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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That still wouldn't work. All your master courses you're gonna put out about guiding someone to awakening. It's nice - but they have to wake themselves up - if you get my drift. They have to self inquire. Really self inquire. Not let someone do it for them. They can also listen to your very first enlightenment episodes. That's all they need. But they have to want to.
  2. You missed the most important part. Enlightenment is realizing you are not an entity behind the eyes - you're not even the soul. All of that is an illusion. When you realize this - you become the God Mind You become it. This isn't concept- it is Being.
  3. Its exactly like your dream at night. Nothing more - Nothing less. But it's Infinite - and that makes it Love.
  4. You are self and other..see?. Shift Consciousness. Watch the what is perception video. The self you think you are is like a negative sculpture. You're the whole thing.
  5. Self inquiry. Lots of it. Mixed with do nothing meditation and concentration meditation.
  6. Low quality post. Male your posts more descriptive. I'll leave it open so you can explain yourself further.
  7. It is not beyond your comprehension. You are an extremely intelligent young man. You should take heart that God - an Infinitely intelligent mind, does not do anything randomly. Even chaos has order. It has a reason for your existence, you just have yet to discover that. Perhaps it is to make you understand that "wants" - and I noticed a lot of "wants" in your post - matter little. This does take much wisdom to realize. God has to fuck with you to make you understand things- he can't just give you the cheat codes, as much as you want them. But rest assured there is a method to the madness, albeit hidden masterfully. You still have many years to go, and much wisdom to gain. God wants this for you - even if you dont yet see it yourself.
  8. Heh....interesting- but check this - what IS the worst life ever? Isn't that, well, relative- and being deemed the worst from the perspective of survival? Interesting.... God is a brilliant architect, is "he" not?!!! Your current understanding is accurate. Of course - to go a step further, there is just an appearance of a room, and arms, and the body. You are not in reality - you ARE reality. All that is left is to realize you are reality by becoming it. You don't get to the bottom of reality through concept. It is only at first order - by Being it - that true understanding happens. But yes, your intuition about things being off concerning the concept that you will live out every possibility is correct. Your present experience is Infinity. This is Infinity. In fact you ARE Infinity ? Only it/you is/are masked by the appearance of finitude - and boy is God good at putting on masks!
  9. Enter quantum mechanics Heck, before his death - Einstein got it. But was he a mystic? Hmm...not so sure
  10. I know we are anthropomorphizing God here, but you did that for an eternity and got bored. So here you are. Now you are bored with this experience too. What is gonna take to make you happy? Would you prefer to be a chair? Or maybe the light pole down the street?
  11. I've died. I died after two weeks of meditation in 2018.
  12. It works. You just can't seek enlightenment it has to surprise the ego. If you sit in meditation long enough you will have an awakening. It's just that most people don't because they are stuck tightly to the dream. They have survival needs and they only care about surviving in this dream as the self. They never bother to self inquire or turn inwards. If they did this long enough they would experience their own death. Psychedelics can bring this on without meditation- but again, if one is still not inquiring into existence and what they are, they will only experience what the ego wants them to.
  13. Yes and in fact It is the love for others and selflessness that awakens you from this selfish individual dream you are dreaming!
  14. He is correct though - the problem is he hasn't had God realization yet - so he views all of this as something negative. I don't prefer to use the word solipsism because he isn't a human actually. He is pure Mind. All of "his" perceptions are rather recontextualized as Being. And because he hasn't had a shift in Consciousness to Divine Consciousness- (ego death) which is awakening from the dream - he spins some negative twist to reality when in fact if he awakens to this directly it would actually be liberation.
  15. A teacher ain't gonna enlighten you bro. This takes turning inward. I recommend you perform self inquiry and do nothing mediation practices. But it's a terrible trap to put your faith into an enlightened master. For even if they are enlightened you would be putting your authority into them and thus never taking back your own as God. Self inquiry will allow you to realize no self and bring you God realization- where a teacher can only feed you concepts and keep you stuck in them. P.S. @SOULis doing you a favor by refusing his services
  16. It's just an Infinite dream. It doesn't require any type of evolution.
  17. It is to understand that there is no objective reality- or nothing behind the scenes. Mind only requires the current frame, if you will. There doesn't need to be an external reality. An external reality or something behind the scenes only needs to be imagined.
  18. It is Absolute Truth. Your mistake is to label it as some belief and then hold a bias about it. Notice how your mind holds a bias towards Solipsism or the idea that you are Alone as God. Notice that.
  19. Appearance is reality. So as long as their appears to be free will, that's good enough. At the Absolute level it is God's will and you are God. So it is God's will. But you are not allowing Yourself to see your own Will, for the sake of the movie. Otherwise there would be no reality.
  20. @justfortoday you are beloved here and it's good to see you back after your long journey. I have thought about you from time to time.