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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Send me the hosting info and I will renew it.
  2. No- I said the trick of the ego was believing religion had some higher place. That's only because you realized that religion is closer to God then science. You grew up a child of science. That was what you were raised into.
  3. @Razard86 to futther this point grasp this: the reason you felt the church was more holy is only because you directly realized that God exists. So now - all of a sudden - religion takes a higher spot than science. But still- realize that it is religion and a belief.
  4. You are completely missing the point. There is no physical house of God. God is within you. Anything physical that you walk into that brings you closer to God is the ego again wanting to grip onto things like the Bible. The Bible was written by a bunch of wise unenlightened men. Yes - it is holy. But you can see the holiness in your bedroom if you bothered to look. There is no difference between a Church and your bathroom. The problem is the ego comes in and makes it feel "holy". But really the house of God IS you.
  5. The presence of God you are feeling is not because of the Christain Church. The presence of God you are feeling does not source from the Chrisitan Church. It is a trick of the ego to walk into a place of God after awakening and feel the presence of God more deeply. It is really within you. The house of God was always within you - it is the ego that gives it it a physical place in this realm with which to believe it is there. But it was always within you.
  6. Going to a church will do nothing. After awakening to God - stepping foot in a Church will feel different. Because now you understand that God exists. But prior to that - stepping into a Church does nothing. If I am speaking out of context I have not read your earlier exchange. I'm just not sure if I have to.
  7. The point is you entertained other possibilities. Many are completely closed off to this.
  8. No. It was your open mindedness. This can't be given to you.
  9. No one can talk Christianity out of you. You have to have an open mind and then be willing to do spiritual practices alone - by yourself - looking into your self. Meditation and self inquiry- to name them. You must be completely free of bias to find Truth. If your mind has binded to a particular belief then you are paradigm locked and will remain trapped within the dream. The only way to wake up from the dream to is be to be completely free of this, and open minded and curious.
  10. I just wanted to probe into you to see if it was sincere or if it came from selfishness. Clearly it was indeed sincere
  11. If i.asked you what you believed it was like to be a monkey, you would imagine what it was like to the best of your ability and you would describe that to me. But now imagine actually becoming a monkey and then coming back to me and trying to explain it. That's the difference Imagining what it's like to be the monkey would be second order. Actually being a monkey is first order.
  12. That is a show of compassion. I knew you had it in you.
  13. I'm glad I got a chuckle then I was just playing with you because I like you. So I will only apologize if you think it's the mature thing to do. I actualy don't know if you are enlightened or not. You could be. We've grown together through the years. You weren't back then...but time has passed. I'm glad we are on this journey together brother.
  14. He doesn't have to apologize. He did so solely from his own guilt.
  15. Then neither does Leo.
  16. I think you need to backtrack and tell them that Mind - infinite Mind - is not human. That does make it alien. But to elude that it is some type of space alien is misleading. God doesn't say - hey I'm an alien.
  17. What you have to realize is the you is not there. It's an illusion. There isn't an entity behind the eyes. Then you will realize Self. But Self is not something that can be explained here.
  18. You can start then, by apologizing to me. For all of your arrogant acts on the forum. I think you have misled us in many ways. And while you may be wise in your own way - you are far from an awakened being. So I don't think your advice counts for much.
  19. It is indeed a dream. I contradict nothing about your statement other than there is no ground to the beginning of what you are. Nothing has been uploaded. You are God in its fullest capacity. God does not need to be in an infinite state to be God. But - to take this as belief - is the devil. The devil is simply that which keeps you from realizing your true self.
  20. This is entirely correct. What threw me about your statement was that you said all of truth was uploaded into your consciousness. You already hold Infinity because you are Infinity. Limitation is simply shrinking your consciousness down into that of a squrrel...or that of a robin. Nothing is moved or is simply an illusion by changing the state of consciousness.
  21. I am speaking much deeper than you understand. This is not about other people this is about him. Apologizing is correct by what measures? By the human measure. If he wants to transcend that - then he will understand that this is people pleasing. People pleasing only brings more desire and more ego. Compassion does not encompass people pleasing. Compassion comes from within.
  22. No. It is because the you is an illusion. You are all things now. The illusion is viewing it from the lense of the self.
  23. There is no they in spirituality. It's sounds cliche - but there isn't. If you place Truth into a model than you will always remain within the model.
  24. Placing spirituality on a spiral dynamic model is also a trap. Because then you will assign the highest point to another color, always missing what is being pointed to - that which is prior to models. I would abandon the model altogether or run the risk of being trapped within it.
  25. Egoic solipsism or turning Oneness into a belief, is indeed delusion. Turning anything into a belief or ideology is delusion.