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Everything posted by Arhattobe

  1. @SoonHei Serial killers don’t love themslelves I have a close friend that I guided on the path. He almost was one. What leo and you are saying stems from insane mental gymnastics and complete inability to look at reality with common sense. A serial killers life is horrid. With no love in any way shape or form. If only you knew how a person like that suffers you would feel ashamed to make such a suggestion. I have not personally had such tendencies but was introduced experientially to such a persons state of mind briefly due to energetic reasons, and it deeply traumatised me.
  2. A serial killer is consiousness. He most certainly is not love though.
  3. The traditions that lack nuance might say the physical doesn’t exist and end it there, but in reality. Reality is more nuanced. Such simplistic statements do not reflect the actuality. More advanced traditions see, accept and talk about that. Binary thinking is not helpful on the path.
  4. It has very little to do with what I want, or what Leo does. I can’t speak for Leo, and never followed his videos. He can speak for himself. What I am telling you is that the spiritual path , enlightenment, and awakening. Are not about philosophising. I became “enlightened” 4 years agoish, and nothingness just becomes evident upon awakening. My reality. I could “see” it, “feel” it, and “touch” it... sort of lol.
  5. ? Are you new to the path ? The spiritual path isn’t about philosophising.
  6. @non_nothing You would only care, if you had control blockages, or discontent. With the false view that some irrrelevant thing like good memory can have a positive affect on your life, how people perceive you or your sense of self worth. Siddhis, powers, and abilities are not only irrelevant but stem from deep seeded issues. So does infatuation and interest with them. If one shows interest. One misses the point. You can never have enough control, look cool enough, or be able enough to be content. Once that is understood and one reaches a high state as you put it, the simple things will become a priority. Like societies welfare, welfare of those around you.
  7. @non_nothing All I know is I’ve been in non duality in 4 years, and the depth of my experience has increased immeasurably, but I also don’t remember shit. I don’t need to either. This has to do with the relation we have to memory. Egoic man, and “enlightened” man to a lesser degree (in beginning stages at least.) Attempt to gather and use as much information as they possibly can so they can “survive” in a better fashion. So their “survival” chances go up. This is why the egoic mind is constantly thinking. It is trying to think of every possibility, every scenario, use every piece of information, and etc to figure out how to survive really well. Upon awakening, enlightenment, and progress even after that. This relationship to the intellect, and memory changes, and one places very little importance on the obsession to control. To survive. One lives without worries & cares, but also without the strange counterproductive relationship an egoic man has to one’s memory and intellect. Hope that was clear
  8. This is simply incorrect. It includes what you call “non duality”. But It does not stop there. It is not one dimensional. It does not answer every question with “who is it?” And “that is a concept”. It does not deny the reality of lives that are no in “non duality”, nor the humanity of those in “non duality.” It is nuanced, and paints a full picture of the spiritual path. Pre and post what you call “enlightenment.”
  9. Direction, and the fact that things are not coincidences and random can become more evident. This direction, which is synchronicities for example might point towards. Can be experienced, seen and felt in higher stages on non duality. In earlier stages, and upon awakening, however, upon realising that there is a lack of conceptual, and forced meaning the directionless nihilism that results from that realisation might make one completely blind to this “direction” let’s call it.
  10. Memory gets worse as you progress often actually. Most enlightened dudes memory gets worse and worse as the hey progress. Im speaking from experience but if you don’t want to take my word for it. Jeffrey Martin did a study on how enlightenment changed people’s cognitive functions and experience. He interviewed dozens of spiritual teachers, if not hundreds in his study.
  11. This forum can be odd place at times. People engage in non dual talk, beat a dead horse to death multiple times, argue about semantics, almost with a religious fervour in fact, cling to an unquestioned belief system that masquerades and presents itself as a belief system beyond “belief systems” with an undertone of aggression as they pat themselves on the back. What is the use? Any of the behaviours I’ve listed greatly limit those that engage in such behaviours. Maybe honestly reflect on whether what I say has an ounce of truth in it. It might be beneficial or not. Regardless have a good one
  12. I recommend iawaketechnologies. Co-signed by Ken Wilber.
  13. There are rules and directions. Instinctually you want to avoid pain. That’s what drives you towards enlightenment in the first place. That drive. Is a part of the direction I speak of. That direction is what allows us to do our dharma. To awaken. To grow and etc.
