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About Inliytened1

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  • Birthday 08/07/1970

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  1. Thing is..when you are at that moment of either surrender or you don't. If you don't fully surrender then you might get all of this other stuff he's talking about.
  2. Wise words However remember the story of Eckhart Tolle...i heard he awoke after being on the brink of suicide and all fucked up in the head. And awakening healed and changed his whole outlook on life. Miracles are possible.
  3. Not if it's ego death. What Leo is saying is that you could get a whole bunch of other alternatives other than awakening. He's not wrong but that's the risk I guess you take with psychedelics. With meditation you don't have to worry about that. Here's my take. If this is already a hell hole for you than what the fuck do you have to lose. You can't die..because death is love. So there's nowhere to go but to awaken.
  4. It's Infinite Consciousness which is equivalent to Infinite Love. So all the fear is an illusion. But remember that's not a license to go and harm the physical body. No need for that when there is ego death. And that doesn't even require psychedelics it can just be self inquiry meditation.
  5. Perhaps that's because you want to live. Have you tried SSRis? They aren't psychedelics but they do help. I know you said you had trauma but you don't always have to face the trauma head on you can just remove it from the surface of your mind as if it never existed. Because it didn't. Meds can help with that if the trauma is too much to look at head on. That way you can still function and be happy.
  6. You don't even know what that would be like so how could you feel that that would be better. I don't doubt that your torment is real. Everything is psychological because everything is consciousness. So someone with lost limbs ultimately suffers only psychologically after the physical pain is gone. But do not compare yourself to someone else's suffering because you don't know what that is. If your torment is constant - and there is no hope for treatment - then yes I would feel empathy for you because there is ultimately no solution other than death. Death is not a bad thing . But i don't feel like you are there yet. You're here posting on this forum. You want help and you can get help. Solutions can be available to you if you want them.
  7. Nice. Yeah Tolkein is the best. And did you know Gandalf was enlightened? 😉 After his battle with the balrog he died and returned.
  8. The only way I can describe it is the slow dismantling of the ego. Suffering is the pain of the ego. Spiritual Truth is that the ego doesn't exist- it is an illusion. So the chipping away of this illusion is what ultimately leads to Absolute Truth.
  9. You're asking for a ban. Jesus Christ is just one name for God.
  10. Then you have not truly awoken.
  11. Yes. But paradoxically those that hold attachments to this world ultimately endure an insane amount of suffering which also leads to awakening. All roads lead to Rome. If you are meant to awaken you will.
  12. Yes you have. Infinity.
  13. Very nice. Take time to integrate stuff and then hit us up again. But yeah I know in the moment you can literally be experiencing God. I experienced God on this very forum live years ago. Take time to integrate everything and then give us a trip report and your experience. The live experience is like no other though and if you are awakening now so be it. I don't expect an actual report because you are already awake 🙃
  14. Love it Sauron.