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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. There is no they in spirituality. It's sounds cliche - but there isn't. If you place Truth into a model than you will always remain within the model.
  2. Placing spirituality on a spiral dynamic model is also a trap. Because then you will assign the highest point to another color, always missing what is being pointed to - that which is prior to models. I would abandon the model altogether or run the risk of being trapped within it.
  3. Egoic solipsism or turning Oneness into a belief, is indeed delusion. Turning anything into a belief or ideology is delusion.
  4. Leo - grow a pair. Do not be sorry for anything. This creates guilt. Realize that this is part of your growth and move on. Be compassionate in your actions not in your reactions.
  5. I prefer Aloneness with a capital A. Or Oneness with a capital O. They mean the same. If you assign a negative connotation to either notice this is a projection of the ego mind. To go a step beyond, my preference or yours means zilch in the Absolute sense. Interesting. Also to say solipsism is a mental illness - perhaps this is also subjective at the deepest level.
  6. @Holykael @Hojo I just hit the velocicoaster at Universal. And let me tell you guys - it makes reality look like a kiddy ride! I highly recommend!!!
  7. He is correct .they don't produce enlightenment... just like meditation doesnt... but they both may act as a catalyst. Enlightenment can be also completely spontaneous as well, the catalyst being suffering, previous life experiences...or no catalyst at all. Simply because enlightenment is fundamentally prior and all "causes" or held within it. It is Absolute.
  8. It will be total Omniscience. It isn't one thing and it can't be explained here. But it is Omniscience.
  9. Yes you did. You just forgot. You dealt your own cards then removed the dealer from the game. And now your pissed about the hand you got. Oh well. Get over it
  10. Yes, the mind wants a ground Of course you assume your keys are "there" are acting out a role in a most elegant play. As long as you imagine they are there, that's all that is required. The mind is the only fuel necessary.
  11. Quantum mechanics debunked materialism decades ago. But no one wants to acknowledge the ramifications of what was uncovered by guys like Neils Bohr, Einstein, and others. Simply because its so outlandish. It's like something out of a science fiction movie. But the kicker is that science fiction movies themselves had to come from somewhere. The mystical nature of reality is laid bare - its just that our logical minds turn the other cheek. It's simpler for us to imagine there is an external reality -because whether there is or not has no bearing on the fact that we live a world that says there is
  12. There is nothing wrong with him other than he is a selfish individual. The word individual is selfishness.
  13. You have no appreciation for God's masterpiece because you only care about yourself. That IS the masterpiece. Can you not appreciate the brilliance in that? It's precisely because you cannot that appreciation is even made possible or created at all.
  14. You get your sex drive back after awakening. It's like you wake up from the dream and then you back to sleep. Awakening and enlightenment are the same thing. Whether you are heterosexual or homosexual is something within the dream itself, awakening does not have any bearing on your sexuality.
  15. It's just God dreaming and you are IT. Don't get caught up in the content. Examine the structure. It is there that the answer lies.
  16. All fear comes from a lack of Certainity. So the deepest fear is uncertainty itself. If you were omniscient- fear could not exist. Becauze fear of the unknown IS fear. Roosevelt said it well. The only true fear is fear itself. But what is fear? Fear is the unknown. It is endless possibility playing out in your head before it becomes actual.
  17. You are correct. Aliens definitely exist but this ain't confirmation. This is more BS.
  18. Free will exists even if it is ultimately God's will.
  19. You believe him about what? That God is inheritently here to torture you and is an evil Being? Come on man. Do you really cut God to the quick like that?
  20. I guess you lost me. I don't understand what you are talking about.
  21. At the same time it is nothing - and it exists nowhere. This is the ultimate mindfuck. You ARE Infinity. So if you don't imagine it - it doesn't exist.
  22. It can be both. In order to experience selflessness you have to imagine something is separate from you and then give yourself to them.
  23. @seriousman24 it's interesting- because everything is absolutely relative....meaning the only Absolute is that things are relative. And yet - something doesn't sit right with me on that. A baby being raped may be Love in terms of it all being one, but there is something inheritently not Good there. The part relative to the human. Oh my God. It's totally relative and it's all Love in the Absolute sense. And yet - God will show mercy. God will not let you suffer eternally. The longer the suffering - the greater the liberation. The higher the cost, the bigger the payoff.
  24. @GreenWoods reality is structured this way to make it real- and juicy. If someone just gave you the cheat codes it wouldn't be real.
  25. Remember i said God is infinite intelligence so it does not do anything simply to torture you. Perhaps these experiences- while cruel to the ego - have helped you to be more compassionate for others - or it has helped you grow in some other way. Or perhaps it helped someone else grow and not you. It's hard to say why your father was abusive but that is only because you are only seeing the world from a finite perspective and because it caused the ego some type of anguish. But to say God will do this or that horrible thing, and that it's only a matter of time, is simply you guessing. You cannot disprove that all these terrible things you are imagining are all just imagination- no more than you could disprove me telling you death is imaginary.