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Everything posted by Beeflamb

  1. I just had a huge realization about how insanely intelligent the universe is in that it was able to design and create such complex being such as humans or beautiful animals such as birds or peacocks. Then I compared that to our human intelligence. How we are creating such beautiful and incredibly complex technology such as smartphones and AI After that it just kind of hit me at how infinite intelligence really is. We were created by intelligence and are now are creating new intelligence in a new form, just as human intelligence is different from god intelligence. And if time is infinite it seems like this infinite intelligence will just keep manifesting itself into new forms infinitely as perhaps it has already had an infinite number of forms before us. And then this just reinforced for me the idea that we cannot "think" our way to genius or innovative new ideas. The source of this comes from that which we were created by, the already present intelligence that surrounds us and is far beyond that of the human thinking mind. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Sometimes I can't tell if I'm a genius or just insane. I want to breakthrough to the point where I no longer judge myself by how much I "do not know" as I can sometimes feel insecure about this.
  2. I feel ya man. But then again, everytime I actually do get into a relationship after a short while I end up missing my single life. We want what we don't have.
  3. Just read this article: What are your opinions?
  4. I'm interested in what you have to say about Kundalini, Kundalini Awakenings, and how they compare to enlightenment. There seems to be an undeniable connection between Kundalini, the true self and the breakthrough of the self. I'm interested in your take on this, the truth behind astrology, horoscopes, the coming of the age of Aquarius. I feel that you are the only person who could explain this in a clear and efficient way and it's something that I have yet to find clear definitions or explanations of although I have had faint glimpses into those realms and there seems to be an undeniable truth to them. Would you agree?
  5. Is this recommended? For some of his really advanced topics they can be tough to grasp. Would watching whilst on LSD improve my understanding? Or would that be counter-intuitive?
  6. @Arhattobe Is that so? What kind of negative stuff is Leo projecting?
  7. Or is this type of content at such a high level that everyday society has no means of grasping this information and simply labels it as a cult society? What I've learned here at actualized has been very eye-opening and impactful in a way that lower level self-help has failed and failed. I feel lifted. Yet I find some outside sources trying to expose which again makes me question my mental changes. Perhaps I am putting too much of my faith into Leo after watching hours of his content, but it really sticks. Leo.... are you a master manipulator, or are we really living above and beyond the others?
  8. Hello everyone, Whilst blissed out on LSD and feeling slightly sexually aroused my spine started shaking, I felt a rush of pleasure and a movement of energy throughout the spine. I couldn't sit still and was very alarmed. As the trip came to an end, I felt an amazing bliss of connectivity and feelings of total and complete oneness to a degree that I had never experienced on previous trips. I felt the light within me was renewed and it was beautiful and semi-enlightening. This was about 6 months ago. While my entire life I have generally been a very emotionally detached person with little sense of self just from my introverted personality alone, I felt a renewed disconnect from the self after that day and I made an agreement with my inner light to always follow it's guidance. The next day I did some research and realized this was in fact the start of a Kundalini awakening. It was beautiful. It was then that I quit my job and began traveling to new countries, did some vispasana retreats, and while my old ego self is always present while interacting with people, I am almost constantly aware that it is just a mask I am wearing behind a true self. My question is, what comes next? Is there a fuller form of enlightenment I have not yet come to realize? I feel calm, grounded, extremely at ease everyday although I have no idea where my life will take me in the next 6 months. I am detached from all emotions but I still find that there is a desire for more truth, a bigger enlightenment, and a push to get this pent up energy out into it's full form. Is this just a never ending trip down the rabbit hole? Or is Kundalini just one stage in a bigger more complete enlightenment?