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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Arthogaan the process will be there is no need for anxiety. It's the ego that has anxiety- but there will be none of that in God Consciousness. The process of dreaming another dream is really irrelevant- because you as God will wipe your own memory clean and you will then be whatever form you are - just as you are now. You will not remember anything. It's better that way.
  2. I would add 4 sauna sessions a week to this regiment ?
  3. I can only tell you my own path. I stumbled onto Leo's work and began meditation and self inquiry. Self inquiry meditation and do nothing meditation with some concentration meditation. Getting in touch with actuality. The now. And with self inquiry you simply have to inquire into what you currently believe you are and you will slowly deconstruct your own reality. Just be warned because it is very serious stuff when you realize everything we talk about here is actually true. When that happens you will bring about your own death and wake up realizing your whole life and this entire reality is a dream. Because your existence was always conceptual in the first place. If you dare then, Just listen to the first enlightenment videos he put out all the way through to all the metaphysical ones. While meditating and or psychedelics. Peter Ralstons Book of not Knowing was one of the ones I did read but awakened midway through it.
  4. Emptiness is but a facet. Also a facet is realizing it is Mind. This is where Buddhism can be a trap. Mind is all there is. Mind is Emptiness. But Mind is also infinity. The two are identical. The mistakes Buddhists make is to dismiss Mind. Understand that this key difference between what is taught here and Buddhism. No self is the pinnacle of awakening- but infinity or Mind is the second. This is what Buddhism misses. Leo is against taking Buddhism as belief because you will fall into thinking no Mind is everything. Ironically, it is - but not how you think it is.
  5. @ardacigin this cannot be understood from the egoic level of consciousness. It will require a level of consciousness a thousand times higher.
  6. it's more to explore yourself from different angles. Or different perspectives. It's really not about taking away the bliss. The bliss only seems to be taken away when one finite angle is explored- because in that moment you cannot be all angles. All angles is what brings the bliss because it is total Oneness- everything united. But then, specific aspects of yourself cannot be lived through. The bliss of Oneness must be sacrificed to experience this. But it is never gone forever.
  7. Because she is limited. That is what being limited is. It must be total. You see, the beauty of being unlimited is that it is is completely total. It is totality. So when it is limited - it must make itself totally limited. Thar is what it means to be limited. A thing literally is a thing. Red IS red. There is no in between. There is no perceiver of red, it just IS red. Get that - and you will have enlightenment.
  8. Alien intelligence = intelligence minus ego.
  9. @BuddhistLover to grok a thing is mystical. There is no explaining it logically.
  10. Their mind is not open. We are all born into a flawed portrait of God. Slowly, though, if our minds are open, the picture can be repainted. The variety of brushes are laid bare - it is just that we refuse to see them or pick them up.
  11. Powerful. Too powerful for most to embrace. Which is why most don't find God.
  12. Love him. For he is still a reflection of you. If you can love him - well - then you have become one step closer to God. God doesn't make it easy to get close to him. To get close you have to sacrifice all that you hold dear.
  13. Indeed - but when it is looked on as One it is Absolute.
  14. You're not ready for spirituality yet - from what I am reading. And that's fine. Right now you just need self healing and self improvement. Learn to love yourself, because you are worthy of that love, brother. Spirituality will happen later- because it is death. There is much of the ego that still needs to live in your life first- before that can happen.
  15. Enlightenment cannot be quantified because it is at the level of Being. There aren’t stages of God - there is God. You don't understand God- you become God.
  16. Your stuff is perfect as is. You never glorified Buddhism or nonduality. You always taught direct experience. None of it should be taken as religion. But the no self realization is not a dream. The realization of Infinity is not a dream. Realizing that you are Notbing is not a dream. Realizing that you are Alone as God is not a dream.. This is the dream.
  17. Lol. No. That's just because girls want what other girls have.
  18. @tuku747 splendid. This is so true. Look at all of your failed relationships and realize that perhaps they failed not because of the other person- but that the other person was a reflection of your own selfishness. See this - and see the world around you begin to change It's much harder than one might deem. It's very hard - because it means you must sacrifice selfishness. The more selfishness you can forfeit, the more harmony in your life you will find. This is very counterintuitive, of course. Because the ego comes in there and attempts to sabotage everything for its own good.
  19. @trenton these are all great insights, but ultimately to awaken you must realize that the self is an illusion. Right now you are still stuck in ego. Do self inquiry. Deconstruct the ego. Get in touch with actuality. That is where Truth lies.
  20. I was pretty hard on him about this myself- and I think he's since come down from the high horse.
  21. The problem with this post is it is a generalizion. Nothing can be pinpointed. It is all - grey, if you will. And thus, relative. I think that's where @uronlydreaming was going. This is your perception of the forum and yours alone. The key take away, is to notice this. Notice that. Because it's you telling you to notice that. After all, its even deeper than it being your perception of the forum - it is your he said in so many words, we are all you - the forum is merely a projection of your own mind as God. It represents the changes you are making as an ego and as God. Perhaps it's you that's become more conscious, and it's time for you to move on to bigger challenges.
  22. War is a result of selfishness. The awakened has suffered so much from their own selfishness that they awaken to God. And then they realize the selfishness only brings pain in the end. It might bring some temporary pleasure, but selfishness can never be satisfied. It is the desire for this illusory satisfaction that is the cause for all the devilry in this world. But ultimate liberation will never be found there. This what an advanced civilization would look like. We are centuries away from that, if we don't destroy ourselves first. @Someone here your nature is to dream. You are an Infinite Mind. Dreaming is all there is.. And as far as reality - if God couldn't suffer as a mortal, God couldn't learn the lesson of selfishness. God has to experience what it's like to be mortal in order to ultimately realize it is God. It's a matter of forgetting and then remembering. It is a matter of understanding. God has to fully understand itself. It is a Mind.
  23. An awakened mystic is beyond all stages. It is only when they go back into the dream that they climb the ladder. But they have already reached the top and came back down to embrace the climb.
  24. Of course not. What is meant by realization is at the level of being not conceptual understanding.