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Everything posted by Arhattobe

  1. On my path. I’ve met many enlightened teachers. People others called master. In various levels of enlightenment. I’ve gotten to know some of them, became their students, left them, sometimes there was even quite a bit of drama. Each time though upon meeting them. My mind that loved the idea of someone knowing everything. My mind that feared my directionless lost state of mind. That projected all its hopes on this person, viewed that person as a master. In awe I would speak of their humility, their amazingness. In reality I was just reassuring myself that what I was seeking was possible. Buddhas are uncommon in history. By that I mean Perfect embodiments. Perfect. Your average enlightened person or “master” is far from that, and far from being worthy of being spoken about in such manner. Learn from teachers. Be the best you can be, and outgrow all.
  2. @Preetom Some teachers say that if only we could understand and use the intellect properly. Which would be as a tool to function we would be fine. Sadly, this view is naive and vastly misunderstands the intellect and the way it functions. The intellect feeds off of our karmic conditionings, imprints, programming and every other piece of information it has at its disposal and as a natural consequence of all that information spews everything that it does. Clings on to everything it clings on to, and craves everything that it craves. In short the intellect is not something we can use properly. It is not something we can control. What we can control is what sort of information, world, and stimuli we introduce to it in the future. Through practicing a proper and holistic path. Eg the 8 fold path which I summarised nicely in a post. The 4 yogas and etc. We can feed the intellect healthier food let’s say. If we do that consistently the intellect will eventually loosen its grip on the destructive tendencies of the ego enough for an awakening to occur. Then you can take it from there
  3. @Aakash ❣️@Preetom Np. Upon awakening, and after entering non duality my lack of free will became evident to me. I didn’t spend time thinking about it, but it was seemingly a fact of life. That never really changed , but it became clear after I started teaching a small group of people that the way that concept is digested can be quite destructive at times. The misunderstanding of all pointers and teachings can be destructive actually. If we come to the wrong conclusions off of them. Interpret them the wrong way or if they get hijacked by ego (& they will.) However, out of all misunderstood “pointers”. I would have to say the most destructive can be pointers that talk about free will. They aren’t even that helpful ultimately. Nowadays, I have a more mature and nuanced view. Upon awakening, enlightenment and further deepening. A certain clarity arises in regards to “your will”. The layperson, however, can greatly benefit from the idea of a free will, and personal responsibility so they do everything in their power to liberate themselves. So they don’t get sloppy, apathetic, and settle for intellectual truths as “truth” and think themselves enlightened.
  4. The lack of free will be a destructive idea in the hands of the ego. So will the existence of free will in some instances. The Buddha sometimes ignored and devalued metaphysical questions for this reason. Grand metaphysical truths whatever they may be, let’s say can be boiled down to conceptual thinking, digestible for the intellect. Which they are not, but let’s say they are. You, as an unightened person. Your ego will hijack these theories, misunderstand them, draw the wrong conclusions from them, pervert them, and self sabotage on some levels due to them. So what are we to do with metaphysical truths? Forget them. Do your sadhana. The 8 fold path. The 4 yogas (Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Janna). Whatever it might be. Focus on the right things. Do not be sucked in by irrelevant games the intellect plays with itself.
  5. One of my kundalini teachers told me I could go into psychosis if I did a lot of psychedelics. He told me this while I was on mushrooms. Coming down. I already decided kundalini and psychedelics were way too much and counterproductive together so never touched psychedelics. Now to answer your question. Not going to get into psychosis, but you can develop a very unhealthy relationship towards the world from a functional perspective if your not careful, and can get sucked in to mental projections which would result in something you want to stay away from. In short if you have kundalini. Chill with the psychedelics, meditate, eat healthy, and maybe find a good teacher. I recommend sat shree. For most folks here, he is a great gateway teacher towards higher levels of non duality and nuance❣️
  6. @Beeflamb He has a lot of blockages, and a lot of energy in his system doing various types of shit to him lol. Leading to a lot of releases. His state probably fluctuates crazily due to this too. Anywho because of that it’s not something you want to focus on when your in an energetically receptive state. Someone who has been there, done that is a lot better. Eg Alan watts.
  7. Sat Shrees videos and his weekly talks are good. He is one of the more advanced teachers online. He does weekly transmissions as well.
  8. Headaches are common when there is more energy build up in the upper chakras than can be processed. Especially if you have kundalini. Can be quite common. Just relax and meditate less if it’s too much.
  9. @ivankiss lol you are the only person I’ve seen make sense here. Not delusional. Just seeing through bs good on you I made a post called 4 noble truths. It explains spirituality without the bs “non dual” teachings have turned into. Give it a look, can offer a non non sensical perspective.
  10. Communities with a specific purpose in mind will sometimes have little tolerance for behaviour, tactics and speech that goes against their main aim. This is quite understandable. Otherwise it would be a chaotic mess of nonesense. What I say myself often goes against the perceived reality and aim of this forum, but the reality needs to be acknowledged. No one here is a scammer. You can think they are lost, but you don’t seem so found yourself.
  11. Boddhisatvas are enlightened by your definition. Which would be dropping body mind identification. Nirvana is not the realisation of no self. Dropping of the identity fetter happens at the beginning of stream entry. Buddhahood is the complete purification of all bodies, emotional, subtle, causal without room for the slightest impurity. It’s the same as avatarhood.
