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About Adilbek

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  1. But yeah at the same time there seem to be other "Enlightened" people out there that are constantly in that state of awareness. But also....they are not enlightened because no one can be. Only God IS enlightenment, but God is You, so only You can be enlightened really. But You are not the human that you think you are.
  2. It's like finding out Santa is not real. From then on it doesn't matter that you still have mental conditioning for believing that he's real or that you are still expecting a present for Christmas. This doesn't change the fact that Santa is not real and never was. You don't need to go and try to kill the guy that's dressed as Santa to "make it stick". So Santa's non-reality always had nothing to do with you as an individual. It's just a fact
  3. I would say spiritual awakening is realizing there is no spiritual awakening as something that happens. But instead, awakening or Enlightenment is all there really is. In other words, there's ONLY enlightenment. It's not something that happens to me. It's the underlying reality for any and all shenanigans we call life, so it has nothing to do with anything. That's the hardest part because we want it to be something but it's just not.
  4. Hey! Thank you, appreciate it. Yes kind of....or in case my loved ones get it. I use Obsidian where I create cards on different ideas and pieces of info I find useful. It's very easy to find stuff that I need too because it's structured like a wikipedia or a digital brain you can say, cards are connected with each other.
  5. Thank you! Might do a ceremony some time in life
  6. Good to know, I've never done it
  7. Hey. I read that a long water fast can be really good for cancer. The first thing I will do if I get diagnosed with cancer is go on a 10 day no food fast, fuck everybody else and what they say. Just me, water and rest. When you have cancer the food you eat goes straight to cancer cells and that's why the first response of the body is to lose appetite. The body is trying to heal itself but doctors tell you to eat because most cancer deaths occur due to starvation. But starvation occurs due to the fact that all calories you consume get rerouted to grow cancer cells. By fasting you starve cancer cells. It makes sense - if there's no food how can cancer cells grow? They can't. I actually made some research about it a while ago and put it in my Zettelkasten. Here it is below, I hope it helps: ---- My [[Algorithm Алгоритм]] for treating cancer: * Right after diagnosis - transition to whole plant-based food and water only fasting. * Limit calories to 250 calories per 24 hours, until symptoms improve. * Minimum fasting duration - 41 days There's a [[]] podcast on cancer and fasting: [Podcast: Fasting and Cancer (Part I) (]( * [Podcast: Fasting and Cancer (Part II) (]( * Reversal of cancer with fasting: [Podcast: Reverse Stage 3 Cancer with Fasting? (]( * [Spontaneous Regression of Cancer with Fasting (]( * 21-day water only fast reduced it Professor from USC that researched fasting and cancer on rats. [Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Cycles Retard Growth of Tumors (]( ['Starving away' cancer: One of our reporters tried it - YouTube]( TED talk [Can we eat to starve cancer? - William Li (]( * 40% of women in 40-50 have microscopic cancer cells in their breasts * 50% of men in 50s and 60s have microscopic prostate cancers * 100% of us will have microscopic cancers in thyroid by age 70 * [[angiogenesis]] creates cancer * blocked angiogenesis prevents feeding cancer * [[late stage cancer is when cancer is most likely to be diagnosed]] * antiangiogenic treatments target growth of cancer vessels. Cancer vessels are poorly constructed and are vulnerable to treatments that target them * [[diet accounts for 30-35% of environmentally caused cancers]]
  8. I had tinnitus in the past and was very concerned. I started digging and came across a piece of research saying that the majority of the cases are due to cranial issue meaning it has to do with the neck. so getting neck massage might help. There are like knots in the neck that need relaxing. We sit in front of the computer all the time so there’s buildup on tension in the neck After I started doing jiu jitsu I noticed almost immediately my tinnitus stopped or decreased significantly. I think it’s because in BJJ you are always engaging the core and neck and exercising that part of the body. I also noticed that regular meditation increased my tinnitus due to kundalini energy. I distinctly felt that. But that was before jiu jitsu and I didn’t meditate so intensely for a while so can’t comment But I think that in some zen traditions hearing tinnitus was like a good sign that you’re close to enlightenment. Even Ramana Maharishi talked about it