  14. Once one introduces one’s body to more intense energies than normal, via psychedelics, kundalini or whatever. At times the energy releases itself in an unusual fashion. Twitches, flailing around and other sorts of things can even be common place. Such happenings are called kriyas. Don’t worry about it. If such things are common place I would advise against and be careful against psychedelics.
  15. @rounder if you have constant non dual awareness. Not “knowing”, but seeing and feeling wise, but have a lot of destructive behaviours and act “egoic” and etc. Then yes. Its quite normal actually.
  16. You are not enlightened if “it” goes away. Even on a shallow level.
  17. A dark night is simply ones self defence mechanisms falling away, and one’s fears coming out to play until they are both cleansed and removed from one’s system and does not only have to do with the loss of meaning.
  18. Countless traditions say the point of life is to reach liberation, that all beings work their way up, live their karma and dharma until they reach liberation. That, the possibility that spirituality even exists and just life in general. One can sense purpose and direction in it. It might be meaningless in the traditional meaning of the word but it is not without direction, intelligence or without sense. Thise aspects of the self are what I refer to as dharma, as non conceptual meaning. Just clarifying myself. Not trying to convince you because I don’t think I can lol. Let’s agree to disagree. cheers
  19. @Leo Gura Nihilism is not true. It might appear that way at first glance. When one plunged into non duality. I became extremely apathetic due to that when I awakened. Turned into somewhat of a cu** matter of fact. As I grew. I started experiencing, a direction that is inconceivable but can be felt in life. Just as one experiences the self. One can experience the dharma of the self. The growth of the self on a relative level within the absolute level. This purpose I would say is one facet on non duality. It is what allows for the possibility of non duality. I know you would disagree, but this is clear to me. Nihilism or nihilistic worldview is a byproduct of awakening but one needs to go further. From fake meaning, to meaninglessness to seeing the dharma. An egoic experiencenof this facet of reality is called god. Truth is those that experience in god, and those that experience in a nihilistic void. See two sides of one coin. The coin contains both sides, and only together can you have a clear view.
  20. @Leo Gura This is true. Reaching non duality is nowhere near the end of one’s journey or growth. Although I will add it isn’t only newbies. I’ve had teachers who have been in non duality for decades and still suffer. Depends on level of advancement for lack of a better term.
  21. @Mikael89 I’ve been in non duality for almost 4 years. Sentences like the apparent self suffers , and other non dual lingo are nonesense. There is suffering. It is felt. It is uncomfortable. 2 non dual teachers have even committed suicide.
  22. Nihilism is bad for every facet of your being. There is undoubtably purpose in the dhamma.
  23. Adyashanti, Ken Wilbur, ah almaas, jan esmann, Craig Holliday just to name a few all talk about how they suffer in non dual states, although some contradict themselves and claim otherwise. That it is the mind that suffers and it’s easily dropped. thats still suffering, and can be very intense. Ive suffered a lot myself in non duality. Liberation what non dualists refer to as enlightenment are not at all the same.
  24. You can be irrational at any developmental level. Jordan Peterson is a rational person in his stage. Trying to teach common sense truths that people in stages above him should have learned, but did not and have not for various reasons. The liberal culture that might be developmentally beyond where he is great lacks necessary values that he teaches. Things like responsibility, order and etc. Ken Wilbers integral model talks about how each stage has to learn and integrate prior stages. If you don’t, you will demonise people, misunderstand them and run into problems. Jordan Peterson is not a problem. He will and can be a gateway for productive development in numerous disenfranchised groups of people.
  25. @ground It’s my take on reality, and the path using Theravada Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism is quite a complete path. Anatta means there isn’t an eternal changeless substance like a soul. No any kind of self comes at arhatship, buddhahood after various non dual stages. first there is the individual. Then the first fetter “identity view” falls. A non dual self is born. Yet the non dual self is still in duality. It still has all the baggage of the self. Just easily detached with its newfound awareness. the existence of the issues are due to the fact that the non dual self. Is an individual experiencing non duality. true and full non duality, comes in the abcense of all these issues and the individual.