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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The infinity of Gods falls apart because it assumes that within the dream anyone with a brain or who supposedly has consciousness is having their own experience. But what if brains don't have consciousness? Then a person becomes no different than a chair. So if you want to go that route, break a chair down to atoms having their own experiences. Then quarks. Then what's smaller then quarks. You can keep going to Infinity You can keep going- to Infinity You are left with Infinity
  2. Splendid. Not all of your psyche rebels against Truth. Otherwise you would not become the Truth on 5-MeO. Many would take it and it would do nothing. Your mind is curious about the nature of reality - and open to anything- and that is what sets you apart.
  3. What have you found out about the Absolute in your deepest trips?
  4. You can awaken to being completely alone as God. You can call this whatever you want. Bit you can awaken to being God - with all other being you - no different than a dream at night. Does that make you alone? Yes, from the sense that you for the first time realize that everything else including the idea of you is held within your mind as an idea. It will shock you to the core. But that is God realization. It also comes with Divine Bliss. It is not all bleak. It is only bleak for the first time God realizes it is by itself. It is a responsibility no one wants.
  5. And remember- it's Inliytened1 not enlightened one.
  6. You were always the coolest member of the forum - regardless of your level of consciousness. Your humor is unmatched - making you the coolest! The rest of us are just enlightened dorks. But alas - as any awakened master must admit - that makes me the funniest - since you are indeed a projection of my own mind as God.
  7. How much serious self inquiry have you done prior? How many hours of concentration meditation or do nothing?
  8. @SQAAD little beknownst to you, if you had all the cheat codes right now there would be zero challenge. You wouldn't be able to sit here and ask yourself - why cant i be God?
  9. Yup. By the way - I am glad there is another enlightened one among us now. That makes the two of us ?
  10. You are experiencing it right now. You are just experiencing it in a limited state of consciousness. But you can experience it as an unlimited state as well.
  11. Everything is possible because of Infinity. So a complete understanding of reality is possible in a non-dual state of Consciousness. AKA omniscience. It is something I've accessed as the God Mind but only while in that state of God Consciousness. Becoming God is becoming Infinity itself - so you ARE Infinity. Understanding and Being are One. Or you can say it as first order is the totality of both 2nd and 1st order.
  12. You will never awaken with this line of thought. The ego is an illusion and awakening is the dissolution of such illusion. But I understand the dilemma. I do. @Enlightement Awakening cannot be attained by an ego. But one must realize that beneath the veil of the illusion lies God or Truth. Truth is Consciousness- and Consciousness is all there is. And you are it. Thus, the glass can be broken. But it must be done with such a precise delicacy. A delicacy that cannot be explained here. Because knowing is not knowing. A simple curiosity into the nature of reality might do. Do not press down too hard with the drill, or you will strip the bolt. The perfect balance must be struck
  13. Be careful not to confuse the ego here. Here is where I would almost say it is an alien mind and what Leo is trying to capture. But you can't capture Infinite Mind. It is not human. It is not alien. It is not anything you can understand without becoming it. When you become Infinite Mind you understand. But only for a moment. And then it fades to black.
  14. This is precisely correct. The illusion runs deep. It has to - to create the perception of reality.
  15. Do you think that getting Leo's message out on Lex's platform would wake anyone else up? No. His platform isn't big enough.
  16. Correct. Because the ego - what you currently believe you are - doesn't seek Truth. Truth is the death of the ego. So it wants to steer as far away from Truth as possible. Absolute Truth is God or the God Mind. It is Omniscience. After enlightenment, you will be much happier, yes, but you have to realize the eventually you will come back down to earth and the ego will take over- with its selfish desires and seeking of happiness with external materialistic desires- so you have to stay mindful of your enlightenment to always keep abreast of the ego Yes.
  17. Damn. That would be punishing. But no one has the power to override God in the end.
  18. I am not against them - I believe they can definitely heal. Love you bro.
  19. There is no end to existence sadly - or to your delight. there is eternity though. But there is no true insanity. You cannot get lost in your own mind for eternity - you will always come out of it and be fruitful again. Hell only manifests if you let it.
  20. Perhaps that was your path but you were also ready to see God. The trigger can be meditation or psychedelics. But the gun must first be loaded.
  21. This is counter intuitive to most ego's. For example - I want to live forever as this ego. I am so attached to it that I couldn't fathom the idea of my ego no longer existing. So deeply attached. That's how God gets his hooks in you. And yet you want the opposite. Or do you? Perhaps it is the fear of the opposite that really binds you.