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Everything posted by Arhattobe

  1. @OrpheusNovum seeing hurt in others leads to empathy. Codependency is an unhealthy coping mechanism. the entire world is in pain. When we put out pain, our coping mechanism, our belief system, our experiences above theirs. Consciously or otherwise. We move away from empathy, love, understanding. Seeing the equality in all. strive no to do that.
  2. @OrpheusNovum Love deepens if we learn from pain, when we see the same hurt in others.
  3. Beliefs, and ideologies including non duality can serve as an escape. To run away from our hurt. True growth comes from learning from pain though. Not ignoring it.
  4. @Enlightened I didn’t read most the words lol so don’t think it’s their intimidation factor How old are you?
  5. Cool story bro. How you feel though? How is your love life? Eq? How is isness doing?
  6. @now is forever Yep. No real connection. Cool though @Serotoninluv didn’t see a relation to my username. just a personal observation with a bit of humour, imo at least. My bad if it was in bad taste. Just a joke.
  7. @now is forever Alright. Don’t see what that has to do with what I said though.
  8. @Serotoninluv this dude loves beating dead horse to death. Then dragging the dead Horse around in places it has no business being in. like taking a dead horse to an after hours club..... chilling thinking he looks cool.... not the place man lol @now is forever ?
  9. @Joseph Maynor A moral compass is important on the path. Without one you would look at yourself or the world honestly, but what you say has truth to it. Dont lose sight of the goal. Growth.
  10. @Leo Gura People are blind to their own issues, and magnify others at times. Nothing can be done about it, but if you truly desire growth. You should put the magnifying glass you put on others on yourself. You know your intentions are good amd see the good in yourself better than anyone else, but some of the bad, the delusional parts of you are also harder to see for that reason. Life is a good teacher though. The pain encountered on the path brilliant. We all learn. It is when we demonise others, and put ourselves above them that we stagnate.
  11. @Emanyalpsid You do realise there are multiple stages of enlightenment in Buddhism. Arhatship or nirvana is complete eradication of all conditionings. Nothingness is realized way before arhatship.
  12. @Tony 845 My bad then. Thought he just got depressed and awakened.
  13. @Tony 845 Tolle never did self inquiry. He wasn’t trying to awaken either.
  14. @ShugendoRa For me all my shifts have happened when I’ve been taking walks. Talking a long walk is a great form of meditation itself. I’d add that to the list, and also lessen the practice load. Too much might be too hard to keep up with. Unless you are sure you can do it. Asides that I’ll take a quote out of adyashanti’s book “the phonies don’t get enlightened”. Your intention, level of self honesty, genuine self reflection even when painful, and ability to see beyond yourself are all things you should do your best to cultivate.
  15. @Emanyalpsid I never said I’ve attained nirvana. My username is arhat to be.
  16. @Emanyalpsid Brahman is the totality. With that in mind I find your question odd.
  17. @Preetom Certainly not. The nirguna aspect is, but that isn’t all of me. Within the saguna aspect of reality. I still have cleansing to go through. @Emanyalpsid don’t get your point.
  18. @Preetom was drawing a blank for a second lol. It is a recognition certainly. Just a sense I guess. Sense of not being contained in the body. Game and etc.
  19. @Sockrattes That’s correct, but I still liked it and it helped me demonstrate my point in this instance better than most other things. Mahayana in general has a lot of pointless fluff and less substance than Theravada but it is good. @Preetom The root of the word Brahman in Sanskrit. Bra means “to swell, expand, grow, enlarge". Brahman has two faces in hindu mythology. Nirguna Brahman & Saguna Brahman. Guna = Quality The world or existence is also called the world of the gunas. The qualitative world. This world comes from, originates and is the other face of Nir guna Brahman. Nir Guna means without quality. What is referred to as the absolute. What realises Nirguna, what grows to realise that facet of itself, however is saguna. The two are inseparable. Upon awakening to the nirguna dimension one might apply perceived notions of nirguna (which are most probably not true) to Saguna. The world of quality. Value, purpose, meaning, perseverance and effort are all realities in Saguna. Which can lead to a harmonious existence between both. In other words with an incomplete picture they might seem trivial and meaningless but with the full picture. Their true importance is revealed. In regards to your 3rd question. Brahman cleanses itself let’s say. I honestly don’t remember duality because my memory has progressively gotten worse after non duality so can’t give you a proper answer. In regards to whether or not non duality can be expressed. Nothing truly can, fully. Eg A 50 year old man can’t truly express the love he feels for his child to those that don’t have a child, but he can try. In the same manner it’s inexpressable because of a lack of reference point in those not in it. Not because of its awesome splendour. Its kind of like when you put on a virtual reality headset. You see everything in the game, but you kind of know deep down that, that is not all there is to you. There is a sense of yourself beyond the game in other words.