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Everything posted by kag101

  1. Why are you trying to dissolve your ego? I think that focusing on Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a good way to create stability.
  2. I think that you were the one who was stubborn for insisting. In other words, you went into desperate mode, lol. I think it's okay to text as long as it is something reciprocal. If the person seems uninterested, then it's no use trying to force it.
  3. Hmm... interesting. ? How bad is this self-consciousness?
  4. I disagree. Self-help can be useful, but it certainly is not a panacea like some people claim. @SamC Interesting topic. You seem honest and aware. I think that's the first step to overcoming this problem. It's hard to be in a relationship in that way. It will sabotage everything. It's like a virus. I think psychotherapy can really help with that. I don't think that affirmations are enough, because love is not something you can "talk yourself into", it's something you have to feel. And regarding self-love, yeah, it's important. But you need to have received love from another human being before. Did you get love & care from someone as you were growing up?
  5. Mental health is so freaking important - yet so undervalued. What is the point of living if one's neurotransmitters are not working properly? My grandma treated for cancer for like 8 years. This whole thing ended up triggering depression in her. Her cancer was stabilized, but she was like zombie. Fortunately, the fact that I went to a psychiatrist who actually helped me get healthy mentally once again inspired my mom to seek help in that area for my grandma. And it worked for her as well. I feel grateful that I indirectly helped her to live her last months as her "natural self". She was making jokes, she met and played with her grand granddaughter, etc. So yeah... happy world mental health day!
  6. Stop trying to be confident; focus on being natural instead! We live in an extroverted-normative society. Whoever doesn't fit in the "alpha" guy is considered of less value. If you try to be "alpha", you might end up looking like this: In other words, cringey af. For many years, I tried to emulate how my sister is (she's really outgoing and extroverted). It was hell, because I had to force myself way too much and I was inauthentic. I recommend a book called "Quiet - Susan Cain". This sounds like a (hypo)maniac episode. I would also recommend you go to a psychiatrist to treat your mental illness. I had never thought about that earlier, but in my case my social phobia was caused by my untreated depression. As soon as my doctor found the right medication for me, social anxiety simply vanished. Nowadays I do get insecure at times, but it's manageable.
  7. Good point! I'd add that many spiritual teachers who act "saintly" often have skeletons in their closet (sexual abuse, corruption, etc.)
  8. This! Share your experience with those who ask for your input. You can't shove your "deep opinions" down other people's throat. There are few types of people who are more annoying than those who try to be philosophical and deep all the time!
  9. I started to get interested in personal development because I had unresolved emotional traumas (that ended up triggering depression & anxiety). During college, I was meditating a lot, pursuing enlightenment, etc. It was an overly inward kinda thing. I was basically withdrawing myself from the world. And truth to be told, my practices were not giving me results. I was half-assing self-actualization, It's as if I was trying to self-medicate my depression through self-help. It didn't work. Only when I started to treat this illness through the traditional approach did I actually start to feel like I was truly self-actualizing. You mentioned that you did therapy. How did that go? Do you still do it?
  10. So you're saying that this technique can treat cancer?
  11. Are you ok?
  12. First of all, it's hard for anyone to help you if you don't give more detail. Second, if you're not seeing any kind of progress whatsoever, then it's a waste of time to keep pushing it.
  13. evidence?
  14. Well, I think it's important for you to exert self-control so that you don't have a neediness attack. This is a sure way to repel someone. How are the other areas of your life?
  15. Why do you have this need of telling people what you realized? Maybe you're not as evolved as you think you are. Check out this episode: I agree. He's way too arrogant. That's airy-fairy. I can see if I read this years ago (when I was spending way too much time alone), I would use that to rationalize my social anxiety by telling myself: "Oh... you see? I don't need anybody. I should feel content being with myself 24/7. I am connected to everything." We do need emotional bonding with others. There's no other way around it. It's basic Psychology.
  16. I find this relatively recent episode to be truly motivational: It's not that Tony Robbins high-energy motivation (which I personally don't resonate with). Instead, it's a calm explanation on how to live wisely.
  17. I do like to chant "OM". I find it very relaxing and it's good to quiet down the mind. As with tapping, I'm done with it.
  18. If you can afford it, I highly recommend you go to a good psychiatrist. Depression and social anxiety are treatable illnesses.
  19. This is nothing but placebo. If you change the tapping points, the effects will be the same. I attended a workshop on EFT once. I thought it would be the answer to all my emotional problems, that I would be immune to depression, and that I wouldn't need medicines ever again (as if it were a secret ultra-powerful self-healing technique). Needless to say, that was a completely unrealistic expectation. I don't use this technique any longer, and I don't recommend it. For me, it was a waste of time and energy.
  20. Unfortunately yes, I do. There you have it.
  21. Congrats for being open-minded. Why are you in this "truth hunt" in the first place? This is not a valid reason to continue doing something. Is your spiritual seeking bringing you any benefits?
  22. I agree, namely a psychiatrist. It can be really transformative! I doubt that this has to do with your diet tbh, Wanting to sleep forever and escape reality is a classic sign of depression.