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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. This is wrong. Of course it's wrong. Of course! Infinity always has to have a way out. The highest state must be pure Understanding. There is no blindness.
  2. It doesn't have to. I'm not saying a human is better than a rock - I'm saying I would prefer omniscience over being dumb. Of course, when you're as dumb as a rock you don't know any better, so it's as good as any state. And so in the Absolute sense you are right, there is no better or preferred state. But notice it took some consciousness to even come to such a conclusion. That is self reflection! Mind fuck 101!! ?
  3. Yes, but that is no ego mind, not no mind. When you quiet the ego mind you have a shot at Infinite Mind. A rock is Mind just at a low state of consciousness- almost null but still consciousness. There is nothing but consciousness at different degrees. Even when you are asleep you are not uncoconscious - you're just in a different state. The really low states you may not even remember.
  4. I would rather have more consciousness than less. The closer you get to an infinite state of consciousness the more blissful - because you will have more understanding and more insights. Being a rock would just be a bland existence. There really wouldn't be any ups and downs like you have with the ego - but it's those ups and downs that make it interesting. Rocks wouldn't have a chance at awakening - they really don't have the ability to self reference or go meta. That's an ability only given to the human.
  5. @tuku747 he should have said "people like us, who believe in physics, realized that their beliefs were imaginary, right along side physics. And that even they themselves were imaginary. Imagination is absolutely encompassing. It engrosses all that you have seen, and all you will ever see - including the eyes from which you see it from. Only that which realizes this is the source of this Imagination. That would have been Einstein the Mystic- not Einstein the physicist.
  6. You are my hero man. Absolutely hilarious as always. Keep up the good work Gonna pull a @Water by the River move here: P.S. Clown Consciousness will be the final Realization. You will roll around the floor crying like a little girl. Don't take my word for it - do the work. If you turn clownness into a belief or a religion, you have missed the boat. Clown Consciousness is derived from deep within. Stare at your hand for at least two hours a day for the next twenty years and you might have a shot at Clown Consciousness. Love ain't got shit on this facet.
  7. Clown consciousness is the pinnacle of enlightenment. Even Love itself takes a backseat. The funny thing is - I'm being serious. God is a clown. What would God be without a sense of humor to cosplay is the ultimate satisfaction.
  8. It isn't JUST genes. How old are you? You are definitely not the age of your picture. I am. I will be 53 in August and my enlightenment came at 48. That was after years of egoic selfishness, suffering, and mental illness. What sealed it, though, was love. Deep suffering for a person I lost. Then and only then- did I stumble onto spirituality. At that point everything had already fallen into place. So yeah, all I did was stare at my hand. Add a slice of self inquiry as well. Quite vital.
  9. There is something else at play - something not quantifiable.
  10. So meditation doesn't work? Guess you need thousands of psychedelic trips like @Artem
  11. No no. Ever seen the matrix where he wakes up and realizes what he thought was reality was merely a simulation? Awakening is exactly like that, only it is the dream of an Infinite Mind - not a simulation in some computer somewhere in a physical reality So awakening is final. But then you can reach ever deeper levels of ecstasy by deepening your love for yourself through your understanding growing deeper - not through knowledge but through Love itself.... The Love is Infinite. That is how understanding gets deeper, Love IS understanding, and vice versa. So you must bring those two together as one.
  12. A dream can have stability and consistency. That's what makes it "real". But what this really means is that there is nothing to contrast it. It is total. In other words, when in the illusion it does not appear to you to be an illusion. It is only after you step outside of it that you see what it is. It's all a mind fuck. God has to mind fuck itself and it does a perfect job.
  13. You shouldn't need a school or a guru to bring you to the promised land. And also - none of this is awakening. This place has one goal and one alone - and this is to wake you up. It's not really about personal development. If you want that then yes, go find what you are talking about. But that's not what this place is.
  14. You're gonna follow in his footsteps if you don't slow your roll with the name calling
  15. @OldManCorcoran wouldn't know an enlightened being from his own arse hole. Not to say this guy was by any means- but he takes skepticism to whole other level.
  16. This may come off as arrogant but he is not yet awake and it is he that I worry where he may be taking his students. Leo's stuff is solid. But nahm teaches a sort of no self idealogy that can really brainwash people if they aren't wary. As you said I don't think it is intentional. Realizing there is no self is the pillar of enlightenment, indeed, but his brand has been twisted and contorted. He is not intentionally doing this, he is just deceived. Moksha is caught up with the whole spirituality mumbo jumbo ad well - though I love him to death he hasn't yet awoken. Awakening has nothing to with integration. That's a total separate thing the ego can do after coming back or returning from death. Awakening is just pure Actuality or pure Being...there isn't anything to do or conceptualize about
  17. I second this. I recommended @Moksha for modhood back in the day, so it is sad to see him go. @Moksha best of luck to you my old friend. @gettoefl you're pretty awesome yourself. ? I guess @Artem didn't get your sarcasm with regards to him....:)
  18. Yes I have seen this too in folks here in the is very sad indeed. I did not get a sincere, good vibe from this guy - all I can say is no one should consider themselves students of anyone else. There are no masters. Everyone is their own master. They should think for themselves and do the practices themselves. As i always say spirituality is about actuality. And what they take in for a conceptual framework they must rely on their intuition, curiosity, and open mindedness - but never should they allow themselves to become paradigm locked into a corner in any way. And then one day the Truth will dawn. And that shall be a day most glorious.
  19. He may have had some mystical experiences- but his own arrogance has led to delusion. He was right about some things and also wrong about some things. He was right that once you awaken from the dream (and I did so via meditation and also just spontaneously) or has he put it, had the Realization or enlightenment, you don't wake up "again". Just as what has been seen cannot be unseen. You can access God states of Consciousness again, but you have already awakened. He was wrong though, about being in a perpetual state of God Consciousness. Yes, I can feel pure Being vibrating blissfully through me now as an enlightened being - but it is not all the time. There are times when this won't be the case and your consciousness may be in different states. But once awakened, the portal has been opened. It may close again, but it is no longer locked to you. He also came here merely to attack Leo. That was obvious. If he is the highest master on high as he says- he would not be that concerned with Leo or trying to fix Leo and save Leo's students. He also would have probably transcended teaching altogether. So yeah, he's still stuck on a lot of ego. But hey, all of us are to some degree - that's why we are still here in human form.
  20. Interestingly enough God can escape itself. That's where illusion comes in so nicely. So I guess God is of the omnipotent type
  21. It IS spirituality. Leo Gura will surely die when you become God. You are God now, but you aren't in God Consciousness now - you are in Leo Consciousness. So unless you are saying you don't care about dissolving egoic behavior - wbich in that case you are right- that is all just a nice goal of the ego (counterintuitively) then I have to correct you. I think we do agree though.
  22. You fell into a trap. You took it as a belief. That is NOT awakening! You have to awaken to Truth not be convinced of it. Be careful as the ego will even right now take Leo's words and either shun them or possibly turn them into a belief! The ONLY way, and I mean the ONLY way - to Truth is Yourself - meaning do the spiritual practices. Yes, be open and curious that perhaps this Leo character may possibly be one of the few teachers that can actually guide you in the right direction. His words may even trigger a spontaneous awakening if you are gifted enough - but your mind must first have to be open - and clear of any dogma - Then - and only then - you will BECOME the Truth - and you won't need to be convinced of it!
  23. Watch the episodes on Relativism. Also check out what is Truth.