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Everything posted by kobe_ra

  1. hello, have you ever felt like you are a different person through the day than in the night? i don't know if the factor is light vs darkness, or the fact your brain is usually asleep at this hour, so it works a bit differently, or there just is something about the nighttime i do not know. i think i am not the only one with this feeling and i would like to know some other people's experience with this. for example in my case during the day i am more of a hard working, success focused persona, but in the night more emotions come out and i think about "deeper" topics and so on. i am not very good at describing yet, so i hope this shallow description of mine will be enough to make you know what i mean. :'D even some artists i listen to mention this in their songs, like "people who write their lyrics only during the day won't understand this" and so on. im looking forward for your opinions.
  2. hey, intro (skip): i have been meditating for two months already and i haven't skipped a single day and im still all hyped up, but my last week does not feel as progressive as before. so i decided to move to "do nothing" technique. start reading here: my question applies to both, do nothing meditation and (i prolly dont remember the name correctly) strong determinism sitting. in both cases i am supposed to sit without any movement. what i feel like not explained is eye movement. i mean, or course i can blink, but what about stare? should i stare at one object right in front of me, or can i look at different objects unless i move my head? for example today i was staring at plain white wall and my eyes felt really weird. im just not sure about that. other subject: i just realized i have one more question: is mindfulness practice a type of meditation? cuz i meditate daily 20+ minutes, but leo told to practice mindfulness daily for 20 minutes too. is it like i should take 40 minutes a day now or is mindfulness really just type of meditation and i can go for example one month with do nothing, other one with mindfulness? thanks for answear
  3. thanks, i actually realized that what i see is not important in that state as i was meditating today. it was funny, this do nothing technique tho. as i am not letting go of thoughts consciously i get to reach states when i actually have clear mind. but that lasts only a glimpse of second. right afterwards a thought comes "i am there yay" which makes me not there anymore. anyway, im aware that this process takes time so im just happy to watch my mind
  4. hey, i believe my question was already asked here, but i dont feel like going through 900+ posts ? so, im all alright with nofap, i see benefits but: what about endurance, if i have sex after a long time of both no sex and no fap? i mean i would be done in three strokes. shouldn't i build my endurance masturbating so i dont disappoint a girl?