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Everything posted by Ayla

  1. There's no "I" to transcend anything - that's a thought. Exactly like the thought of Santa that Leo loves so much lol. There is the DIRECT experience of sensations: see, touch, hear, taste, smell. Those are physical sensations that body is equipped to experience. Is there anything that a thought - that you cannot control - that there is the YOU there experiencing them? The focus here must be on the experiencer of thoughts instead of the origin of thought - they're all "external". There is no you in any way shape or form controlling any of them. Is we break this up, there is one thought that "YOU" can feel the cold etc, and another thought that "YOU" cannot feel dusty in his place. That is only because, again, the focus is on an assumed "YOU" using a machine (body) to assess what can and cannot be felt. Maybe this would help a little bit more:
  2. Are you sure? (You...?!?!) Isn't it more that actions are a form of extension of a thought combined with another thought that says "I have done this" ?
  3. Nobody is judging you here. Really Just understand that you will have to live with what each of those energies brings about as a result. It is finally... "your choice"
  4. Keeping your grievances is THE only thing keeping your happiness away.
  5. There are many scenarios like that in the world. As a general rule, remove yourself from the threatening situation. Seek to understand where the growth is and where you can be empowered by what happened and that hate feeds hate. Not forgiving someone is self-victimizing and/or seeking revenge. Here's a mantra I would suggest: "Do you want to be right/revenged, or do you want to be happy?"
  6. Sorry but... where would you jump ? **************************************** Now law of attraction principle can be life saving for some people that are in the middle of a traumatic situation or stalemate. As everything else that comes... it will also go from personal experiences as they evolve. It is just another step on some people's path. I actually think the concept is very cool. It can help people. Why not? Is there anything else outside God?
  7. @Andre , sure. Think about this: whom do that pain you are feeling affects? If you yell at a porcelain figure, will it be hurt? If you keep the hate and the blame and the shame, will it be hurt? You are now more equipped for the future THANKS to those experiences. You might be avoiding even bigger trauma because of the fact that that you have learnt those lessons. You might be a lot kinder to people because of them. This of a small mountain stream flowing down the mountain. In its way, it encounters a dead tree, some rocks....is the river hurt by those? It's just shaped a certain way. Now imagine a huge rock breaking off the mountain and falling into the river. Did the rock wanted to hurt the river or was it just how things happened? Who's to blame and who's to pity? Once you take the "bad" label off the things that happened, the forgiveness comes.
  8. Mind can't understand "no-self" - I'd say thank God - cause stupid people won't stand a chance would they? All that's needed is focused observation and honesty. Really looking at what is NOW and leaving behind concepts.
  9. @Elton Of course it feels like that. But if you truly leave the childishness behind and really look, you'll really begin to wonder if there is a you there controlling what comes. Can you actually come up with what thought you will have in 2 minutes? If you were able to pick your thoughts, would you ever pick a negative one? What tells you that there's a YOU/entity there having a thought? Another thought?
  10. The tree.. When you see it, it is colors and light When you touch it it is textures and forms When you smell it is is odors and fragrance When you taste it is is flavors and tastes When you listen to it is is sounds Now take several steps away from the tree and turn your back to it. What is left of the tree? A thought. The thought is real. What the thought is ABOUT is pure illusion. When you have left all these behind, does a tree still exist? Where? And as what? ************************************************************************************************************************ Do the same with your own constructed persona. Leave all senses and all thoughts aside for a moment and look. REALLY look. Aside what you feel with your senses and what your thoughts say... Is there a YOU there in any shape or form? Was it ever? Is this scary? What is it there that can be harmed? And if you never were, and never could be, who is there to be afraid, and of what? There's no DOING here and no PATH. That's the trap. Just look right now. ***************************************************** If you are ready to look, do it with integrity and focus. The danger here is that you grab these ideas and run with them, exposing them all over the place without having the real experience of what this all implies. You will use these concepts where and when it suits you, enter mental drama, alienating people around you, etc... Also there can be a moment where you have tried for a while to "get there" and mind has finally figured out a way to get itself around to make it all logical and neat...but without the real experience. There's a surge of happiness then, a sort of an ecstatic release that has nothing to do with the actual seeing of no-self which will of course fade within a few hours or days.