  9. Hey buddy, I was in the same boat. But then I stopped bulshitting myself with the spiritual ego and started to discover what I actually wanted out of life and going for it as much as possible. Mushrooms really helped me with it. Ironically they make you spiritual but at the same time they help you "kill" the spiritual ego bullshit that you developed as a result of following all kinds of gurus saying you should just relax. This is bullshit. Mushrooms just showed me that I have fucking great goals and ambitions in life and I want to fucking achieve them and there's no authority in this world to stop me. Mushrooms just showed me that I was giving away all my power to everybody and anybody and I need to take it back into my own hands. Life is very very simple, extremely simple. 1) Ask yourself, "what do I want?" 2) Go and fucking get it This is THE MOST spiritual shit in this world, because it's literally God's will unfolding. Your will. It is the root of life, love, energy, creation. It's pure creation. Life is what you make of it, because you are the Creator! All the best! P.S. I am no different than you, I still have problems and shit, doubts etc. But you will realize that these are just the beauties of life that you get to experience
  10. In the normal perception or level of consciousness we think of ourselves or our personalities as this one single thing. We don't even do that. We just think it's us, it's the way that we are as a person. After taking psychedelics I realized that my ego is like a symphonic orchestra of thoughts, patterns, actions, emotions, interwoven all together. They are just a collection of learned micro behaviors that I adopted for one reason or another. When I was on a heavy dose of mushrooms I was freaking out because I felt like I was "losing myself". To cope with that I witnessed how my freaked out ego threw out a phrase that was supposed to remind me that I am actually the ego. By that point it was futile but I distinctly witnessed that attempt to bring me back into the ego identification. That specific micro behavior was like a part of the symphony of my ego. I realized that my whole fucking ego is a collection of similar patterns that are supposed to fire at specific moments.
  11. Enlightenment is like a light that always shines. But it shines through the personality and it seems to you that the refracted light is not what it should be. Like the shadows of trees refract and distort sunlight on the ground. And it seems to you that the light should look exactly NOT the way it looks now and something is wrong, and this is definitely NOT WHAT IS NEEDED. But this is what is needed. Enlightenment is when you understand that this was THAT all this time. When you realized that because of the shadows of the branches, the sunlight is not something less. Even if you remove all the branches, the nature of the light will not change. And you slowly push the branches apart until the earth is illuminated by light. You already understood that there is no difference and never was, but for this you had to remove the branches first. But now you have removed them and the next time something refracts the light again, you will no longer think that something is wrong with the light I mean to say that the thought "I am not enlightened" is just a branch in the path of the sunlight that seemingly means something significant, that it points to a fact that you're not enlightened. But in reality it's just a branch that cannot change the sunlight. The sunlight is the same whether there is a branch or not blocking it. So it is IMPOSSIBLE to not be enlightened. Only enlightenment is and nothing else. Your belief of not being enlightened, and in fact your whole personality are just some nice embellishments on the face of enlightenment. You are enlightened right now. You are just denying it. The thing is, if enlightenment was something to be attained it wouldn't be such a big deal. But it's a big fucking deal. So the game of attaining enlightenment is actually played in reverse. You need to actively be denying enlightenment to "stay unenlightened". I put it in quotes because again like I said it's only a belief that you are not enlightened. So because enlightenment is so ABSOLUTELY TRUE, it takes a huge effort to stay in denial of enlightenment. The allegory of the cave is actually about enlightenment.
  12. that's why I think heaven and hell conversations have a place to be, because while we are in this "solid" state as humans we have a chance to a) realize we are God b) calibrate our reality to steer in the direction that we want because once we die, this vessel pops and whatever the vector was we will just follow there. Not because heaven or hell are real places but because reality is complete chaos..... hell and heaven are just simplified ways to warn ourselves and not miss this chance while we're still human. What do you think, bullshit or no? It's like being a human is like a resting spot where you actually have a shot at self-realization. Otherwise you're just floating in this endless kaleidoscope of God creation
  13. haha. If you are God though, seriously thanks for this life, this shit is legit good