  12. @AlwaysBeNice I had physical symptoms. So do most people. Some were “spiritual”. The energetic realms of experience and their realness is acknowledged by almost any proper teacher I’ve ever met. Sat shree, Ramaji, Craig Holliday, sadhguru. System and nadi damage as well. Yet here you are. “It’s all beliefs.” Existence itself is within mind. Saying something is within mind doesn’t negate its reality. Your body is in mind. Try getting shot and living on. The same rules that apply to the physical realm and the consistency of the physical reality, applies to energetic realms you can not perceive. I and many others I know, teachers I have met and studied under see and perceive these realms. They are a reality, and they affect you with or without your acknowledgment of them.
  13. A more true statement would be search for happiness and you’ll end up disappointed and frustrated. Seek to escape this world, and you will surely fail. Even if you convince yourself you’ve escaped. Deep down. You know you haven’t. So aim for growth, meaning, and dhamma as the Buddha put it. The term “truth” has too much baggage around it and is too limited to one facet of existence. The non dual perspective or what you are. Isn’t the end all be all. Finding meaning though is a great start. In your journey, in your struggle, in your growth, in your compassion and whatever else.
  14. @Girzo The damage can be in various places, chakras and have various different types of Affects. For me for example my kundalini didn’t flow naturally in some spots for example. The flow was very unnatural. I leaked energy out the top of my crown chakra. Extreme rapid heart rate, heart palpitations and anxiety on a regular basis. Extreme vertigo like experiences, and others. Most of my damage was around the heart and brain chakric areas. A now friend of mine damaged his subtle bodies defence system along with his lower chakras so he started interacting with and seeing the subtle world in great detail. The problem was that because of his damaged system the energies he interacted with wreaked havoc on his system. Made him extremely “inhuman” emotionally, unstable and just affected by everything. This dude could only eat broccoli for a long time, and interacting with messed up people really messed him up. Because he would recieve and take in their output so to speak. Output you don’t want to let in, and if you do you want to go through u. Other just become extremely delusional and almost unconscious. Mistaking it for enlightenment. They might think they are super enlightened lol. I’ve met a few like that too. Bad system damage normally occurs when you do strong psychedelics within a short time span. Never do that. If you suspect you have system damage. Eat healthy, stay away from mind altering substances, meditate, maybe fast and eat extremely healthy, and most importantly give it time. You can also pm me if you think you might have system damage
  15. @AlwaysBeNice I damaged my own energetic system due to psychedelics, and have personally worked with dozens of people who have went through the same thing. It wasn’t all bad but yep. If you step on an enlightened persons feet, they will feel pain, and if you damage the energetic system of a person. They will be damaged. People on here and some non dual teachers that don’t experience other facets of reality and their affect on us might easily dismiss these realities, but the very people you look up to absolutely acknowledge their existence. Sadhguru, Ramana, Yogananda (the person that popularised kriya yoga)
  16. @AlwaysBeNice Imagine non duality is a game. You can play it on an Atari. Pixelated mess, but the essence is kind of there. Then you play it on a ps1, ps2, ps3 and so on. Depth and clarity increase dramatically. Which is why teachers that are in beginning stages deny and reject relative life and the truths it carries as “ego”. Throwing out the baby with the bath water. They lack immense depth. Can’t really see clearly. Too pixelated. Too perverted through their filters that have a ton of issues and karmic gunk. VS The Buddha or Other famous figures that emphasise compassion, don’t make blanket statements and see great nuance and meaning in life. The insights that are gained basically are the increasing depth and clarity, and lack of perversion of the full picture. It’s way more meaningful that that though
  17. @Serotoninluv Not true. I speak from a large sample size. This forum. Other psychonauts. Its a similar thing to stoners. They think they have profound knowledge when they discover some “truths” but they are vastly hijacked and distorted by their lack of sobriety. Ego, and issues. So the biggest of truth can’t shine, and get lost in an ocean of garbage disguised and acting as truth. I’ll also add other tools don’t have the potential to be as damaging. Shunyamurti also talks how some psychedelic users that go to him have “fried” their system and need a lot of healing. This is not an attack btw. Nor am I saying psychedelics have no possible positives or benefits, but the amount of benefit they can bring to one’s path is vastly overestimated on here, and how damaging they can be underestimated,
  18. @Serotoninluv I have done 5 meo around 7-10 times. NN once. Mushrooms a few times, among other psychedelics like lsa. Have also been in non duality for a number of years. As evidence of what I am saying. I hit non duality without psychedelics, insights trickled in later. In a sober way and we’re expanded upon with clarity, but many do psychedelics regularly. With profound insights and experiences. Without a permanent non dual shift. These insights are then hijacked and perverted by the egoic blockages one has and they lead to distorted and fantastical perspectives. Ungrounded in the full picture. Even people in non duality can be guilty of this to varying degree. Hence there being stages in enlightenment, but if you aren’t even in it. Thats a whole another story.
  19. “Profound psychedelics insights” are nice, but won’t give you a clear sober perspective nor enlightenment. At best they crush old belief systems and paradigms and create contradictory new ones. Stop the psychedelics. Most enlightened people meditated and spent a long time in contemplation. Shortcuts do not exist. Id also like to add that if anything at this point your psychedelics trips are burning out your nervous system. As opposed to anything positive.