  11. We hear a lot of "do you resonate with this idea/person"? What does it mean? Let's look into this a bit. As humans, we come here with a spectrum of resonance let's call it. Let's say we have 10 colored pencils as a default. Now as children, our parents show us which ones are "good" and "bad" from societal point of view, and within that range, which ones they prefer, and which ones you are allowed to use in that household (family, culture, time-frame, etc). As a boy, you learn mostly the blues, as a girl mostly the reds. (generalization for the purpose of understanding). Most of us end up with 2-3 colored pencils by the time we are "adults". When we see outside something in the range of colors that we are using - we say we resonate. Everything else, is "bad", "false", or "unacceptable". Can you see the implications of this? Anything that is out of your range of perception will not resonate with you even if it is the best idea, solution, or person in the world. You simply cannot see it as such. This is where personal development intervenes: opening you up to "other colors" !! *********************************** Please, no book or sages quotes! Only direct experiences and opinions on my posts!! Thanks
  12. Is that OK for you? Can you accept that as your reality? Or it has to be bad... and if so, why? For whom? In what circumstances?
  13. How would one know? And why? :-) but yes, we can imagine and invent and... still, all it matters is that somehow, we know that we are.
  14. @Emerald Wilkins , of course. They are there to "lift you" up to one point. The secret is that there's nobody else but you to find the answer. No matter how much information you find out there, it serves for nothing at all until you really are ready to take the time and "look". Seriously look. And for real looking, you need to be "fluid" and "open" so that you can "resonate" with the wides spectrum of what is. The moste "solid" you are, the more you have fixed ideas and concepts and the less you resonate... and when you truly begin to resonate with what is, you realize that...you are no different from it. You are it.
  15. @Ryan_047 , yes, fully accept the fact that...as you say, you feel nothing. "If you can't avoid it, you might as well enjoy it". try it for one day. See how that feels.
  16. I do. But I am trying to point to you a way - a DIRECT way to see that this is just another story, an identity you attach yourself to. When you let that go, you're free. There aren't 10 steps, or healing or therapy, or understanding... there is just one step: Understanding that you are none of that. Does it serve you to understand where it all comes from? And why? We have all adopted numbness in certain areas of life. ALL of us! It is learnt behavior for self-protection. Does this help you? Maybe for now, or maybe for one aspect. STOP judging yourself. You are not a zombie, and you suffer from nothing at all. This is just where you are right now. Start from NOW and from where you are as being the perfect time and place. Can you somehow accept that pushing something away will only reinforce it? Think about lifting weights at the gym
  17. @nightlight It is never about the women you attract. They only reflect a part of your relationship with yourself that you need to look into.
  18. Just in case you're not here to attract any more of those.. (just a thought)... know that you are prompted to understand that you are looking for things to reinforce your opinion about YOURSELF: shallow, airy, immature, etc etc etc.... Really look into self esteem issues, it's never about "another" !
  19. When you look in the mirror, do you think that is you? If so, prevent that thought! YOU prevent it! ****************************** I intend this post to HELP people that are serious about transcending the self. Of course, there is nobody there to joke about it. There is nobody there to give any applause or judgement to the Joker either!
  20. Ego is full of techniques... best, worse....20 minutes - 2 hours - 6 hours... Do nothing IS daydreaming! Dreaming that you can be "in touch" with reality. You ARE reality. Search around you the concept of reality. Can you touch it? Eat it? smell it? feel it? It is a THOUGHT. Exactly like you
  21. If you think it might be the case, why would you need any "outer" validation (mine for example)? Look into that maybe Forgiveness usually comes first. Forgetting that a person hurt you deeply, is not sane and it will surface in one way or another. It is not real forgiveness. The only way to really forgive someone that you perceive hurt you, is to sit deeply with that hurt and feel it properly until it shows its "other side" - deep compassion, understanding and love, so that, next time that person comes to mind, your heart fills with joy and warmth. Now in practical terms, I've said it before, you might absolutely ADORE fire, but you wouldn't throw yourself into it. What I mean by that is that when you know that a person is not where you are in terms of consciousness or behavior, the most loving thing to do is to stay/keep them away.
