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Everything posted by Beeflamb

  1. @Yali True, but then again the homelessness problem in the US is far worse than most of the third world countries I've traveled to. It seems like such a simple thing to fix. Just give everyone a home and a supply of food but everything just gets more difficult as societies develop. The housing prices go up and so begins the income inequality problem.
  2. @Yali I like that... the grind of survival. It really is. Really takes a lot of work just to reach a level of having enough food and shelter to live.
  3. Currently I can make a modest living remotely by teaching online. Does anyone have any other suggestions for remote work/passive income that has worked well for them? I'd like to get multiple streams of income and really get my life going so that I can find the freedom to follow my passion. I'm trying to start a Youtube channel but it seems to be a mountain of work I need to do first before I can monetize it.
  4. I feel all over the place in life and in pursuit of Truth. I jump from one guru to the next, one research paper, astrology, psychedelic research, sparking new insights and glimpses into something that seems "bigger" and "more truthful" but only leads me further down an infinite rabbit hole. I stop. I laugh and enjoy life for a bit, I get bored. I come back and revisit myself in solitude and introversion. I also dabble into various spiritual practices, yogas, binaural audio, psychedelic trips, never finding an anchor in which to ground myself to, because from my understanding I am literally everything and I can't be grounded to one such character in the play. It is almost as though I've gone too far off and into the rabbit hole, losing touch with the physical world and not incorporating the two in a harmonic way. Feeling torn between being ambitious and just basking in the "be-ingness" of it all, not trying to achieve anything in particular as there is no differentiation between doing and not doing. Achieving and not achieving. Is there any reason to become ambitious and have a goal in the world? Aside from pleasing the ego
  5. How does one recover from not having a life purpose into their 30s? I actually feel as if I had a lot more direction and sense of purpose in my 20s, but with the introduction to the spiritual path, psychedelics, and the great disruptor that was the year 2020 I feel at the same time much more open to new possibilities and also stuck in a stage of dabbling around different lifestyles and paths without committing to one thing because I'm not sure where to go. I could go back to my old lifestyle but it doesn't inspire me as much now that I have experienced it already and now that I see the infinite number of possibilities that are now available.
  6. I did this for 6 years and traveled to 32+ countries in that time period. What I saw and learned was truly profound and life changing. My advice is to definitely not stick to the tourist activities and destinations. Immerse yourself in the culture as much as you can, perhaps volunteer or get a job in one of the countries you are traveling to, fall in love, try ceremonies with indigenous tribes, don't make a strict plan, just follow your feelings and intuition. I would argue that traveling even helps you along the path towards enlightenment. By putting yourself into a completely new culture you realize the conditioning that has been embedded into you from growing up with your own cultural background. You realize there are an infinite number of ways to live life and an infinite number of "truths" that can be created without actually having any grounding in Truth with a capital T. but that's just me rambling. but anyway your journey will no doubt be amazing and make you a better person upon return. Just know there will be difficulties along the way, but face each obstacle as if you were water, flowing fearlessness and unfazed as to the outcome. Have curiosity, try new things, meet cool people, and be present.
  7. Hi Leo! Hope you are reading this. I did 5MeO for the first time recently finally after a few years of following your videos. I got the message and I saw "god". And now I know. And I can see what you have created. You are using an "ego", the character of Leo Gura to guide people to it. You get a lot of hate and cause controversy because of the way you share your wisdom. You use strength, assertiveness, and you really drill the message out there on the internet that many people, especially those unfamiliar with psychedelic states find bothersome or "cult-like". Most gurus tend to stay low key and speak softly, which I understand makes it more difficult for those who need guidance to find. And since you are targeting the "Youtube" generation, those old school guru personalities just won't fly with these young lost seekers with short attention spans. It's really a genius move and I know that behind the character of "Leo Gura", you are one and the same as all whom guide us, and all who are guided. Thank you for your work.
  8. and honestly it wasn't as intense as I thought it would be. I smoked the natural bufo in a ceremony and it was overall just a really pleasant experience. It basically just felt like love. I was being embraced by love, like being held in a warm blanket and during the comedown was just such a comforting feeling. I must have had the biggest smile on my face. I can't remember much of the trip, but I remember it was very empty. I don't remember having any visuals, any sense of time, or having a self. I felt no fear. There was nothing there to feel, just love. And when I "came back" I just laughed. Like it was all just a big joke. It was so simple.... the answer is so simple. The 5meo experience was so simple. And now here I am, back to my ego self, still wondering what I should do with my life. I feel limitless, but choosing where to go is still difficult for me. There are just so many options now that everything is love, and everything I would normally worry about no longer worries me. I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose. So what do I do next? I feel like whatever I do, I might as well go big and bold, since there's nothing to lose anyway. peace and love y'all
  9. Why do the people who lead us have such a low level of spiritual development? Is there some sort of dynamic going on that leads politicians to develop that kind of thinking or some reason they are drawn towards those types of careers. (as compared to entrepreneurs, artists ect.. that often have a much better view on how the world should be and are at a higher level (on the spiral dynamics scale or similar categorization)
  10. I've heard that when they finally understand it they say they've made a complete loop, like everything turned back into itself. I'm getting somewhat of an image of it but haven't yet experienced it coming full circle. What must one do to get to this stage? How can I understand truth?
  11. Does anyone have advice on becoming location-independent? My intuition is telling me I should head in that direction but I'm not sure where to start.
  12. Particularly in the USA. Is anyone else feeling like their energy is way off? I'm finding it difficult to be happy, meditate, and find clarity this year particularly. I'm wondering if anyone else is feeling this and do you think it is related to our collective consciousness?
