It's hard to escape the rat race without working for yourself.
The catch-22 is, when you start working for yourself, you will be working longer hours for the first 5 years than you worked for your boss. But once you succeed, you'll have the possibility to truly be free. Of course the next catch-22 is that by that point, you will have become so addicted to success that you will likely never go minimalist. At least not until after another 5 or 10 or 20 years of really feeling the pain of it.
This issue is veritable Sarlacc pit. Freedom ain't free.
All that said, deciding to work for myself was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
Here's some tips for your Project Binder:
You need a 3-ring binder;
One table of contents page that has all the projects listed numbered 1 through X (whatever number the last project is);
Print out a separate page for each project with the number in the upper-right hand corner and the name of the project in rather large font on the front of the page;
Insert all your projects into the projects binder;
Flip through your project binder a few times a day, and when you flip through if you have an idea write on the page the date and the idea. Anytime you mention a task that can be done -- highlight just that task with a highlighter. E.g., 12/03/18 Today I decided it might be a nice strategy to design attorney's websites after they give me the photos they want to use. Research if this is how web developers typically operate. I would highlight the last sentence in that entry because it's an action (I bolded it instead of highlighting, but you use a pink highlighter). Highlight all discernible actions in your entries. Use a pink highlighter because yellow highlighters don't jump out as much. You want the actions to jump out.
Nothing ever comes out of your projects binder. So, don't put anything in there that you're not gonna leave in there. If you need more space for notes, add a new page and use the same number in the upper-right hand corner of that page as the project that that page corresponds to. E.g., if you have 3 pages for project 39 in your journal, all three pages will have 39 in the upper-right hand corner;
On your table of contents page highlight your 3 most urgent projects;
Start to become a doer. Start to think ahead in terms of strategy. Identify actions you can take. Start to identify actions you can take now to avoid foreseeable obstacles;
Print the table of contents out and add as first page of your Project Binder. No other shit goes in your project binder. Just the table of contents page and a numbered page for each project with the name of the project written on each project page. Don't put any theory in this binder. Don't put your one-sheet in this binder. None of that shit. This Project Binder is just for projects;
Print a second copy of the table of contents page and keep it with you. Read it before you go to bed. Read it while you're taking a shit. This is your new reading material. There's no better reading material than your table of contents, your list of pending projects;
PM me if you have any questions about this because this is a really powerful technique I've developed here. This will help give you a reason to make the paradigm shift from thinker to doer.
Here's my Project Binder. Notice that the binder is on the thinner side. If your binder is too big, you're gonna be less likely to carry it around with you, see. Don't get too big of a binder. You want this to be like your new bible, something that you have in your hand and within arm's reach at all times.
This is an excerpt of my Table of Contents page: (I had to redact some personal stuff out of this, so this is just a sample.)
REMINDER: These are all projects. If it’s not a project it doesn’t go in the Project Binder. Keep your petty school and work stuff out of this Project Binder as well as your one-off to-do’s. You need to develop a sense of what belongs and what doesn’t belong in the Project Binder for this technique to work for you. A couple of themes of the projects in the Projects Binder is a certain level of complexity and a certain level of ongoingness. But don’t let those concept limit what goes in here either. You experiment.
Do Random Web Development Jobs
Do Random Freelance Writing Jobs
Get off Theory
Technical Writing: Get into Explaining Technical Problems in Plain English
Do Website Development for Attorneys in San Francisco
Never Skimp on Sleep for Any Reason
Do Daily Routine/ Schedule
Spartan, Ascetic Life
Maintain Autonomy and Creative Control with Career
Get off the Smart Phone – Watch the Web Surfing on the Phone
Get off News Websites
Get off Non-diet Food
Do a Small Picture Life Purpose Course
Work on a Book on Escaping Wage Slavery via the Independent Contractor Route
Do a Course on Teaching my Scheduling System
Get my Own Website Set Up
Work on Personal Development Book
Work on a Website that will Allow People Working on their Personal Development to Contract their Services Out
Write Blog Posts
Get my Own Blog Set Up
Do Web Development for Being a Personal Development Content provider
Don’t Talk to Other People about Politics or Work
Help People with Career Metamorphosis Work
Be 100% on My Own Side in Life
Practice Frugality
Nip Distractions in the Bud
Nip Addictions in the Bud
Become a Vegetarian
Career Metamorphosis
Do More Cardio Exercise
Do More Resistance Training
Adequate Income
Adequate Savings for Retirement
Take Better Care of My Appearance
Complete a Schedule Everyday
Get 8 Hours of Sleep per Night
Daily Meditation
Work on Coding Daily
No Bitchy Emails
Always Get Deadline
Privilege Financial Duties First 8 Hour Segment of 24-Hour Day
Post-It Note Method for Barreling-Through Projects
No Perfectionism
No Lost in Planning vs. Doing
Never Feel Stuck
Quick Turnaround of Projects
No Process Problems at Work
Know When You're Over-committing
Make Sure Projects are Sufficiently Specified
24 Hour in Advance Rule for Completing Projects
No Why/ It's Why Not
Never Rely on Anybody for Anything
Protect Weekends So They Can Be Free Time
My Passion is My Constitution
Practice Assertiveness
Stop Making True Mistakes
Sign a Contract to Complete Tomorrow's Daily Routine/ Schedule
Know Short, Medium, and Long-Term Goals
Enter Billable Time Everyday
Every Week Post Goal List, Accountability Report, and Progress Report
Be the Designer of My Life; the Creator Transforming my Vision into Reality
Just Create my own Life in Line With my Own Vision
Compete Only with Myself to Effectuate my Vision -- Don't Compete with Other People