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Everything posted by Arhattobe

  1. @tsuki The inability to think, and other changes that have made my internal life very different than before made me how such changes are reflected within my physiology.
  2. @Shadowraix You could say that. @Preetom 5 years actually. Awakened 4 years ago, but the craziest stuff happened 2 years after awakening. @Tistepiste My ability to retain and recall useful information is still pretty good or hasn’t changed much I think. I just can’t have an internal dialogue, and don’t retain useless information eg random memories.
  3. @Preetom Im not a scientist but would assume Martin and most psychonauts would have hyperactivity as opposed to severe under activity. I base this on extreme states that I used to be in, in the past. Such states are loud but don’t go deep enough into the subconsious. Subconsious issues remain. Its like the development of teenage love to the mature love for one’s grandson. One is loud, flashy. Other silent and substantive. I have no idea how many hour of meditation of done in my life. At certain points multiple hours a day. I haven’t meditated in a while though because it doesn’t change anything in my experience. Just feels like closing my eyes now.
  4. @cetus56 Thanks for the info and np;) ❣️
  5. Here is another pic. Can’t attach more than one per post.
  6. Gravity is a concept. Try jumping off a building see how that works for you. What you are saying is like a video game character saying it’s all code so there are no levels to this game, no knives, and no people, before a person attacks “him” in the face with a knife, and game over. “But it’s all code. What I am is the computer screen. Not the character” That’s cool screen but within the game regardless whether you see it as code or not there are certain dynamics. Karma is one of them. Your lack of understanding or awareness of this dynamic doesn’t make it less true. A normal person dismisses non dual experience as mere psychosis due to a biased worldview and limited knowledge, you are guilty of the same thing.
  7. @Freakrik First of all you need to understand that there is no unchanging essence or soul that reincarnates. A person is more like a process as opposed to an unchanging constant. When a process (a person) still has vasanas, cravings, fears and aversions. Those karmic impressions will lead to further entanglement and reincarnation. With the complete eradication of cravings, fears and aversion. The specific process of life that is you completes itself and ends in mukhti and liberation. Ill add that non duality or what is called enlightenment is just a positive step in the right direction. Cravings, fears, and aversions remain after such a shift in consciousness:) @Salvijus ❣️
  8. @Nahm I was mostly saying that for the sake of those reading. I know your stance won’t change. So let’s leave it at that for now:)
  9. self realisation and nirvana are not the same thing.
  10. Point of enlightenment is the stopping of reincarnation in most mystical traditions. "Through the round of many births I roamed without reward, without rest, seeking the house-builder. Painful is birth again & again. House-builder, you're seen! You will not build a house again. All your rafters broken, the ridge pole destroyed, gone to the Unformed, the mind has come to the end of craving." — Dh
  11. @Nahm No. Again non duality, stream entry, what you think enlightenment is. Do not rid one of ones karmic impressions nor subconsious limitations. What you see as “truth” is distorted by layers of unresolved issues, lack of true self awareness, escapism, and a number of other issues, that greatly distort in emotion, meaning and implication what you have experienced.
  12. @Serotoninluv Thanks ❣️ & it’s very true. The subconsious is where the majority of our coping mechanisms, unquestioned realities, modes of being and mechanisms of functioning lie that greatly distort reality without our awareness. According to Buddhism. Theravada buddhism to be specific. It can take lifetimes after stream entry to fully eradicate all karmic impressions.
  13. @Nahm thanks man ❣️
  14. @Salvijus ❣️ The subconsious mind, and our karmic body has an immense amount of impressions or karma if you will that it stores and carries with it. One’s perception, understanding, reflection interpretations, experiences and conclusions are all bound by the limitations of our karma. I’ll try to explain what I mean. Lets say there are ten layers in one’s consciousness. This is an analogy so don’t get weird about it. If you operate on the 10 level. All of your reality operates on that level. You aren’t even aware of the lower nine nor can you be. They shape your reality without your conscious awareness. What is my point. You can have non dual experiences, and be in non duality. Yet an immense amount of layers lay beyond your reference point and continuously delude you. What is seemingly non dual truth to the experiencer. Is actually “truth” ingested, that is altered without one’s awareness that becomes yet another delusion. Nirvana is the complete removal and cessation of all these layers. Reality can no longer consciously or subconsciously be altered, the wrong interpretation or implications (emotionally or intellectually) are no longer possible. It is not an experience. Any experience, even the deepest samadhis and insights operate are bound by the limitations I spoke of. Hope that was clear. If not I can elaborate.
  15. Thanks to both of you. Or should I say. Thanks to my “self.” “The I that was before my mother was born”
  16. @Nahm “bill hicks” never left. He never was. There is only ISness in the NOW. Can I get an amen?
  17. @Aakash ❣️ Your a genuine dude. It’ll stick. Check out end of your world by adyashanti if you haven’t. Great for those that are in the midst of or just had an awakening, @Nahm ? I bet he hadn’t heard that one. You really helped.
  18. @Nahm what “man” are you talking about? The “next” sand conference? You mean the sand conference now? @Salvijus❣️
  19. @Aakash Relax. Stop forcing it. It’ll come. It’ll stick. You can’t make it come back, it will. Also it’s not a big deal. What seems like a monumental thing for you is just words to others lol, so chill. Will become very normal for u too, and then Ull or sorry ... “ull live the same life”. Same mental issues. Growth doesn’t end here even though it might seem like it according to your insights. They are just half baked.
  20. @Tony 845 because it is a major shift in how you perceive, function and operate and it’s a real thing. Also people in general people are prone to escapism, fantastical thought and dogmatism. Non duality gives something substantive each of those tendencies can latch on to. Mix non duality with all that and there you go. Im not saying non duality is worthless. It is a great step in the right direction, but the misperceptions of it people have, and the dogmatism around it are incredibly limited, damaging, and just plain old dumb. @Nahm go to the place before humour, before infinity urself and abide in that.
  21. Your fine. I had spinal problems. Didn’t interfere with my process.
  22. @Toby they gave a few talks together on the book. Assumed he was involved. Been years since I’ve listened to either dude so pardon my misinformation.
  23. @Toby the frog dude Tony mentioned. Forgot his name. Also adyashanti wrote a book with a guy. Resurrecting Jesus. Good book for what comes after mere realisation. Francis bennet. Christian mystic. Entered non duality. He is now a transgendered person. And clearly is in pain. Dude sees other realms and shit as well. Edit : Wayne wirs is his name