  13. Do you feel a deeper knowledge of reality and the self gives a clearer prediction of what the future looks like? I have always found the idea fascinating but with the addition deep and meaningful insight/awakening experiences my thoughts on the future have even further expanded.
  14. I feel the exact way right now, but it wasn't always this way for me. I have been living with purpose for the past few years. I think the best attitude to go about this is to be truly "you". This often requires some radical life changes and decisions that you're family/friends will probably disprove of (e.g. moving to a new country, starting a business, walking across the USA, becoming a professional butterfly collector ect...) So just don't get brought down by dogma or let other people tell you what to do. And as @aurum says having a spiritual practice will definitely help you to find that purpose. At least it helped me.
  15. I have some friends who were diagnosed bipolar. They often have grand visions about the world that are very similar to the ones I have had on psychedelics or when I am in an awakened state. I am not bipolar but are they just the same thing?
  16. Has anyone dealt with unexplained health issues after experimenting with chakras and advanced forms of yoga/awakening. I have had a strange pain in my bladder for a while now and doctors say there is nothing wrong with me but I feel like there is something wrong. This pain came to me at a time when I was developing spiritually, experimenting with psychedelics and experiencing my kundalini energy for the first time. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and if so how did you resolve it?
  17. Ever since I opened the rabbit whole I feel so alone. I can hardly relate to anyone anymore, including my own family. It's hard to form relationships since I feel so detached. I just go through the social motions and laugh a long but in the end I feel like I'm not really there.
  18. Does anyone's sense of humor become increasingly more absurdist as they follow the path? I notice I gravitate towards certain shows like "The Eric Andre Show"and find the nonsense amusing and stimulating, much more so than the more mainstream entertainment I watched before psychedelics and getting into spirituality. Is there a connection with absurdism and higher levels of consciousness?
  19. At times I feel like I'm a genius. At other times I feel like I'm an idiot. At times I feel ambitious. At other times I feel lazy. At times I feel bliss. At other times I feel depressed and lonely. When I talk to people I feel like I just become a reflection of them. I feel like there is very little of "me" aka the ego. Every interaction I take part in I become a different person. I feel like my whole psyche changes depending on who I'm talking to or what I'm watching. Watching Youtube videos I feel like they are all just me talking. (e.g. watching a Leo video, watching Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, stand-up comedians, politicians) I feel these dialogues fill my head, I understand them, I become them. But when it's just me alone I feel like I am nothing. I wouldn't be able to recreate those ideas on my own but when I watch them I feel like I have a full understanding of it. I often feel like there is nothing to say, just bathe in my own existence and the beauty of whatever this is. I do enjoy creativity though, This is something I have enjoyed since I was a child. I often produce absurdism or surrealist works of art because nothing in this world makes sense to me anyway. The best I can do is just let it flow out of me, which normally results in utter absurdity. I guess this is my calling? I've matured a great deal and experience a lot in my life so far despite still being in my 20s yet when I do what comes most naturally to me it's often just making silly little absurd artwork like when I was a child. Anyway sorry for the little ramble. I'm not even really sure what I'm trying to ask here. Maybe someone can try to give a shot at trying to analyze me. Or tell me if this makes any sense. Anyway, just love to you all. Everything is too beautiful
  20. This is very true. Look at any big Youtuber's channel and scroll way down to their first videos. Almost always you'll see some shitty low quality videos that would normally never get views but then you see the videos evolve over time as they hone their craft. Leo especially. I'm in the same boat as you
  21. I just use kindle because I'm a minimalist. But if I had the space I would prefer a physical book
  22. This was a pretty fair critique actually. I was surprised. Leo does seem to be pushing the envelope of self-actualization and enlightenment but in the end it doesn't do us much of a service for this plane of existence that we "exist on". I suppose if more people would awaken that could definitely change.
  23. Just finished watching a Joe Rogan podcast. Around the 29 minute mark he starts talking about his neural network he's working on and how eventually we will be able to communicate our thoughts non-verbally and in a pure and efficient way without losing or compacting the data into words. He then talks about how limiting language is and how impossible it is to condense the scope of our mind into language and words to communicate and directly sharing your mind through a neural network would ease communication and even allow for communication with previous versions of yourself. For example 40 year old you accessing the mind of 20 year old you. Instantly I thought of Leo and when I saw that. Imagine Leo in 25 years or so when the technology is ready and he is finally able to stop making 3 hour long videos pointing to the truth but instead instantly share his own entire wisdom and scope of his consciousness with everyone freely and instantaneously. A true mass awakening.
  24. @electroBeam A good point. I'd like to imagine if I ever end up trying 5MEO that I'd be able to get to the point where Leo is at. Not sure if it works like that but so far my psychedelic use has not gotten me to that stage yet. A few breakthroughs but it seems like there is more work behind it aside from just the taking of the psychedelic
  25. So I have come across a unique opportunity where I will be able to travel the world for free for one year. I am currently unemployed but am able to make some money remotely by working on my computer. I'll be bringing a GoPro camera, my video editing software and will most likely be using couchsurfing along the way and will probably be able to directly interact with a lot of people around the world. But I'm having some trouble coming up with a purpose or theme for these videos. I'd like to do something that at least touches upon awakening/high consciousness thinking and make it into an art or something. I know there are so many Youtube channels out there but so few that have an awakened characteristic to them. I figured I'd come here for some seeds of inspiration/guidance. Let me know if you have any ideas.