bit of "time" ... Keep perceiving. You.
  2. You'd be surprised how many things a serious astrology could tell about "personal you and your life" by just knowing your birth data
  3. YES! And where are you in all that? What is the role that you are playing in all that NO-thingness ?
  4. No need to force. No need to imagine. No need to search for it. Lean "back into that
  5. Is something/someone witnessing this experiencing? what does this one look like? what it is that is being experienced?
  6. Is there something/one there experiencing?
  7. Is there an experiencer of that?
  8. It is a VERY accurate science. Still, it only applies to the PERSON that you are. Once the person has been transcended, no more searching for anything at all.
  9. @WelcometoReality OK, now leave the I AM too. Just drop it. Drop oneness, drop love, drop everything. What is there left?
  10. Who is asking this? Relax into it. You know it already. Stop striving. Questions and worries are just seem. You are already that.
  11. Basking into Love for all that is, was and ever will be... Quiet shower of love... Immersing itself into itself.. Quiet love. Keep quiet.
  12. I have been there... It felt SO frustrating and helpless!! All previous drama was coming up and out to get "me". Mind had become a monster.. Trying, striving, wanting, probing, poking, beating.... And then something gave up. Something just fell "back". Something just dropped. Relaxed into itself. Evaporating. Exploding. Expanding. Understanding. Seeing. Being. Peace. Silence. Present. TRUTH. Always been there. Always happening as it should. Clouds...all parts of a cloud being a cloud dancing within itself... Such is the beauty of who you are.
  13. It is in this type of deep joy and love, that one can really let go of everything that was an illusion. Because here, there's not your peace or mine... Peace just is. There's no I LOVE YOU... there's just love like a sort of a melting into other bits of love.. It is here in this that person-hood can be left aside for you to come into the full realization of the love that you really are. So so so much joy!
  14. Open up your heart to the understanding of how beautiful this world really is, how kind, how compassionate, how deeply healing, how beautifully peaceful and light, how nothing is forced, nothing has to be, nothing needs, nothing wants, nothing struggles, nothing hates, nothing calculates, nothing searches, nothing bumps into walls... There is SO MUCH LOVE here and there for you, with you, in you................................................. by the way, notice also that crying and laughing come from same place. Crying comes to this body here, from the expansion of joy when reading your posts and watching you unfold into your greatness...
  15. This to me is a sign that Mr. Mind can see its end coming and makes you feel tired, frustrated, frightened... so you "buy into it" and go away when it would be the exact moment to just fire Mr. Mind from the CEO post you've given him for so long
  16. @WelcometoReality As long as this "awakening experience" is still perceived by a personal "me", as in happening to a "you", it will tend to slip through your fingers. I agree with finding a teacher. You know who mine is (Mooji). There is no you to have an open heart. That would always be a struggle to keep up with. You just need to come to the "understanding" that you already are that heart and it is already open. When I say there is no you there, what I really mean is that all that you currently perceive as being you is a construct of different elements. The REAL you IS that heart that is accepting and watching and loving ALL that is, just because it is. No reasoning to it, no calling it names and concepts, no persona to filter through. Everything you can perceive is not you. You are just the "thingie" that watches all. Can you see how much love and acceptance you really have to simply be watching all there is? How spacious and how deeply compassionate you are? Still, those are just words, but I am trying to get you one step closer to who it is that you really are, a bit like a flower freely spreading its perfume. Look at the Sun being there for everyone on this planet, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. No judgement here. YOU, are even greater than the Sun
  17. There's a need here to look for what is it in you that is attracted by such a person? Relationships are nothing but an outer mirror of our inner childhood trauma. This is why, cutting him out of your life, would not necessarily solve your problem, as you will be experiencing it in the next relationship or another area of your life. Somehow, you associated "love" with aggression. You need to look into that. What is it that makes you feel that you deserve this type of a man near you? Self-esteem issues, sexual trauma, co-dependency - are things you need to look into at this point. Search this forum for advice, it has already been talked about.
  18. @Not nate This is yet just anther question arising. Let it pass. It is not you. Also, the ego you are talking about, is still part of Grace, as nothing is apart from it ever. Indulge or not, your choice. If there's a feeling of it clinging to you, sit with that and see what comes up.
  19. @99th_monkey Relationships are our greatest teachers. "I" does not get lost or confused. The Person still there does. The way to do this is by remaining deeply with the feelings that arise. Scan your body for how that frustration feels like inside body, while not giving any attention to what mind is telling you is happening. Those are just thoughts coming and going. YOU - ("I" - me myself you this that ) is what watches it all. So while you do this scan, do not try to name things, or judge them as being bad... just scan entire body and accept what is inside there. No need to force anything at all. Just be there with that. Sometimes there's a kind of "relief sign" when feeling has been felt through. Like a big sigh or a burp or a deep silence...
  20. @MattHayez You have done nothing to hurt her. You are behaving like a normal caring human being that you are. She has a big (most surely childhood) wound that she's trying to make you responsible for, to a point where she only sees wrong in your actions. Everything you are describing points at a very wounded girl that needs a good therapist. If you were my friend, I would tell you: RUN ! This has a big potential to transform you into an insecure frightened man, who lost all confidence in himself. This type of energy can drag you down for an entire life if you remain close. Tell her to go get help with her issues. If and when she is healed, and if you still have feelings for "new" her, you can always begin a sane relationship
  21. This hell - this performance - is not doing anything to YOU! You are the one watching this. This is only happening to what you are not
  22. Somehow, you think that is your foot and that is why it hurts - in fact, that is just a foot. Not yours. But the mesmerization (lol the word) is so powerful, it hurts.
  23. @Sarah_Flagg All this knowing, comes from mind. It has no value at all. If you read your own posts in this topic, you will get the feeling of some type of going in circles. Life will always put you in this position so that you find a way out. Everything that will appear, will only mirror this aspect of frustration. No matter where or what you do from here, it will always have the same underlying feeling to it, because it comes from the same poisoned root. The "I" you are talking about feels "scary" and "lost". Real I is nothing like that. Seriously search for it. The only reason you cannot decide, is because there is a split between your persona and the real I. It feels like pain. Your mind wants to trick you into thinking that there are things to do. That is not real. I also know how far from your reality this feels right now. I've been there. Didn't understand it either. Life has lifted away the things that I thought were vital, and left me right in front of what I am pointing you to do. Only from there, comes freedom.