  22. Of course it is. Now search for what it is that makes "you" chose one or another. Look carefully. Can you find any YOU there choosing? Or is it just a thought that pops up? Validated or contradicted by other thoughts? What emotion is there to feel behind eating an icecream? Or eggs? Is that emotion universal - therefore it is "supposed" to feel a certain way? Instead of asking for lists and many answers, work on releasing the pressure to fell whatever you're thinking you're supposed to feel, then ask if there is someone there in any way shape or form that is feeling/not feeling that Only use now as a reference. Not when you were 5 or 85. NOW.
  23. How to Feel your Emotions - a rough guide (which I will most probably refine further): I'll start by a bit of a dissection of what an emotion is: If you look at it closely, there are 3 components: A physical sensation A link/pattern A thought When an emotion - usually perceived as negative - appears, this is what is meant by "sitting with it" (in my current view anyway) Acknowledge the bodily sensation that occurs: tingling, hotness, itchiness, hardness, bloating, burning, shaking etc. You might want to find a name for the sensation BUT naming the sensation ONLY serves to isolate it so that it is not missed/blocked. If you cannot find a name for it, that's OK, don't go into mind mode to search for words. Here comes the second part - the link or pattern that you have adopted. The association between this physical component and the THOUGHT that is coming right after. This link is mostly unconscious and here is where awareness needs to be applied. This link is deeply personal and induced by your own experiences in life. So broken down it looks like: (e.g.) "tingling in legs (physical sensation) >>> THIS MEANS THAT (unconscious link/pattern/association)>>>>I feel fear (thought)" If you pull them apart from each other, there's no logical way to assume that a tingling in legs means fear... (void in heart area means sadness, tension in head means anger...etc) So first part of the sitting with the emotion is acknowledging/isolating the PHYSICAL Sensation: what is it that I physically feel? which areas of body? which one is most prevalent/intense? BECOME AWARE that there is a LINK >>> an unconscious association of the particular physical sensation with a thought. Mindfulness and presence is essential here. The thought that follows is complete illusion and needs no attention to it at all. Just leave it aside for now. ( I'm scared, hurt, sad, mad, angry.....) Once you are in this phase, the real work begins. Put all of your attention on the physical sensation. Yes, thought will try to come back over and over. Once you acknowledge the LINK, you can drop the thought. Gently be aware of the fact that the feeling does not mean anything, it is just a feeling in body. Focusing on feeling body resembles that of enjoyment of a piece of quality chocolate (or whatever else you enjoy deeply). There is no pain in a tingling, or hot, or cold... what hurts is the ASSOCIATION with the thought that you perceive negative. I'm not going to lie though, it does not feel comfortable at all but the only reason for that is because it is a physical sensation that you have avoided all your life (because it has been associated with negative thoughts). Keep your mind occupied with gently discarding the thoughts - I personally use a gentle "shhhh" to help me keep thought away. The understanding/knowing that the trouble is the LINK between physical sensations and thoughts will come gradually with experience, and will become the KEY to this process. Keep feeling the sensation. No judgement. No interpretation. Just the physicality of it. Anything that comes mentally has no relevance whatsoever. During this, some images can come up, some memories, usually very short and powerful, like a flash. Do not bother about them, they will remain there. Where even "experienced feelers" go "wrong" with this is that they start building on the story that comes up and lose the focus on feeling the body. That's why most of the times, same thing has to be worked with over and over again, until sensation is fully felt and released. The images or memories that come up can be "worked with" after the feeling process. Just bring back the image that came up - this is also a way to recognize it as something else than mind chatter: it is short and powerful and remains there even after process of feeling is done. It will have some form of a revelation about the implications in your life of what it is you just felt. It will usually reveal the pattern. That is not essential though. No need to do that or build a story. What is ESSENTIAL is the feeling. Last point I want to make for now, is a bit of an explanation as to why...: When something happens that we perceive uncomfortable, we usually tend to block it. Example: Your mom calls you stupid. You cannot contradict mom - she's your lifeline. But her tone, energy, words, look, makes your body react a certain way. You block that from your conscious response, but energetically, it remains there until you expose it. It is a bit similar to a dog that gets scared: it will shake like crazy until he feels safe again. When was the last time when you let yourself shake in front of your boss telling you off? Hope this makes sense and helps some people........